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Внеклассное мероприятие "Малифисента"

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«Внеклассное мероприятие "Малифисента"»



Storyteller –Кудратова Эсли 6 «б» кл.

Maleficent- Кудратова Сюзанна 7 «б» кл.

King Stefan- Агабеков Шахлар 6 «б» кл.

Queen- Медетханова Пери 7 «б» кл

Princess Aurora – Исмаилова Альфира 7 «б» кл

Prince- Абукаров Абукар 7 «б» кл.

Good magician 1- Нагиева Гуля 6 «б» кл.

Good magician 2- Гусейнова Амина 6 «б» кл.

Good magician 3- Ахадова Айза 7 «б» кл

Raven- Мамедов Самир 6 «б» кл.

Translater 1 – Гаджиметова Анжела 7 «б» кл.

Translater 2 – Асланова Разия 6 «б» кл.

Translater 3 – Рамазанова Эльгана 7 «б» кл.

Storyteller: once upon a time, there were two kingdoms that were the worst of neighbors. so vast was the discord between them that it was said onle a great hero or a terrible villian might bring them together. In one kingdom lived folk like you and me, with a vain and greedy king to rule over them. They were forewer discontent and envious of the wealth and beauty of their neighbors. For in the other kingdom, the moors, lived every manner of strange and wonderful creature. And they needed neither king nor queen, but trusted in one another. In a great tree on a great cliff in the Moors lived one such spirit. You might take her for a girl, but she was not just any girl. She was a fairy and her name was Maleficent.

-Once upon a time, in faraway land there lived king and a queen. They were very happy, because they had a small daughter which was recently born.

So, the king decided to invite a good magician to come and bless his daugter. But he didn’t invite Maleficent and Maleficent got very angry.

Good magician 1: My dear king, my dear queen! I want to bless your daughter. She will have a beautiful face

Good mag.2: She will dance like fairy, sing like a nightingale.

Good mag.3: She will be happy, kind and clever.

Maleficent: Well, well. What a glittering assemblage, King Stefan

Royalty, nobility, the gentry and....(?????)... how quaint

Even the rabble.

I must say, I really felt quite distressed at not receiving an invitation.

King Stefan: You are not welcome here.

Maleficent: (смеется) What an awkward situation.

Queen: You are not offended?

Maleficent: Why, no.........And to show I bear no ill will, I, too, Shall bestow a gift on the child.

King Stefan: No, we don’t want your gift!

Good Mag1: Stay away from the princess!

Good Mag2: Yes, stay away!

Maleficent: Listen well all of you. The princess shall indeed grow in grace and beauty , beloved by all who meet her .....

Queen: That’s a lovely gift.

King: don’t do this.

Maleficent: before the sun sets on her 16th birthday, she will prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning whell and fall into a sleep like death. A sleep from which she will never awaken,

King: Maleficent, please don’t do this. I’m begging you , I beg you.

Maleficent: All right. ..... The princess can be woken from she death sleep but only by true loves kiss. This curse will last till the end of time. No power on Earth can change it.

(смеется и уходит)

King: Listen to me all of you I order you to burn every spindle in the whole kingdom. Nothing will happen to my little daughter.

Scene 2

Storyteller: As years passed by, the gifts of the fairies were completely fulfilled on the young girl. She was so beautiful, modest, good-natured, and wise, that everyone who saw her, loved her. One day, when she was fifteen years old, the king and queen were not at home, and the girl was left in the palace alone. She visited every place of the place, looked into rooms, and bedrooms, and at last she came to an old tower.

Princess: I have never been into that tower. I will go up and see what’s up there.

Storyteller : She climbed up the narrow winding-staircase, and reached a little door.

Princess: I wonder what’s inside that room. I will take just a look!

Storyteller: A rusty key was in the lock, and when she turned it the door sprang open, and there in a litlle room sat an old woman with a spindle.

Storyteller: As soon as she touched the spindle, the magic spell was fulfilled, and she pricked her finger with it, she fell down on the bed and went into a deep sleep.

Scene 3

Storyteller: Some times later , a prince another country come to the castle. He opened the door into the little room where Aurora was sleeping.

Good mag1,2,3: Why have you come?

Prince: My father sent me to see the king

Good mag 1: who is your father?

Prince: King John of Ulstead

Good mag.2: a prince

Prince: Aurora

Good mag 1,2,3: He knows her

Prince: Why is she sleeping?

Good mag 1: She’s trapped in an enchantment. Do you want to kiss her?

Prince: very much

Good mag 1,2,3: kiss her

(целует принцесу)

Good mag1: You didn’t do it properly

Good mag2: It’s suppoused to be true love’s kiss!

(хватают за руки принца и выводят за дверь)

Prince: what are you doing? We have to keep looking.

Maleficent: I will not ask your forgiveness because what I have done to you is unforgivable. I was so lost in hatred and revenge. Sweet Aurora , you stole what was left of my heart. And now I have lost you forever. I swear, no harm will come to you as long as I live. End not a day shall pass that I don’t miss your smile.

(целует в лоб)

Aurora: (просыпается) Hello, Godmother

Maleficent: Hello, beasty (улыбается)

Storyteller: No true love. And you my friends, may guess that they lived happily for a long ,long time time.

The End


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