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Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку в 9 классе Musical Kaleidoscope

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Данное мероприятие является заключительным по теме "Музыка", проводится в форме соревнования между командами. В ходе соревнования обучающиеся демонстрируют полученные знания, совершенствуют речевые умения. Учитель использует такие ИКТ, как аудио, видео, компьютер. Данное мероприятие также позволяет обучающимся проявить свои артистические и творческие способности, развить воображение и фантазию.

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«Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку в 9 классе Musical Kaleidoscope»

Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку в 9 классе Musical Kaleidoscope


социокультурный аспект – знакомство с цитатами великих людей о музыке; развитие умения ориентироваться в реалиях страны изучаемого языка;

развивающий аспект – развитие способности к соотнесению, развитие воображения, памяти, творческих способностей, способности к общению;

воспитательный аспект – воспитание любознательности, желания расширить свой кругозор; воспитание потребности в приобщении к мировой культуре через музыку; развитие умения сотрудничать, прислушиваться к мнению одноклассников; воспитание чувства ответственности за совместную работу;

учебный аспект – контроль уровня сформированности речевых навыков, контроль знаний фактов культуры страны изучаемого языка; контроль уровня развития умения читать с целью понимания основного содержания; развитие умения выражать собственное мнение.

Оборудование: карточки с заданиями, записи разных стилей музыки, тексты для чтения, презентация, компьютеры, проектор.


Вступительное слово учителя, представление жюри и команд

Teacher: Today we’ve gathered here to enjoy listening to music and speaking about music. We can’t live without music, can we? Music is a part of our life, you can hear it everywhere: in the parks, in the streets, over the radio, on TV, at discos, at concerts, in the shops. Music enriches us. Today we have here four teams of the students from the 9th forms. You’ll do some tasks and we’ll see who the best is. Our contest is called “Musical Kaleidoscope”. Let me introduce the members of our jury; they are our best teachers of English. (представление членов жюри) So let’s start.

Let our teams greet each other now. (команды по очереди представляют себя, слайд 1)

Our team “….” Our motto “….”

Задание 1. “Great People about Music”

Teacher: Each team will be given some cards with different words on them. Your task is to arrange these words into the quotation of one of the famous people about music and translate it into Russian. If you do this task correctly you’ll get a point.

(каждая команда составляет своё высказывание из отдельных карточек со словами (фраза разбита на отдельные слова), озвучивает, переводит на русский язык; на слайде появляется правильное высказывание, слайды 2-6)

  1. “If the King loves music, it is well with the land” (Mencius)

  2. “Without music life would be a mistake” (Friedrich Nietzsche)

  3. “Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life” (Berthold Auerbach)

  4. “Music is the universal language of the mankind” (Henry Longfellow)

Teacher: Who could have said better about music than those great people?

Задание 2. “Music Styles”

  1. Teacher: Music is great. It always evokes different feelings in us. We can find a lot of words to describe music. They are usually adjectives. The next task for you is: you’ll get sheets of paper with a number of adjectives in English and in Russian. Your task is to match them. If you do correctly, you can get 14 points.





  1. мощная, сильная



  1. легко запоминающаяся



  1. романтическая



  1. зажигательная



  1. сложная



  1. сентиментальная



  1. сенсационная



  1. незабываемая



  1. мягкая, нежная



  1. захватывающая дыхание



  1. страстная



  1. скучная, нудная



  1. грустная, печальная



  1. обворожительная, пленительная

Ключи: 1 – c; 2 – i; 3 – f; 4 – d; 5 – m; 6 – g; 7 – l; 8 – b; 9 – j; 10 – k; 11 – e; 12 – h; 13 – n; 14 – a.

  1. You know a lot of different styles of music. Now you’ll watch some video clips. Your task is to guess the style of each piece of music. If you name the music style correctly, you’ll have a point.

Which adjectives do you feel match it? How can you describe this piece of music?

(звучат отрывки разных музыкальных стилей, команды по очереди называют их и описывают, используя прилагательные, слайды 7-11)


  1. Rock

  2. Pop

  3. Rap

  4. Country

Задание 3. “Brain Ring”

Teacher: You have read and learned a lot about British and American musical traditions at our lessons. You know a lot of famous British and American singers, musicians and composers. Now you’ll do a computer test. It consists of 15 different tasks. Read them attentively before doing. You may get 15 points. We wish you good luck. (слайд 12)

Computer Test

(используется MyTestXPro)

  1. What do you know about British and American musical traditions? Match the items in the left column with their definitions.


    is famous for its choral music

    George Gershwin

    is an American composer who wrote both classical music and popular tunes

    rock and roll

    began in America in 1950s

    promenade concerts

    were stared to teach young people to listen to classical music

    Henry Purcell

    is a famous British composer who wrote the first British national opera

  2. What do you know about British and American musical traditions? Match the items in the left column with their definitions.

