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Внеклассное мероприятие по теме «Fashion show»

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«Внеклассное мероприятие по теме «Fashion show»»

Внеклассное мероприятие по теме «Fashion show»

Класс: 9

Цели и задачи:

- повторение изученного лексического и грамматического материала;

- активизация в речи изученной лексики, разговорных клише, диалогов по теме;

- решение задач эстетического воспитания;

- развитие: воображения, памяти, смекалки, творческих навыков;

- привлечение максимального количества участников;

- повышение интереса к изучению английского языка;

- расширение кругозора;

- воспитание умений работать к команде.

Оснащение: костюмы моделей, фломастеры, наборы для “магазина”: куртки, шляпы, набор одежды для инсценировки, музыкальное оформление, компьютер, проектор, презентация.

Ход мероприятия:

Ведущий: I’m glad to see you at the fashion show. All modern designers are here. They’ve just opened their new shops in our town. Now they are ready to present their new collections to you, dear audience!

We have a modern designer: Kristina Cruz

Now we have a chance to see new collections. Our designers have a difficult task because after their presentation of shops they should combine some ideas with other designers and create two gorgeous looks together.

Let’s start! I’m so excited!

Shop 1 (Top - sport)

Ученик 1 (shop-assistant 1): If you have a body, you are an athlete! Our goal is to create products that help people to reach their potential. We produce footwear and equipment.

Ученик 2 (customer 1): What kind of goods do you sell?

Ученик 1 (shop-assistant1): We sell different goods from footballs to T-shirts. Some goods are presented here.

Ученик 2 (customer 1): Well, let me see…Hmm..Trainers, boots, T-shirts, jeans - What a wonderful choice!!! Oh…..I like this shirt.

Ученик 1 (shop assistant 1): What colour do you like?

Ученик 2 (customer1): The black one.

Ученик 1 (shop-assistant 1): What size do you usually wear?

Ученик 2 (customer 1): It is S.

Ученик 1 (shop-assistant 1): Would you like to try it on?

Ученик 2 (customer 1): Yes, sure. Where is the fitting room?

Ученик 1 (shop-assistant 1): It is other there.

(Участник примеряет выбранный товар, гости и дизайнер оценивают)

Ведущий: Thank you for your commentaries. Right now let’s back to our fashion show again.

Shop 2 (Casual wear)

Ведущий: The next shop is “Casual wear”.

Ученик 3 (shop-assistant 2): First of all, let’s discuss what it means – to wear casual clothes. (Slide 4)

- And some typical clothes of this style (Slide 5). As for us: we are an international clothing company. We produce jeans, sport wear and all for young people. We have a wide range of accessories and underwear.

Ученик 4 (customer 2): What color is popular this year?

Ученик 3 (shop-assistant 2): Red and black are very popular.

Ученик 4 (customer 2): Do you have stores in all countries?

Ученик 3 (shop-assistant 2): We have stores in 27 countries. It is one of Europe’s largest shops!

Shop 3 (Women’s clothes):

Ученик 1 (shop-assistant 3): We are designing a collection, including clothing, accessories, eyewear and watches (Slide 8). Also casual wear is still going strong and becomes popular than ever. Let’s have a look at fashion in 1960’s. How do you like models?

(Ученики оценивают и сравнивают)

Ученик 2 (customer 3): What dresses do you have in your shop?

Ученик 1 (shop-assistant 3):We have dresses for every lady.

Ученик 2 (customer 3): What material do you use?

Ученик 1 (shop-assistant 3): We use mostly cotton.

Ученик 2 (customer 3): Have you got anything in silk?

Ученик 1 (shop-assistant 3): Yes. It is from the new collection.

Ученик 2 (customer 3): That’s great!

Ведущий: Thank you all for the presentation of your shops. Now you should combine their ideas and create 3 clothes for models.

(Дизайнер делают 3 наряда, примеряют на модель, модель проходит по подиуму, а остальные дизайнеры описывают то, что надето на модели, зрители оценивают)

Ведущий: Now our fashion week is over. We want to congratulate you. You’ve done a very difficult task and created a new style together!

Our fashion show is over.

Thank you for your attention!



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