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Volonteering: a job or a lifestyle

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«Volonteering: a job or a lifestyle»

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Introduction 3

1.From the history of the volunteering……………………………………………4

2.Volunteering in the UK…………………………………………………………..5

3.Volunteer movement in Russia…………………………………………………..6

4.The principles of volunteering……………………………………………………7

5. The volunteer movement in our school………………………………………….8

6. The results of our research work………………………………………………...9

Conclusion 8

Sources and references 9

Appendixes 10

“At the heart of volunteering are

the ideals of service and solidarity

and the belief that together

we can make this world a better place.

Kofi Anan


Todaу the institution of volunteering is widespread in almost all countries of the world and every day it becomes an increasingly significant resource for the development of society.

Volunteering as the idea of serving society is as old as society. Volunteering is a voluntary act of an individual or group freely giving time and labour for community service.

Volunteers are in demand in today's society, as a huge number of people need help and support. Many people do not have help from close relatives, and therefore they need outside help that volunteers can provide them.

Special attention is drawn to youth volunteerism as a form of youth involvement in social practice, the possibility of realizing their potential, the development of their creative activity, future professional growth.

The relevance of our work is determined by the fact that nowdays volunteering has a great importance in the modern world. Volunteer activity performs the function of moral education, the revival of fundamental values in the youth environment, such as citizenship, charity and responsibility.

During our lessons and after classes activities, we talked a lot about volunteering. We learned that the volunteer movement is widespread in schools abroad and thanks to this, the lives of volonteers become diverse, important and interesting.

I was interested in how the system of volunteer work in the UK is organized in order to compare it with my experience of volunteering in the movement " Youth plus" in Rticshevo district. This was the basis for choosing the topic of my research work.

The hypothesis -engaging in volunteer activities, which are educational in nature, will help to acquire the opportunity to adapt in society.

The object of our study – the history of the volunteering.

The subject of the research - the volunteering activity.

The tasks:

- to investigate the volunteer movement in Russia and the UK.;

-to study and analyze the awareness and motivation for volunteering among the students of our school

-to analyze the personal experience of volunteering in the youth center " Youth plus"

- try to answer the question why people become volunteers;

- to prove that volunteering is a very useful labour and interesting way of spending your free time.

Research methods:

-to select and analyze the literature on this topic

- to compare and analyze the results

- to make a survey, get an interview

- study and analyze the work of the youth center " Youth plus"

Practical significance: the material can be used:

- at the English lessons

- at extracurricular activities


In all times people would help each other. Volunteering, as a social movement, originated in the West. And the Samaritans are considered to be the first volunteers They were the ethnic group living in Ancient Israel, helping anyone who needed it. "Good Samaritan" is a phrase from the Bible (the Parable of the good Samaritan). The parable tells the story of a Samaritan who helped the man in distress. That man was robbed and beaten .

The phenomenon of volunteering manifested itself in the mid-nineteenth century. Officially, the origin of the volunteer movement has been developed since 1859. In that year a Frenchman, Jean Henri Dunant initiated the Red Cross organization to help the wounded people and the prisoners, on a voluntary basis. The principles of volunteering, which were formulated by Jean-Henri, are relevant nowadays.

In Russia various charitable organizations appeared in the XIX century. They became widely distributed and existed on donations, which worked on a Pro Bono basis.The Imperial philanthropic society was one of the largest. It was established in 1802 on the initiative of Alexander I to help those in need "without distinction of sex, age and religion, with all manifestations of their needs from infancy to old age".

During the period of the 18th to the first half of 19th century, volunteer battalions and regiments existed in such countries as France, Austria, Hungary and Italy. They were the main part of the regular army. However, the things with the system of volunteering have changed greatly in the second part of the 19th century. You know, that in the UK, since 1961, the system of volunteering remained as the way of manning the army and then to the regular army.

In the 20th century the word “volunteering” acquired the meaning of a universal social phenomenon. The first volunteer project was in France after the First World War, exactly in 1920. It was the participation of the German and French young people, who restored the farm destroyed by the war. Since that time volunteering became popular all over the world. In 1985, on December 17, at the OON World Assembly a new holiday was appointed: Volunteer Day, which people began to celebrate on the fifth of December at the international level.


The 19th century went down in British history as the "golden age" of volunteering.

