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Внеклассное мероприятие (сказка) "Kolobok"

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Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку для учащихся начальной школы. Представляет собой адаптацию русской народной сказки "Колобок". Цель внеклассного мероприятия: воспитание любви к изучаемому языку, доброжелательного отношения между ребятами.

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«Внеклассное мероприятие (сказка) "Kolobok"»

The Kolobok

An author:

A grandfather:

A grandmother:


A hare:

A wolf:

A bear:

A fox:

The author: Once upon a time an old man and woman lived in a village. One day the old man asked the woman to make a bun.

The grandfather: I’m so hungry! Make me a bun, please

The author: The old woman mixed some flour with sour cream and shaped it into a kolobok,a kind of a little round bun. Then she fried it and left it on the windowsill to cool.

The grandmother: OK.

Well done. I’ll give you a name – Kolobok.

The author: After some time the bun was bored to lie on the windowsill. So the bun decided to jump outside and have a look, what is going on around. Suddenly the bun saw a hare.

A hare: Ah,Kolobok,Kolobok I’ll EAT you now.

Kolobok: Don’t eat me hare. I”ll sing you a song.

I’m Kolobok, I’m Kolobok!

Made from flour round ball,

Made from sour cream and milk,

I’m shiny like some silk

I’m running from grandma,

I’m running from grandpa.

To the forest far away

Catch adventure day by day.

And from you, a little hare, I will easy run away.

The author: The hare even didn’t notice when Kolobok disappeared. The bun rolled down the road until it met a wolf.

The wolf: Hi! Tasty bun, I’m going to eat you!

Kolobok: Don’t eat me Mister Wolf, I will sing you a song.

I’m Kolobok, I’m Kolobok!

Made from flour round ball,

Made from sour cream and milk,

I’m shiny like some silk

I’m running from grandma,

I’m running from grandpa.

To the forest far away

Catch adventure day by day.

And from you, an angry wolf, I will easy run away.

The author: The wolf looked around, but the bun was far away.

The wolf: Ah,I didn’t bite even a small piece of that tasty bun. Next time I’m not going to listen to any stupid songs, I will bite and eat, eat and eat.

The author: But the bun happily kept running deeper to the forest. The bun was running, running and saw the big brown bear.

The bear:

R-R-R, hi, round bread, I’m going to eat you.

Kolobok: Don’t eat me, please, big brown bear, I will sing you a song.

The bear: Oh, so kind and romantic, dinner after song.

The author: The bear sat down, closed his eyes and became ready to listen to the song.


I’m Kolobok, I’m Kolobok!

Made from flour round ball,

Made from sour cream and milk,

I’m shiny like some silk

I’m running from grandma,

I’m running from grandpa.

To the forest far away

Catch adventure day by day.

And from you, big brown bear, I will easy run away.

The author: The big brown bear was still waiting for another song, but the bun went on his way. And the bear went to the deep forest. The bun was rolling, rolling and suddenly he saw a fox.

The fox: Hello, dear, I have never seen anybody so beautiful and smart as you are! You are perfect! I like you so much! Where are you going?

Kolobok: I’m just rolling along the road. Do you want me to sing you the song, I wrote myself

The fox: Of course, I want to

The author: The bun began to sing a song.


I’m Kolobok, I’m Kolobok!

Made from flour round ball,

Made from sour cream and milk,

I’m shiny like some silk

I’m running from grandma,

I’m running from grandpa.

To the forest far away

Catch adventure day by day.

And from you, red fox, I will easy run away

The fox: What a wonderful song!

The author: The fox pretended to be crying!

The fox: Poor me, I became so old, I can’t hear anymore. The bun, please sit on my nose and sing your  song again.

The author: The bun jumped on top of the red fox nose and started singing his song.

Kolobok: I’m Kolobok, I’m Kolobok!

The author: But the red fox ate him. Here is the end of the story, to them who carefully listened honour and glory!!!


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