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Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку на тему "A WINTER FEST"

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«Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку на тему "A WINTER FEST"»

Внеклассное мероприятие «A Winter Fest» («Праздник Зимы»)

для учащихся 5-В класса

Учитель английского языка: Чорная К.С.

Дата проведения мероприятия: 21 декабря 2012 года

Цели мероприятия:

- расширить знания учащихся о новогодних традициях;

- познакомить с новогодними стихотворениями и песнями;

- развивать навыки диалогической и монологической речи;

- развивать творческие способности учащихся:

- прививать интерес к изучаемому языку.

Оборудование: экран, компьютер, диски с тематическими мелодиями и песнями, сувениры для конкурсов, презентация.

Декорации и атрибуты для постановки: дом Золушки и дворец; метла; лист с перечнем домашних дел, свернутый в рулон; стол; зеркало; стулья; два трона; снежинки, хлопушки; часы.

Музыкальный ряд: Традиционные новогодние композиции «Jingle Bells», «Let it snow», «Last Christmas», «We wish you a merry Christmas», «Happy New Year»; музыка С. С. Прокофьева из балета «Золушка» («Вариация Феи весны», «Золушка на балу», «Полночь», «Посещение принца», «Принц нашел Золушку»).

Словарная работа: активизация лексических и грамматических структур, изученных в течение учебного года.



1. Вступление ведущих (Новый год и Снежинка).

2. Дети, читают стихи, поют песню “Let it snow”.

3. Гости разгадывают загадки, получают сладкие призы и сувениры из мешка Деда Мороза.

4. Сценка «CINDERELLA».

5. Игра со зрителями “Guess the picture” («Угадай картинку»).

6. Дети украшают ёлку.

7. Игра со зрителями “Guess the song” («Угадай мелодию»).

8. Песня с текстом у зрителей и на проекторе “Jingle Bells”.

9. Прощание Нового года и Снежинки.

A Winter Fest

1. Вступление ведущих.

Pupil 1: – Good morning, girls! Good morning, boys!

Pupil 2: – Good morning, ladies and gentlemen!

Pupil 3: – Good morning, guests!

ALL PUPILS: – We are glad to see you!

Pupil 4: – Today we invite you to the Winter Fest!

New Year:

I am little New Year, ho, ho!

Here I come jumping over the snow,

Shaking my bells with a merry din –

So open your doors and let me in!

Ice Princess:

Presents we bring for each and all –

Big folks, little folks, short and tall.

Each one of you a treasure may win –

So open your doors and let us in.

2. Дети, читают стихи, поют песню “Let it snow”.

Pupil 1: A Winter Day!

A Happy Day!

Let us sing

And let us play!

Pupil 2: Father Frost

Brings many toys

For little girls

And little boys!

Pupil 3: Snow in the window,

Much confetti.

Bright – blue, red and yellow

Lights on the tree.

Let it snow

Oh the weather outside is frightful

But our party is so delightful

Since we've no place to go

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

It doesn't show signs of stopping

And I've brought some squibs for popping

The lights are turned down low

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.

Pupil 4: When Santa comes to our house,

I would like to peek.

But I know, he`ll never come

Until I fall asleep.

Pupil 5: Smiling eyes and faces,

Sweet music in the hall.

I think someone places

Happiness here for all.

3. Гости разгадывают загадки, получают сладкие призы и сувениры из мешка Деда Мороза.

New Year: Dear children and guests! Do you like to guess riddles?

Ice Princess: We have some for you. Now listen carefully.

Pupil 1:

It`s blue by night,

and By day it`s white.

It is cold and not dry,

It falls from the sky. (The snow).

  • What is it?

Pupil 2:

In winter and it in summer

Stands in one colour. (A fir-tree).

  • What is it?

Pupil 3:

Higher than a house, higher than a tree –

Oh, what can that be? (The sky).

  • What is it?

Pupil 4:

I come with cold and snow.

But you like me and know. (Winter).

  • What is it?

New Year: You are very clever.

Ice Princess: And now watch the play “Cinderella”.












(Золушка подметает пол. Входит отец)

Cinderella (обнимает отца): Good morning, Daddy! I love you!

Father (гладит Золушку по голове): Good morning, dear! How are you?

Cinderella (улыбается): Fine, Daddy, fine. And you?

(Входит мачеха с дочерью)

Stepmother (надменно): We’ll go to the ball today. You, Basil, go away! Cinderella, clean this mess and I want a party dress.

Stepsister (прихорашивается перед зеркалом): And I want a dress.

Stepmother (бросает на пол вещи): Cinderella, clean this mess! You can’t go to the ball, until you do this all (дает ей длинный список домашних дел).

Stepsister (хихикая): No, you can’t go to the ball, until you do this all!

