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Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку «A lucky chance in the UK»

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Внеклассная работа по английскому языку повышает мотивацию к изучению языка и культуры другой страны.

Игра «A lucky chance in the UK» проводится 5 классе.

Задачи внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку «A lucky chance in the UK»: повторить изученный лексический, грамматический и страноведческий материал, повысить интерес к изучению английского языка, расширить кругозор, воспитать умение работать в команде.

Используемые методы работы: индивидуальный, групповой, фронтальный, игровой.

Оборудование: Мультимедийный проектор, компьютер, презентация, карточки с заданиями (кроссворды и ребусы). Дополнительные материалы для занятия по изучению английского языка.

Цели:1.Повышение мотивации изучения английского языка.

2. Развитие навыков коммуникативного общения в группах

3. Развитие индивидуальных личностных качеств участников игры.

Участники:2 команды по 8-9 человек, болельщики.

Просмотр содержимого документа
«Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку «A lucky chance in the UK»»

«A lucky Chance in the UK»

«A lucky Chance

in the UK»

 «Snowball» This Is London.


This Is London.

Questions to the first team


to the first team

How many countries are there in the UK?   There are 4 countries
  • How many countries are there in the UK?

There are 4 countries

2. What is the capital of Great Britain?  The capital of Great Britain is London

2. What is the capital of Great Britain?

The capital of Great Britain is London

3. What is the capital of Scotland?   Edinburgh

3. What is the

capital of Scotland?


4. What is the national emblem of Northern Ireland?      It’s a shamrock.

4. What is the national emblem of Northern Ireland?

It’s a shamrock.

5. What is the national emblem of Scotland?      It’s the thistle.

5. What is the national emblem of Scotland?

It’s the thistle.

6. What is the name of the English Queen?    Elizabeth II.

6. What is the name of the English Queen?

Elizabeth II.

7. What is Oxford?   It’s a famous, old university.

7. What is Oxford?

It’s a famous,

old university.

8. Who was the queen in 16 th century in Great Britain?   Elizabeth I

8. Who was the queen in 16 th century in Great Britain?

Elizabeth I

9. Name a big, old train and underground station in London. It is named after a famous English queen.     It’s a Victoria Station

9. Name a big, old train and underground station in London. It is named after a famous English queen.

It’s a



10. What is in the centre of Trafalgar Square?    The Nelson’s Column is in the centre of Trafalgar Square.

10. What is in the centre of Trafalgar Square?

The Nelson’s Column is in the centre of Trafalgar Square.

11. What was a fortress, a castle, a prison and a zoo? And now it is a museum.    The Tower of London.

11. What was a fortress, a castle,

a prison and a zoo? And now it is a museum.

The Tower of London.

12. Where can you see wax figures of all famous people?    In Madame Tussaud’s museum

12. Where can you see wax figures of all famous people?

In Madame Tussaud’s museum

13. What is a traditional costume in Scotland?    The traditional costume is kilt.

13. What is a traditional costume in Scotland?

The traditional costume is kilt.

14. On what river does London stand?    London stands on the river Thames.

14. On what river does London stand?

London stands on the river Thames.

15. Where did the Beatles come from?    They came from Liverpool.

15. Where did the Beatles come from?

They came from Liverpool.

Questions to the second team


to the second team

1. What is the capital of Wales?  Cardiff is the capital of Wales

1. What is the capital of Wales?

Cardiff is the capital of Wales

Belfast 2. What is the capital of Northern Ireland?


2. What is the capital of Northern Ireland?

3. What is the emblem of England?  The rose

3. What is the emblem of England?

The rose

4. What is the emblem of Wales? Daffodil is an emblem of Wales

4. What is the emblem of Wales?

Daffodil is an emblem of Wales

5. Who was a politician and the leader of the Parliament Army in the Civil War against the king in 1642- 1651?  Oliver Cromwell

5. Who was a politician and the leader of the Parliament Army in the Civil War against the king in 1642- 1651?

Oliver Cromwell

6. What is the best work of famous English architect Christopher Wren?  It’s St. Paul’s Cathedral

6. What is the best work of famous English architect Christopher Wren?

It’s St. Paul’s Cathedral

7. What is a famous clock tower in the center of London? It’s Big-Ben.

7. What is a famous clock tower in the center of London?

It’s Big-Ben.

8. When do the Englishmen celebrate Bonfire Night?  On the 5 th of November

8. When do the Englishmen celebrate Bonfire Night?

On the 5 th of November

9. What is the national game in Great Britain? It's a game of football

9. What is the national game in Great Britain?

It's a game of football

10. What is traditional Christmas food in Britain? Turkey

10. What is traditional Christmas food in Britain?


 11. What was in 1666?  The Great Fire was in 1666. »

11. What was in 1666?

The Great Fire was in 1666.


12. Where does the British government sit?    In the Houses of Parliament

12. Where does the British government sit?

In the Houses of Parliament

13. What is the biggest shopping street?   Oxford Street

13. What is the biggest shopping street?

Oxford Street

14. What is the national musical instrument in Scotland?    The bagpipers

14. What is the national musical instrument in Scotland?

The bagpipers

15.Where does the English Queen live?    In the Buckingham Palace

15.Where does the English Queen live?

In the Buckingham Palace





Musical pause

Musical pause

«The tea party»

«The tea party»

Our congratulations!

Our congratulations!


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