Guided by the motives of philanthropy and Christian virtue, many members of the middle and upper classes were involved in social work in order to fight with catastrophic poverty. A large number of charitable organizations were founded at that time. Community movement (Settlement-Movement), which arose in working-class neighborhoods of London, because of the inhuman living conditions of the population was typical for that time .

The founder of this movement pastor S.A. Barnet, used the volunteer work of students . The goal was to improve living conditions of local residents and promote cross-class neighborhood self-organization and mutual assistance.

Volunteers in the UK do whatever they can. Volunteers help tourists in distress in the mountains, build houses, publish magazines, and attend civil courts. People decide for themselves how much time they can devote to social work: an hour a month, a week or more time. Volunteers can work any day and at any time of the day. Although most of them work from 9 to 5, but there are also those who work in the evenings and on weekends. Whole families, adults and children become volunteers.

There are over 157,000 charity organisations in the UK. They are: RSPCA (Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals), RSPB (Royal Society for the Protection of Birds), OXFAM (Oxford Hunger Relief Committee). The Trussell Foundation is a charitable organization whose main goal is to feed everyone in need in the UK. Young Enterprise-the goal is to inspire and train young people to engage in and achieve success in entrepreneurship.


By the time of the 1917 Revolution in Russia, many traditions of such help had developed within every estate and in society as a whole. For instance, when in a peasant community the parents died in a family, neighbors would take their children in their own families. Or, it was a matter of honor to host a stranger; even the poorest people would give them shelter and share with them their last slice of bread. Merchants and well-off people of other estates founded soup kitchens, asylums, maternity houses and hospices, and it was also an affair of honor. Every person felt personally responsible for others, the unprivileged, the sick, the poor and orphans. Especially widespread was this support at times of social disasters, such as wars and epidemics. Aid to the wounded, donations,founding hospitals and other kinds of free aid - all this was believed to be a nation-wide task,even the czar's family members from their childhood took for granted their participation in nursing the sick in hospitals.

In Russia, the volunteer movement began to emerge at the end of the 1980s of the last century, although, it has always existed, for example, in the form of the Sisters of Mercy service, the Timurovskoe and pioneer movements, various nature protection societies .

There are many organizations that unite caring people who are ready to help. One of these resources is the unified information system "Volunteers of Russia", the main volunteer Internet resource of the country.

The most effective volunteer organizations in Russia are:

The Association of Non-Profit Organizations "Union of Volunteer Organizations and Movements" was established in 2009 with the aim of combining efforts and consolidating volunteer organizations. The Union includes several large volunteer movements and charitable foundations: the Danilovtsy Volunteer Movement, the Volunteer Club Social Movement, the Volunteers to Help Orphans Charity Fund, the Here and Now Charity Fund for Orphans.

Victory Volunteers. An association of young people aged 14 to 30 who help preserve the historical memory of the Great Patriotic War.

Medical volunteers. Public Movement of volunteers in the field of healthcare. The organization provides assistance to medical personnel in medical and preventive institutions, vocational guidance for schoolchildren, popularization of a healthy lifestyle and prevention of diseases.

Who, if not me? The Foundation was established in 2007 for the development and practical implementation of social projects in the field of support for children in difficult life situations, including those left without parental care, permanently residing in orphanages.

"The Seventh Petal" - volunteers cooperate with cancer patients, providing them with significant moral support: they visit, make small pleasant presents, communicate on various topics, trying to make the world of these people a little brighter.

"Donors to children." A Moscow organization that interacts with seriously ill children.

President Vladimir Putin acknowledged the merits of people who selflessly give their time and energy for the benefit of the country and the world, pointed out the importance of the volunteer movement in the development of the country. Therefore, back in 2017, he signed a decree declaring 2018 the Year of the Volunteer and called on everyone to support the movement in order to make it more popular.

During the quarantine period, some categories of citizens were in a desperate situation. Volunteers have worked and are working in different directions: psychological support, financial assistance, legal advice, assistance with household chores, video or telephone communication, pet care, food and medicine purchases, minor repairs, garbage removal - all this and much more is done by volunteers. They take on everything that those in need ask them to do.

It is impossible not to mention that during the quarantine period a special site # WE ARE TOGETHER was created. This is a mutual aid campaign aimed at supporting elderly, disabled citizens and medical staff during the coronavirus pandemic.


