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Внеклассное мероприятие, посвященное Дню Благодарения

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Внеклассное мероприятие, посвященное Дню Благодарения

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«Внеклассное мероприятие, посвященное Дню Благодарения»

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г. Евпатория

Внеклассное мероприятие, посвящённое Дню Благодарения

Разработал: Алёхина А.В., преподаватель иностранного языка

Евпатория, 2016

Thanksgiving Day

В четвертый четверг ноября в США отмечают День благодарения (Thanksgiving Day). Это один из самых популярных праздников в стране. 
День благодарения впервые был отпразднован в 1621 году английскими колонистами, жившими в Плимутской колонии. Предыдущая зима была очень тяжелой и голодной, новая зима также сулила колонистам мало хорошего. Тогда губернатор Уильям Брэдфорд решил поднять дух своих подчиненных и организовал первый День благодарения. Праздник совместно отметили британские колонисты и их соседи-индейцы, благодаря помощи которых Плимутская колония выжила в первую голодную зиму. 
Пуритане привнесли в этот праздник глубокий религиозный смысл — они видели в нем способ поблагодарить Всевышнего за милости. 
День благодарения стал национальным праздником после соответствующего указа первого президента страны Джорджа Вашингтона в 1789 году. 
С Днем благодарения связан ряд традиций, которые американцы свято хранят и соблюдают. Все члены семьи обязательно должны сходить в церковь, а после службы собраться за праздничным столом. В преддверии Дня благодарения расцветает благотворительность: американцы стараются накормить и как-то порадовать своих ближних, которым не повезло в жизни. Даже на станциях метро устанавливаются особые столы, на которые все желающие могут класть свои пожертвования, в том числе продукты. 
В газетах публикуют объявления примерно такого содержания: «Если Вы пожертвуете $1.90 — Вы сможете подарить горячий обед бездомному или бедному соотечественнику. Пожертвовав $19, Вы поможете накормить 10 человек...» и т.д. В канун праздника благотворительные организации раздают нуждающимся собранные подарки, а для бездомных организуют обеды. 
Второй по важности атрибут Дня благодарения — индейка. На первом празднике колонисты и индейцы зажарили и совместно съели четырех индеек, подстреленных в ближайшем лесу. С тех пор индейка и День благодарения стали синонимами, птицеводы откармливают индеек специально к этому празднику. 
Третий атрибут праздника — парады (в большинстве своем костюмированные в одеждах 17 века и костюмах индейцев) и веселье.

Внеклассное мероприятие, посвящённое Дню Благодарения

Цель: знакомство с обычаями и традициями англоязычных стран;

совершенствование навыков аудирования, чтения и устной речи.


Образовательная: расширять лингвистический кругозор учащихся.

Развивающая: развивать творческие и языковые способности учащихся, внимание, мышление, воображение, эрудицию.

Воспитательная: способствовать воспитанию толерантности к представителям других культур, повышать мотивацию к дальнейшему изучению иностранного языка.

Оборудование: листы со схематическим изображением дерева, разноцветные листики, вырезанные из бумаги.

Ход мероприятия:

Teacher: Today we are going to talk about one of the oldest holidays in the USA – Thanksgiving Day. People go to churches; families come together for that day. They decorate their houses with autumn fruit and flowers and prepare traditional American food: roast turkey, potatoes and pumpkin. You’ll learn some interesting facts and play games. Be ready to answer the questions of “Quiz number”, take, please pens and write down the dates and numbers.

Student 1: The pilgrims sailed to America from Plymouth, England, in September, 1620. They came to America for religious freedom. They were among the first European settlers in America. The name of their ship was the "Mayflower." Their voyage took 66 days. There were 102 people. They landed at Plymouth Rock, in what’s now the state of Massachusetts in December, 1620.

Student 2: There were people living in America before the pilgrims arrived. These people were the Native American Indians. The first winter was very cold. The Pilgrims were hungry. Native Indians taught the Pilgrims how to plant, to fish and hunt. At the beginning of the following fall, they had lost 46 of the original 102 who sailed on the Mayflower.

Student 3: In the autumn 1621 the colonists had their first harvest. It was rather good. The colonists decided to have special dinner and celebrate with a feast - including 90 Indians who had helped the Pilgrims survive their first year. They wanted to thank God, they gave thanks for their good harvest and their happy year in a new country. The feast lasted three days. For fifty –five years there was no fighting between Pilgrims and the Indians.

Student 4: The first “Thanksgiving” feast was not repeated the following year. It wasn’t until June of 1676. As the years passed, many other colonists settled in America. In 1873, George Washington, the first President of The United States, proclaimed the first Thanksgiving Day for all Americans. It is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November.

Teacher: Thanksgiving Day is associated with certain symbols and foods. What symbols of this holiday do you know?