(Мачеха с дочерью уходят)

Cinderella (читает вслух): Clean the house, wash the blouse, make food... Oh, it’s not good (плачет).


(Золушка плачет. Появляется фея.)

Fairy: Why are you crying, dear, why? Please, don’t cry!

Cinderella (плачет): I can’t go to the ball, because my dress is very old.

Fairy: I can help you. Look at me! Close your eyes. One-two-three! (взмахивает волшебной палочкой)

Cinderella (изумленно смотрит на свое новое красивое платье): I can’t believe this dress is mine! Thank you, fairy, you are so kind.

Fairy (грозит Золушке пальцем): But at twelve o’clock you must be here… or your dress will disappear.

Cinderella (радостно): Oh, yes, it’s clear.


(Начинается бал, выходят король, королева, принц, гости.)

Queen (обращается к гостям): The ball is on. Let’s dance and play.

King (обращается к гостям): Let’s have a lot of fun today!

(Появляется Золушка в бальном платье. Все смотрят на нее с восхищением.)

Queen (обращается к королю): Look at that girl!

King (восхищенно): She’s so nice and slim!

Prince (подходит к Золушке): Hello! Let’s dance! You are my dream!

(Принц и Золушка танцуют. Часы бьют 12.)

Cinderella (испуганно): It’s twelve o’clock and I must run. Bye-bye. I had a lot of fun (Убегает, теряя одну туфельку)!


(Утро. Приехали принц со стражей. Мачеха с дочерьми встречают гостей. Золушка накрывает на стол.)

Prince (обращается к мачехе и дочери): We know you were at the ball. Try on this shoe.

Stepsister (раздраженно): Oh, it’s very small!!!

Prince (заметив Золушку): But who is that girl? Come here, please! Try on this shoe, pretty Miss!

Stepmother (возмущенно): But she didn’t go to the ball!!!

Father (принцу): Give her the shoe! Her foot is small.

Prince (встает на одно колено перед Золушкой): I’m happy that I’ve found you! I love you, and I’d like to marry you.

Cinderella (радостно): Oh, yes, my Prince, I love you too.

(Все персонажи сказки выходят на поклон.)

The End

5. Игра со зрителями “Guess the picture”.

New Year: And now, Dear guests, let`s play! We show U pictures, and you guess them and get presents.

(The children show and guests guess for each word).

Ice Princess: What’s this?


8- NEW YEAR TOYS) – Right!

Ice Princess: Little New Year, where is the fir tree?

New Year: Here you are!!! На проекторе появляется ёлка.

Ice Princess: But where are the toys? They are lost.

New Year: Oh, don’t worry. I think our clever children can help us to decorate the fur-tree. Can you?

All Children: Sure!!!

New Year: So, what do you have?

6. Дети украшают ёлку.

I have a plane, a ship, a car,

A flag, a bird, a star,

A horse, a cat, a dog.

A pig, a duck, A frog,

a hen, a ball, a drum,

An apple, and a plum.

New Year: Good job!!!

Ice Princess: We have a fir-tree in the hall.

It is so beautiful and tall!

Around it we dance and play

Because it’s Winter Fest today.

7. Игра со зрителями “Guess the song”.

New Year : We decorated our fir-tree! And I have some favorite winter songs with me, what are they?

3 отрывка песни, 3 слайда с зашифрованными названиями в картинках.

(гости отгадывают – song 1- “Last Christmas” ; song 2 - “We wish you a Merry Christmas”; song

3 – “Happy New Year”).

New Year : Well done! / Thank you!

Ice Princess: Little New Year! I know, that children and our guests like to sing winter songs!

New Year : So, let us sing!!!

8. Песня с текстом у зрителей и на проектореJingle bells

1. Dashing through the snow,

In a one-horse open sleigh,

Over the fields we go,

Laughing all the way.

Bells on bobtail ring,

Making spirits bright,

What fun it is to ride and sing

A sleighing song tonight!

Jingle bells, jingle bells,

Jingle all the way.

Oh! What fun it is to ride

In a one-horse open sleigh!

9. Прощание Нового года и Снежинки:

Ice Princess:

A Winter Day, A happy day,

We are all glad and smile today!

We all dance and sing and say:

“Welcome! Welcome! A Winter Day!

New Year:

I want to give you lots of love

And want to say right here:

Have a lot of happy Winter Days

And then a happy New Year!

Jingle bells

Dashing through the snow,

In a one-horse open sleigh,

Over the fields we go,

Laughing all the way.

Bells on bobtail ring,

Making spirits bright,

What fun it is to ride and sing

A sleighing song tonight!

Jingle bells, jingle bells,

Jingle all the way.

Oh! What fun it is to ride

In a one-horse open sleigh!