“Volunteers work in hospitals and social institutions, help find missing people, provide all possible assistance to victims of natural disasters; preserve nature; cherish the culture of our people; as a sign of memory of those who did not return, they restore the names of the dead soldiers; help in holding major international events” - these are the words of our President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, which describe the personality of a volunteer in such detail.

First of all we would like to mention, that any volunteering activity stands on the ideals. Different actions and programmes are often accompanied with volunteers. They usually wear special uniforms, caps and badges with the symbol of the volunteer organization. In this way the members of the organization have the opportunity to realize their importance. So, volunteers should follow the certain principles:

• Volunteering is made for the benefit;

• Volunteer work is free of charge;

• Volunteering is always a willing choice;

• Volunteering is not compulsorily undertaken to receive pensions or government allowances;

• Volunteering is a matter of choice, so the citizens can participate in the activities of their community;

• Volunteering consists of individuals or groups of people to address human, environmental and social needs;

• Volunteering defends the common cause, regarding the rights, dignity and culture of others;

• Volunteering defends the interest of society.


What do the volunteers do in our school? The volunteer movement is popular among students of our school but not as much as we would like. Our mission is to help people.

I can tell a lot about our work because we met every week or every day. We have a lot to do. Last year in February, we became the participants of the campaign “Connect Grandma”. Volunteers handed out booklets and suggested the older generation to pay attention to the necessity to set up receiving equipment due to the disconnection of analog television. They also assisted in connecting and setting up TVs.

Summer holidays are not only a time for rest, but also a time for active work of volunteers. In July, we were participants of the "Clean Coast" action on the territory of ponds in the square of the Krasny Luch district.

Every year volunteers of our school improve surrounding areas. Thus, we planted 37 trees when we took part in the improvement of Sirenevy Boulevard and the alley of cosmonauts last year. Our students also improved the school-yard: we planted flowers, collected garbage, swept fallen leaves, made nesting boxes and fed birds.

In October, the environmental campaign "No Trash!" was launched. Volunteers prepared flowerbeds on the central square of the city for the winter period.

We should mention that it is important to help disabled persons, especially when they live alone. Our students do their best to help such people. For example, we regularly visit a disabled person whose name is Alexander Vlasov. The volunteers help him around the house.

January of this year was very snowy. Volunteers held a "Good Boom" action. The guys helped the pensioner, labor veteran Lunkova L.F. We must not forget those who need our attention. Respect and reverence for the older generation is a reflection of the culture and upbringing of the people. Volunteers cleared the courtyard of snow, cleaned the rooms, went to the store and bought the necessary products.

Also in January, Christmas starts were held for children with disabilities.

Our volunteers congratulate the veterans of the Second World War and the veteran teachers.

Most students of our school are not indifferent to sick people. Nikita Shipovsky is a student of our school and our classmate. He has a serious disease. He does not have the opportunity to attend school. We don't leave him alone with his illness. Our meetings are held in a positive atmosphere, which gives Nikita strength and faith in recovery.


As a part of this research work, we conducted a survey of students of our school, interviewed the head of the youth center " Youth plus" Shuvakina L.

A survey was conducted among 7th grade students. 40 people participated in it. The following questions were asked:

1. Do you know what volunteering is? (98% - yes, 2% - no)

2. Have you had any experience of volunteering? (46% - yes, 48%- no, 6% - don't know)

3. Would you like to be a volunteer? (47% - yes, 33% - no, 20% - don't know)

4. Do you know international volunteer organizations? (26% - yes, 74% - no)

5. Is volunteering necessary in our country? (65% - yes, 12% - no, 23% - don't know)

Many respondents answered that volunteers are people who help others for free. They are engaged in various activities: they help the elderly, go to orphanages, arrange various contests, help sick children. A volunteer must be kind, generous, brave, sincere, honest, responsible.

Many students have an insufficient level of knowledge about volunteer activities. A lot of student have not heard about the International experience of volunteer work.

After analyzing the answers of the students, we can say that they take part in volunteer actions conducted by the volunteer organization " Youth plus". Many teenagers expressed a desire to become volunteers and help the society free of charge.

Interview with the head of the youth center " Youth plus" Shuvakina L.