Class: Turkey is a part of the traditional Thanksgiving dinner, as well as pumpkin pie and cranberries. The Horn of Plenty is a familiar Thanksgiving symbol. It reminds us that our food comes from the earth. Indian corn is used as a decoration.

Teacher: Now we’ll tell you about the Symbols of Thanksgiving.

Student 1: Turkey, corn or maize, pumpkins and cranberry sauce are symbols which represent the first Thanksgiving. Now all of these symbols are drawn on holiday decorations and greeting cards.

They decorate schools, homes, stores with various symbols, including pictures of pilgrims, Indians, turkeys and harvest symbols. The horn of plenty or cornucopia, wreaths of dried flowers, and dried, multi-colored «Indian corn» are often used as door and table decorations.

Student 2: Cornucopia is the most common symbol of a harvest festival. A Horn shaped container, it is filled with abundance of the Earth's harvest. It is also known as the 'horn of plenty'. The traditional cornucopia was a curved goat's horn filled to brim with fruits and grains.

Student 3: Pumpkins and 'Pumpkin Pies' are a Thanksgiving favourite for about 400 years. Pilgrims probably made a pumpkin dish sweetened with honey or syrup. Pumpkin leaves were also used as salads.

Student 4: Cranberry, is a symbol of thanksgiving. The cranberry is a small sour berry. It grows in bogs. Originally called crane berry, it got its name from its pink blossoms and drooping head which reminded the pilgrim of a crane. The name was later changed to a Cranberry. Pilgrims soon found out a way to sweeten the bitten cranberries with maple sugar. Sweet-sour cranberry sauce or cranberry jelly was on the first Thanksgiving table and it is served today. The Indians used the juice to dye their rugs and blankets. They taught the colonists how to cook the berries with the sweetener and water to make a sauce.

Student 5: The use of corn meant the survival of the colonists. Beans are a special symbol of thanksgiving too. Native Americans taught the pilgrims to grow beans next to cornstalks.

Student 6: Thanksgiving is a family day. It is a custom for all members of the family to gather at the home of their parents. Even if they live far away, family members gather together for a reunion at the house of an older relatives. And for most families the high light of the day is Thanksgiving dinner. Several generations of the family gather for Thanksgiving dinner. All give thanks together for the good things that they have and sing songs. Traditionally this feast features roast turkey with stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie. All give thanks together for the good things that they have.

Teacher: Thanksgiving Day is also very funny day. There are a lot of riddles about Thanksgiving:

(Students read in turns. The teacher explains and translates when necessary.)

Question: What key won't open any door?
Answer: A turkey!

Question:Why did the turkey cross the road?
Answer: It was the chicken's day off!)

Question:Why did the chewing gum cross the road?
Answer: It was stuck on the turkey's foot!

Question:Why did the turkey cross the road twice?
Answer: To prove he wasn't chicken!

Question:What do you get when a turkey lays an egg on top of a barn?
Answer: An eggroll!

Question:Where do you find a turkey with no legs?
Answer: Exactly where you left it!

Question:What do you call it when it rains turkeys?
Answer: Foul weather!

Question:Why did the turkey sit on the tomahawk?
Answer: To hatchet!

Question:Why did the police arrest the turkey?
Answer: They suspected it of fowl play!

Question:Which side of a turkey has the most feathers?
Answer: The outside!

Question:Why do turkeys lay eggs?
Answer: If they dropped them, they'd break!

Question:What's the most musical part of a turkey?
Answer: The drumstick!

Question:If fruit comes from a fruit tree, where does turkey come from?
Answer: A poul-tree!

Question:Daughter: Mum, can I have a canary for Christmas?
Answer: Mum: NO! You'll have turkey like everyone else.

Question:What happened when the turkey got into a fight?
Answer: He got the stuffing knocked out of him!

Question:What's the key to a great Thanksgiving dinner?
Answer: The turkey!

Question:When did the Piligrims first say «God bless America»?

Answer: The first time they heard America sneeze.

Teacher: The name Thanksgiving day speaks for itself – on this day everyone say: «Thank for …». For what do you want to say «Thank…»? We have here a tree without leaves. Write your blessings on colored leaves and stick it on our «Thanksgiving tree».

Student 1:

T for time to be together,

turkey, talk, and tangy weather.

Student 2:

H for harvest stored away,

home, and health, and holiday.

Student 3:

A for autumn's frosty art,

and abundance the heart

Student 4:

N for neighbors, and November,

nice things, new things to remember.

Student 5:

K for kitchen, kettles' croon,

kith and kin expected soon.

Student 6:

S for sizzles, sights, and sounds,

and something special that abounds.

(Все вместе)

That spells THANKS — for joy in living

and a jolly good Thanksgiving.

Teacher: I thank you for taking part at our lesson. I hope you had fun and learnt a lot of interesting things for you.


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