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Внеклассное мероприятие "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northen Ireland"

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«Внеклассное мероприятие "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northen Ireland"»

Game “Traveling to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”

Форма работы: соревнование

Тема мероприятия: Великобритания


а) практическая: систематизировать и обобщить знания школьников по теме “ Великобритания ”;

б) образовательная: формировать у школьников интерес к культуре народа страны изучаемого языка, расширять их кругозор;

в) воспитательная: создавать положительную мотивацию к дальнейшему изучению языка;

г) развивающая: развивать у школьников память, воображение, внимание, логическое мышление.

Оснащение мероприятия: карта Британских островов, символы стран Соединённого Королевства, цветные иллюстрации достопримечательностей Лондона, портреты членов королевской семьи.


Well, friends, attention, please. I hope you’re fine today, aren’t you? The weather is wonderful.

We’ve gathered together today to play the game Traveling to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”. Our game will be devoted to this wonderful country. I hope that you’ve learnt a lot of interesting facts at our English lessons concerning the geographical position of the country, the Queen and the British Parliament, streets and squares, some churches and cathedrals, palaces and monuments. I’m sure you’ll certainly get some more useful information today.

I asked you to divide into two teams. Well, the captain of the first team is... Applause, please. Meet the members of the second team with their captain… And of course, the jury will be Tatyana Valentinovna and she will score the points. Your task is to get as many points as possible. The team with the highest score will become the winners of the game. The rules of the game are quite simple. You are to respect your group-mates and not to shout. Winning is the aim, but it’s only a game. Don’t forget about it. And now it’s time to begin the game.

The 1st task is to match the countries with their symbols.

E ngland

W ales

S cotland



The next task will be easy for you I think. You should correct the mistakes in the text about Queen Elizabeth II. There are 11 mistakes.

Correct the mistakes

Elizabeth-Mary-Alexander-Wind was born in Windsor on the 21st of April in 1956. In childhood she was gently called Libet by the members of her family. She got her education at school. She studied Latin, Geography, Economics and Music. She didn’t know foreign languages.

Elizabeth made her 1st speech on the radio in 1940 during the war. She wanted to help the army: she grew trees and knitted socks for soldiers. In 1947 she married Prince Philip and the next year Prince Andrew was born.

Elizabeth came to the throne in 1960 and the next year she was crowned in Buckingham Palace. She plays an important role in the history of England. The Queen doesn’t like reading, taking pictures, watching horse races. She has ten official residences in Britain.

Elizabeth-Mary-Alexander-Windsor was born in Windsor on the 21st of April in 1926. In childhood she was gently called Lilibet by the members of her family. She got her education at home. She studied Latin, Geography, Economics and Music. She knew foreign languages.

Elizabeth made her 1st speech on the radio in 1940 during the war. She wanted to help the army: she grew vegetables and knitted socks for soldiers. In 1947 she married Prince Philip and the next year Prince Charles was born.

Elizabeth came to the throne in 1952 and the next year she was crowned in Westminster Abbey. She plays an important role in the history of England. The Queen likes reading, taking pictures, watching horse races. She has five official residences in Britain.

The next task is to put the pictures with the portraits of the members of the Royal Family in the following order.

  1. The Queen 1) Queen’s youngest child

  2. Her Husband 2) His wife

  3. Her eldest child 3) Their 1st child

  4. Her eldest child’s first wife 4) The Queen’s Mother

  5. Their 1st child 5) Her Husband

  6. The Queen’s daughter 6) The Queen

  7. Daughter’s husband 7) Her 2nd son

  8. Their daughter 8) His wife

The next task is to match the places of interest with their names

And the last task is to answer to my questions.

Answer to the questions

1. How many parts does the UK consist of? (four)

2. What mountain is the highest in the UK? (Ben Nevis – 1343 m)

3. How many children has Elizabeth II got? (four)

4. What sport is the most popular in England? (football = soccer)

5. What is the home of London Zoo? (Regent’s Park)

6. What avenue is designed for Royal processions? (the Mall)

7. How often does Big Ben strike? (every quarter of an hour)

8. When was the Great Fire of London? (in 1666)

9. What river is the longest in England? (the Severn – 388 km)

10. How many wives did Henry VIII have? (six)

11. What is the Royal Albert Hall? (a concert hall)

12. What river is the most important in England? (the Thames)

13. What is the nickname of the British flag? (The Union Jack)

14. What memorial is situated in front of Buckingham Palace? (Queen Victoria Memorial)

15. How many royal parks are there in London? (ten)

16. Which museum in London is connected with Queen Victoria and Prince Albert? (the Victoria & Albert Museum)

Well, the jury, it’s time to say the winners of our today’s game. Congratulations to all the members of the…team. You were the top. But…team, there is no need to worry. You were also great. I’m sure next time you’ll be luckier!

Thanks a lot to everyone for taking an active part in our game. I’m satisfied with your answers. You really demonstrated perfect knowledge. I hope you’ve had a nice time together and learnt something new. I want to give you small prizes. Thank you once again and goodbye.

Thanks to all of you for coming,

For taking part and learning something!

And I hope that games like this

You will never ever miss!



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