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Внеклассное мероприятие «Заседание читательского клуба по творчеству писателя-фантаста Г.Уэльса» для учащихся 8-9 классов

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Данный материал это конспект внеклассного мероприятия по творчеству английского писателя проводится в рамках методической недели.

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«Внеклассное мероприятие «Заседание читательского клуба по творчеству писателя-фантаста Г.Уэльса» для учащихся 8-9 классов»

Mуниципальный конкурс методических разработок внеклассных мероприятий,

посвящённого 150-летию со дня рождения английского писателя-фантаста Г. Уэллса

и 55-летию первого полёта человека в космос

Внеклассное мероприятие

«Заседание читательского клуба по творчеству писателя-фантаста Г.Уэльса»

для учащихся 8-9 классов

Подготовила: Мазитова Р. Л.

учитель английского языка

МОБУ СОШ с. Октябрьское

Стерлитамакского района

УМК Enjoy English

Апрель 2015

Famous people of Great Britain. Herbert George Wells

Цели мероприятия: образовательные – ознакомление учащихсяс жизнью и творчеством английского писателя-фантаста Герберта Уэльса; расширение кругозора учащихся о литеретурном наследии Г. Уэльса; совершенствовать языковые навыки учащихся;

развивающие: развитие памяти, воображения и творческой активности;

Воспитательные: воспитание любви к чтению, стимулировать интерес учащихся к английской литературе, способствовать проявлению творческих способностей учащихся.

Оборудование:проектор, презентация в Power Point,

Оформление класса: выставка произведений Г Уэльса, стенгазета, иллюстрации учащихся к произведениям Г.Уэльса.

Ход мероприятия:

Teacher: Dear friends! I am glad to meet you in our Reader’s club. Great Britain is the birthplace of a number of famous writers : Charlotte Bronte, William Thackeray, Bernard Show. Among the prominent writers of the 19th century Herbert Wells should be mentioned too. This year people throuout the world celebrate his 150th birthday. Today members of our club will tell you about his life and activity , his popular books.

Part 1. Some facts from the biography of H. Wells.

Student 1:Herbert George wells was born on September 21, 1866, in kent, England. He was the fourth and the last child of Joseph and Sarah wells. Wells’s father sold china and played professional cricket, and his mother was a housekeeper to the gentry, Sir Harry Featherstonhaugh. The family was poor, but they inherited some money which allowed them to buy a china shop. The business did not make them much money, but Joseph Wells made a little extra money as a cricketer.

Student 2: When Wells was seven years old, he had an accident which resulted in a broken leg. He had to stay in bed, and to pass the time he began reading. He loved the other worlds and lives which he was able to experience through books, and longed to write stories of his own.

Student 3: In 1877, another accident changed Wells life, when his father injured his leg. Joseph Wells could no longer earn money as a cricketer, so he sent his sons out to work. Wells worked as an apprentice in a fabric store, but he did not enjoy his job.

Student 4: In 1883, Wells left the fabric store and became an assistant teacher at Midhurst Grammar School. Later, he won a scholarship to the Normal School of Science in London, where he was taught biology by Tomas Huxley. In the early 1890s, Wells started teaching science classes, which led him to write a biology textbook. He also started writing articles in the popular magazines that were beginning to pop up everywhere. At the invitation of one of the editors, he began writing science-fiction stories in the mid 1890s.

Student 1: In 1893 Wells suffered a physical breakdown that forced him to quit teaching forever. It is after this that he had to continue a literary career. In 1895, he published his first science-fiction novel, The Time Machine. The Time Machine rose to instant success, and so did H. G. Wells.

Student 2: Wells was not happy with the way society treated people differently, and he believed that there should not be such a great divide the lives of the rich and the poor. He dreamed of a world where all people were equal, and often expressed this desire through his work.

Part 2. Herbert Wells’ literary heritage.

Teacher: Wells' novels may be divided into three groups:

1. The social-political science fiction novels of his early years that are still popular today (all of which have been made into popular movies, some more than once. These include: The Time Machine (1895),The Island of Dr. Moreau (1896), The Invisible Man (1897), and The War of the Worlds (1898).

2. The realistic novels of his great fiction period: Ann Veronica (1909), Tono Bungay(1909.)

3. The novels and books of his latest period, vehicles for his politi­cal theories The Open Conspira­cy, The Outline of History(1920), Russia in the Shadow(1920),The Shape of Things to Come (1933), The Open Conspira­cy(1933).

The first group of books is familiar to you. There are some pupils who has read them. Some pupils watched the films. . I would like you to speak about them.

Student 1. In The Time Machine (1895) the theme of an unusual scientific

invention - a machine capable of traveling through time - is related to the theme

of class struggle. The author describes a fantastic machine made of nickel, ivory and crystal. He depicts the flight through time when days and nights seem like the flapping of a black wing and the sun and the moon become streaks of fire in the sky. The author describes a fantastic machine made of nickel, ivory and crystal . The author depicts the flight through time when days and nights seem like the flapping of a black wing. The sun and the moon become streaks of fire in the sky.

Student 2: The principal idea of the book is the contrast of the two races - the Eloi and the Morlocks into which mankind has been divided. Having reached the year 802701, the Time Traveler meets the Eloi - beautiful and graceful, but helpless creatures who live in buildings surrounded by neglected gardens. They are the descendants of the ruling classes, the product of luxurious life.