Jingle bells

Dashing through the snow,

In a one-horse open sleigh,

Over the fields we go,

Laughing all the way.

Bells on bobtail ring,

Making spirits bright,

What fun it is to ride and sing

A sleighing song tonight!

Jingle bells, jingle bells,

Jingle all the way.

Oh! What fun it is to ride

In a one-horse open sleigh!

Jingle bells

Dashing through the snow,

In a one-horse open sleigh,

Over the fields we go,

Laughing all the way.

Bells on bobtail ring,

Making spirits bright,

What fun it is to ride and sing

A sleighing song tonight!

Jingle bells, jingle bells,

Jingle all the way.

Oh! What fun it is to ride

In a one-horse open sleigh!

Jingle bells

Dashing through the snow,

In a one-horse open sleigh,

Over the fields we go,

Laughing all the way.

Bells on bobtail ring,

Making spirits bright,

What fun it is to ride and sing

A sleighing song tonight!

Jingle bells, jingle bells,

Jingle all the way.

Oh! What fun it is to ride

In a one-horse open sleigh!

Jingle bells

Dashing through the snow,

In a one-horse open sleigh,

Over the fields we go,

Laughing all the way.

Bells on bobtail ring,

Making spirits bright,

What fun it is to ride and sing

A sleighing song tonight!

Jingle bells, jingle bells,

Jingle all the way.

Oh! What fun it is to ride

In a one-horse open sleigh!

Jingle bells

Dashing through the snow,

In a one-horse open sleigh,

Over the fields we go,

Laughing all the way.

Bells on bobtail ring,

Making spirits bright,

What fun it is to ride and sing

A sleighing song tonight!

Jingle bells, jingle bells,

Jingle all the way.

Oh! What fun it is to ride

In a one-horse open sleigh!

Jingle bells

Dashing through the snow,

In a one-horse open sleigh,

Over the fields we go,

Laughing all the way.

Bells on bobtail ring,

Making spirits bright,

What fun it is to ride and sing

A sleighing song tonight!

Jingle bells, jingle bells,

Jingle all the way.

Oh! What fun it is to ride

In a one-horse open sleigh!

Jingle bells

Dashing through the snow,

In a one-horse open sleigh,

Over the fields we go,

Laughing all the way.

Bells on bobtail ring,

Making spirits bright,

What fun it is to ride and sing

A sleighing song tonight!

Jingle bells, jingle bells,

Jingle all the way.

Oh! What fun it is to ride

In a one-horse open sleigh!

Jingle bells

Dashing through the snow,

In a one-horse open sleigh,

Over the fields we go,

Laughing all the way.

Bells on bobtail ring,

Making spirits bright,

What fun it is to ride and sing

A sleighing song tonight!

Jingle bells, jingle bells,

Jingle all the way.

Oh! What fun it is to ride

In a one-horse open sleigh!

Let it snow

Oh the weather outside is frightful

But the fire is so delightful

Since we've no place to go

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

It doesn't show signs of stopping

And I've brought some corn for popping

The lights are turned down low

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.

Let it snow”

Oh the weather outside is frightful

But the fire is so delightful

Since we've no place to go

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

It doesn't show signs of stopping

And I've brought some corn for popping

The lights are turned down low

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.

Let it snow”

Oh the weather outside is frightful

But the fire is so delightful

Since we've no place to go

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

It doesn't show signs of stopping

And I've brought some corn for popping

The lights are turned down low

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.

Let it snow”

Oh the weather outside is frightful

But the fire is so delightful

Since we've no place to go

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

It doesn't show signs of stopping

And I've brought some corn for popping

The lights are turned down low

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.

Let it snow”

Oh the weather outside is frightful

But the fire is so delightful

Since we've no place to go

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

It doesn't show signs of stopping

And I've brought some corn for popping

The lights are turned down low

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.

Let it snow”

Oh the weather outside is frightful

But the fire is so delightful

Since we've no place to go

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

It doesn't show signs of stopping

And I've brought some corn for popping

The lights are turned down low

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.

Let it snow”

Oh the weather outside is frightful

But the fire is so delightful

Since we've no place to go

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

It doesn't show signs of stopping

And I've brought some corn for popping

The lights are turned down low

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.

Let it snow”

Oh the weather outside is frightful

But the fire is so delightful

Since we've no place to go

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

It doesn't show signs of stopping

And I've brought some corn for popping

The lights are turned down low

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.

I. Pupil 1: – Good morning, girls! Good morning,boys!

ALL PUPILS: – We are glad to see you!

II. Pupil 1: A Winter Day!

A Winter Day!

Let us sing

And let us play!

(После стихов песня «Let it snow»)

III. Загадки. (После слов Снегурочки)

Pupil 1:

It`s blue by night,

and By day it`s white.