    The Edinburg Festival

    is an annual holiday of music and drama

    Benjamin Britten

    is a famous British composer who wrote symphony, choral music and music for children

    The Beatles

    were the most popular British rock group

    Elvis Presley

    was called “The King of rock’n’roll”

    Elton John

    is a brilliant rock composer and singer

  3. Choose the right variant:

Bagpipe is … (the national Scottish instrument; the national Welsh instrument; the national English instrument)

  1. Eisteddfod is … (an annual meeting in Wales at which competitions are held for Walsh poets, singers and musicians; a Welsh traditional food; a Welsh traditional dance)

  2. The … by Henry Purcell is considered to be the first British classical opera. (“Dido and Aeneas”; “The Phantom of the Opera”; “The Nutcracker”)

  3. … is the hometown of the Beatles. (Liverpool; London; Edinburg)

  4. … is famous for its opera house and concert halls where famous musicians conduct the best symphony or orchestra. (London; Liverpool; Edinburg)

  5. “Live Aid” was a … in the 80s. (a huge rock concert with many of the world’s stars to raise money for African children; a big festival of brass bands in London; a huge festival of bards)

  6. The musical “The Phantom of the Opera” was written by … (Andrew Lloyd Webber; Benjamin Britten; Henry Purcell)

  7. The word “promenade” means … (walking up and down in a relaxed way; working hard; listening to classical music)

  8. The Beatles (Paul McCartney, John Lennon, George Harrison and Ringo Starr) became famous in … (1962; 1960, 1965)

  9. Led Zeppelin was … (a British heavy metal rock music group; an American brass band; a Scottish rock group)

  10. Sting was the stage name of a popular singer who used to sing with a British group … . (Police; the Rolling Stones; the Blackstreet Boys)

  11. This popular US musical is about nurse Maria, who takes care of the children whose mother died and she teaches them to sing. (The Sound of Music; The Sleeping beauty; The Cop and the Anthem)

  12. Every year the Proms offer … concerts. (70; 80; 100)

Задание 4. “Pantomime” (Физкультминутка)

Teacher: I think it’s time now to relax a little bit. Each team will take a card on which there is a situation. Your task is to show it to us without any words. If the other students guess what you’re showing they’ll get a point. And the jury will give you marks from 1 to 3 for your artistic skills. (слайд 13)

Situation for team 1: You are a group of musicians. One of you is a conductor. The others are playing the violins. You are performing a musical play.

Situation for team 2: You are a symphony orchestra, playing different musical instruments (the piano, the saxophone, the trumpet, the violin and the drums). You are performing classical music.

Situation for team 3: You are a rock group. You are performing your favourite song. One of you is a singer; the others are playing different musical instruments.

Situation for team 4: One of you is a pop singer and singing his/her favourite song at the concert. The others are the audience and they enjoy your singing very much waving their hands. After you’ve finished your song they applaud.

Задание 5. “Captains’ Contest”

The next task will be for our captains of the teams. It’s a reading task. (из книги для чтения Reader, упр. 6 стр. 28 )

Задание 6. “Guess the Tune”

Teacher: While the captains are doing the reading task, all the other students will enjoy listening to different types of music now. Your task is to guess the singer/the group, or the name of the song you hear. If you guess the tune you are sure to have one point.

(звучат отрывки песен разных исполнителей, команды по очереди называют или имя исполнителя или название песни; слайды 14-22)

  1. Alexander Rybak “Fairy-tale”

  2. Beatles “Rock’n’Roll music”

  3. Alla Pugachova “Arlekino”

  4. Britney Spears “Ooops! I did it again”

  5. Elvis Presley “Only you”

  6. Queen “Show must go on”

  7. Roy Orbinson “Pretty woman” (from the film “The beauty”)

  8. Selena Gomez “Love you”

Задание 7. “Can You Sing?”

Teacher: You can’t but agree that these are great musicians and singers but we think that the students of our lyceum are not less talented and gifted. Aren’t you? I’m sure you are! And now you’ll have a chance to prove it. You will take a card with the lyrics from a famous song “Only You”. Your task is to sing them in different styles (folk/rap/rock/R’n’B/anthem) and we will enjoy your performing, I believe.

(команды по очереди поют слова из песни «Only You» в разных стилях, слайд 23)

Only you can to make all this change in me,

For it’s true - you are my destiny.

When you hold my hand I understand the magic that you do

You’re my dream come true, my one and only you.

Задание 8. Рефлексия. “Musical Associations”

Teacher: Now everybody will be given a sheet of paper, pencils and felt-tip-pens. You’ll listen to wonderful, fascinating music. Please, draw everything what you associate with this piece of music, what you imagine or see in front of your eyes. We are sure that you are great artists as well! Don’t be embarrassed, we won’t give you any mark for your drawing. (слайд 24)

(пока ребята рисуют, жюри подсчитывает баллы)

Подведение итогов.

Teacher: Our contest “Musical Kaleidoscope” has come to an end. Let’s see which team is the best today. One of the members of the jury will tell us the results.

These sweet prizes are for you. (озвучивание результатов, награждение)


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