Student 3: The other race, the horrible and pale Morlocks, who live underground resemble animals. The Morlocks are the descendants of workers who had lived in the dark underground factories many years before. Out of habit, they continue working for the Eloi, they provide them with clothes and food, but hunt the Eloi at night and feed on their meat. The future visited by the Time Traveler is even sadder. He sees a desert land of monster crabs creeping out of the sea.

Teacher: What are your feelings about the book?

Student 1.In the book H Wells shows the real situation of those days. He shows the horrible figures of the Morlocks and the miserable Eloi.

Student 2: The scenes shown by the author serve as a kind of warning to the mankind to give up exploitation.

Teacher: And now, let’s turn to the book “The Invisible Man”

Student 1: The hero of the novel is Griffin, a young gifted scientist. He invents a substance that makes a person invisible and tries it on himself. Wishing to continue his experiments, Griffin comes to the quiet provincial town of Iping and stops at a local inn. His way of life and strange occupation arouse the suspicion of the narrow-minded Mr. and Mrs. Hall – keepers of the inn. They begin spying on Griffin. Finally things come to an open quarrel.

Student 2: The Invisible Man goes to another town, Port Stowe, and steals some money. He keeps the money in Marvel's pockets and the latter runs away to Burdock. The Invisible Man tries to kill Marvel. Someone even tries to shoot the IM, but does not succeed in. The Invisible Man starts living in a house that belongs to an old college friend, Kemp.

Student3: Griffin tells Kemp about his backstory, about how he was poor but wanted to study invisibility. He stole some money from his father, who then committed suicide. Griffin then discovered invisibility and did a few damages. He burnt down his landlord's building, wandered around in London, stole some things from a departmental store and .Griffin put on a ridiculous costume from a costume shop. In the end, we learn that they managed to capture the Invisible Man and killed him.

Teacher: Why did H.Wells created The Invisible man? What do you think?

Student 1: I think, invisibilityis shown as something dangerous. It is a power, he can not be seen, cannot be stopped. He can steal, kill.

Student 2: Probably H. Wells showed that science can do good things, and on the other hand it can cause great harm.

Teacher: The War of the Worlds is one more book by H.Wells which I would like to pay your attention to. I know that some of you have seen the film.What is this book about?

Student 1. The War of the Worlds describes the invasion of Earth by aliens from Mars. Marcians landed on Earth in a cylindrical spaceship. They spread the terror. They whole London was ruined because the marcians used

laser-like Heat-Rays, chemical weapons, and mechanical three-legged ''fighting machines'' that resemble the tank. But they failed in front of small bacteria. they didn’t cope with it and died.

Student 2: H.Wells really helped to open a new world with his ideas of heat rays and large mechanical tripods. It is amazing that H.Wells had these ideas in the late 19th century.I recommend reading the book to my classmates before seeing the film.

Teacher: The War Of The World, by H. G. Wells, is a classical example of a science fiction story. Wells uses his imagination and the creativity to create the conflict between Earth and Mars. In the story, he introduces unknown creatures and the machines.

Teacher: Boys and girls! One more interesting fact from H.Wells’ biography.

Part 3. Herbert Wells in Russia.

Teacher: Wells made three visits to Russia.

The first, accompanied by Maurice Baring, was in 1914, just before the outbreak of war, to see his old friend Maxim Gorky. He had first met him in 1906 on a trip to the United States of America.

The second visit of the Soviet Union was in 1920 where he met with Lenin.

Russia in the Shadows” is the title of the book by H.G. Wells published early in 1921. Wells portrayed Russia as recovering from a total social collapse.

The third visit was 23rd of July 1934 when he met with I.V.Stalin. Some people believed that he was too sympathetic to I.Stalin.

Teacher: Now, let’s answer quiz questions. Girls prepared some questions.

  1. Where was Herbert George Wells born?
    a) Bromley
    b) York
    c) Liverpool
    d) Manchester

  2. Who of the following was a teacher of Herbert George Wells at the Normal School of Science?
    a) Aldous Huxley
    b) Julian Huxley
    c) Andrew Huxley
    d) Thomas Henry Huxley

  3. Where did he study?

  1. in London

  2. in Oxford

  3. in Harvard

  1. 6. When was The Time Machine published?
    a) 1890
    b) 1895
    c) 1888
    d) 1884

  2. 8. In which novel did Herbert George Wells describe violence of aliens?
    a) The Invisible Man
    b) The New Machiavelli
    c) The War of the Worlds
    d) The Food of the Gods

  3. When did he visit Russia for the first time?

  1. in 1909

  2. in 1913

  3. in 1914

  4. in 1920

Teacher: Well done!

Part 4. Herbert Wells is a remarkable science-fiction writer.

H.Wells wrote over 100 books, among them nearly 50 novels. Along with Jules Verne, he is sometimes referred to as "The Father of Science Fiction," as it is almost impossible to imagine science fiction without Wells' contributions.

H.G. Wells is often considered to be remarkable for his ability to forecast a number of technological and scientific developments, including the invention of the atomic bomb. his novels are well-regarded because they are easy and entertaining to read.

G. Wells died on August 13, 1946 at his home. Although Wells considered himself more of a scientist than an artist, it is for his novels that he will be remembered for all time.


1. Михальская.Н.П. «Герберт Уэльс: Фантастика и реальность», М. ,1987

2. Перепелицын К. «Английская фантастическая литература», М. , 1982

Электронные ресурсы:

1. http://schoolworkhelper.net/herbert-george-wells-biography-author/

2. www.yandex.ru/images


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