It is cold and not dry,

It falls from the sky.

  • What is it? (The snow).

5. Украсить ёлку: All Children: Sure!!!

I have a…

6. Песня "Jingle Bells”.

I. Pupil 2: – Good morning, ladies and gentlemen!

ALL PUPILS: – We are glad to see you!

II. Pupil 2: Father Frost

Brings many toys

For little girls

And little boys!

(После стихов песня «Let it snow»)

III. Загадки. Pupil 2:

In winter and it in summer

Stands in one colour.

  • What is it? (A fir-tree).

5. Украсить ёлку: All Children: Sure!!!

I have a…

6. Песня “Let it snow”.

I. Pupil 3: – Good morning, guests!

ALL PUPILS: – We are glad to see you!

II. Pupil 3: Snow in the window,

Much confetti.

Bright – blue, red and yellow

(После стихов песня «Let it snow»)

III. Загадки. Pupil 3:

Higher than a house, higher than a tree –

Oh, what can that be?

  • What is it? (The sky).

5. Украсить ёлку: All Children: Sure!!!

I have a…

6. Песня "Jingle Bells”.

I. ALL PUPILS: – We are glad to see you!

Pupil 4: – Today we invite you to the Winter Fest!

II. Pupil 4: When Santa comes to our house,

I would like to peek.

But I know, he`ll never come

Until I fall asleep.

(После стихов песня «Let it snow»)

III. Загадки. Pupil 4:

I come with cold and snow.

But you like me and know.

  • What is it? (Winter).

5. Украсить ёлку: All Children: Sure!!!

I have a…

6. Песня "Jingle Bells”.

ALL PUPILS: – We are glad to see you!

Pupil 5: Smiling eyes and faces,

Sweet music in the hall.

I think someone places

Happiness here for all.

(После стихов песня «Let it snow»)

III. Загадки.

5. Украсить ёлку: All Children: Sure!!!

I have a…

6. Песня "Jingle Bells”.

I. ALL PUPILS: – We are glad to see you!

1. New Year:

I am little New Year, ho, ho!

Here I come jumping over the snow,

Shaking my bells with a merry din –

So open your doors and let me in!

II. (После стихов песня «Let it snow»)

III. Загадки. New Year: Dear children and guests! Do you like to guess riddles?

(после 4 загадок) New Year: You are very clever.


5. Игра со зрителями “Guess the picture”.

New Year: And now, Dear guests, let`s play! We show U pictures, and you guess them and get presents.

(после вопроса Снегурочки «Where is the fir-tree»?)

New Year: Here you are!!! (показать на проектор)

(после слов Снегурочки «They are lost!»)

New Year: Oh, don’t worry. I think our clever children and guests can help us to bring them back. Can you?

6. New Year: So, Dear children and guests! Look at the screen and tell me What do you see ?

(на проекторе появляются картинки, дети называют эти предметы)

New Year: Good job!!!

7. Игра со зрителями “Guess the song

New Year : We decorated our fir-tree! And I have some favorite winter songs with me, what are they?

(гости отгадывают – song 1- “Oh, Christmas tree” ; song 2 - “We wish you a Merry Christmas”; song

3 – “Happy New Year”).

New Year: Well done! / Thank you!

(после слов «…like to sing winter songs!)

New Year : So, let us sing!!!

8. Песня “Let it snow”.

9. Прощание. (После слов «…A Winter Day!»)

New Year:

I want to give you lots of love

And want to say right here:

Have a lot of happy Winter Days

And then a happy New Year!

I. ALL PUPILS: – We are glad to see you!

1. (После слов New Year)

Ice Princess:

Presents we bring for each and all –

Big folks, little folks, short and tall.

Each one of you a treasure may win –

So open your doors and let us in.

II. (После стихов песня «Let it snow»)

III. Загадки. (После слов New Year)

Ice Princess: We have some for you. Now listen carefully.

(После слов New Year)

Ice Princess: And now watch the play “Cinderella”.


5. Игра со зрителями “Guess the picture”.

(После слов New Year) Ice Princess: What’s this?


– Right!

Ice Princess: Little New Year, where is the fir tree?

(после слов «Here you are!»)

Ice Princess: But where are the toys? They are lost.

(отгадывают картинки. После слов «Good job!»)

Ice Princess: We have a fir-tree in the hall.

It is so beautiful and tall!

Around it we dance and play

Because it’s Winter Fest today.

7. Игра со зрителями “Guess the song

(после слов «Well done! Thank you!»)

Ice Princess: Little New Year! I know, that children and our guests like to sing winter songs!

8. Песня “Let it snow”.

9. Прощание. Ice Princess:

A Winter Day, A happy day,

We are all glad and smile today!

We all dance and sing and say:

“Welcome! Welcome! A Winter Day!



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