- Lyudmila,can you tell us who and when did the idea to create the movement come to?

- The Regional Center "Youth Plus" has been operating in the Saratov region since 1997 and is one of the first institutions in the field of youth work in the Russian Federation.

- How many volunteers are there in the center?

- Since that time, there have been a very large number of volunteers, I can’t even say for sure about the total number. Since the start of this school year, there are over 300 volunteers aged 14 to 18. More than 250 people have received a "Personal Volunteer Book"

- And yet, why do people become volunteers?

- The reasons may be different. The volunteer movement unites people with an active life position. Among us are not only pupils and students, but also the so-called "silver volunteers". Selfless, sympathetic people participate in all-Russian actions, help in organizing sports competitions, important social projects, make a great contribution to the development of the volunteer movement

- What exactly are you doing? And what are the most important actions?

- In our cetner we learn to communicate, discuss youth problems, monitor what is happening in the country, learn to be useful to society, and, of course, we love games for the development of leadership qualities, cohesion. Everyone can become participants in various events: volunteering, ecology, creativity, patriotism, healthy lifestyle. Children can become participants in of different competitions, games and actions .

We hold patriotic actions "Visiting a veteran", "Thank you for life", "Bow down, alive", "Candle of memory", "Blockade bread", "Conscript's Day", "Immortal Regiment"

We are happy to participate in festivals, KVN, film lectures, master classes on healthy lifestyle. Since 2020, volunteers have been included in the overall fight against coronavirus infection

- Thanks for the conversation!

Thus, we can say that different people with different skills and life experience are involved in volunteer work.


One of the tasks of my project was to familiarize students with the activities of the youth center " Youth plus". To do this, I listened to the opinion of its head L.Shuvakina, about the volunteer movement in our district.

We have studied the volunteer movement in Russia and the UK. The essence of the volunteer movement in Russia and the UK is the same: to help people.

In summary, we found out that a volunteer is a person who helps without money for the benefit of society. The volunteer movement, both in the UK and in Russia, has a rich history. Both in the UK and in Russia there are a large number of volunteer organizations. It is an effective way to improve the quality of life of people in different countries.

Volunteering is a great way to learn new skills – from working as part of a team to setting and reacting goals. Moreover, it gives you a chance to discover what kinds of things you are best at and enjoy the most. A volunteer job that you love can even help shape your ideas about your career goals. Volunteering also can give you a sense of responsibility because some people can really depend on you. And it can help you to develop a new understanding of people who are different from you – people with disabilities, people in financial distress, sick kids, or the elderly. Donating your time is a great way to feel like you have the power to change things for the better. When people depend on you, it can change the way you look at yourself. You can feel proud of the goals that you have achieved for an organization. In my opinion, volunteering also shows employers and colleges that you believe in making the world a better place – and that you are willing to sacrifice your time and energy to do it.

Young people of the Rtishchevo district and in particular students of our school take an active part in the volunteer movement for the benefit of the school and the district .

Volunteering should be used as a new form of involvement of adolescents in social activity, designed to contribute to the formation and improvement of the political and social competence of the younger generation.

The results of our research work give us the reason to believe that our hypothesis has been confirmed.

There is no doubt, the volunteering activity is becoming an inevitable part of our everyday life, so we need to pay more attention to the areas, where we can be useful for others. People don’t need our pity, they need our help. Our participation has demonstrated that the participation of children in this type of activity is good for our positive perception of the world. By participating, we learn to think critically (evaluate and think about each statement), interact and communicate, have a creative approach to business, which is so necessary in our life .

Volantary work gives us not only the skills necessary for study and life, but also the keys to a real good Russian soul.

Sources and references

1.Волонтерское движение: прошлое и настоящее: учебное пособие / сост. И. А. Потапова, Г. Р. Джумагалиева. – Астрахань: Астраханский государственный университет, Издательский дом «Астраханский университет», 2012. – 68 с.

2.Системное развитие добровольчества в России: от теории к практике / Бодренкова Г. П.- учебно-методическое пособие. – М.: АНО «СОТИС». – 2013. – 320 с.

3.Специфика организации волонтерства в молодежной среде /Григорьев И.Н.- Вестник Тамбовского университета. Серия: Гуманитарные науки. – 2008. – № 12.

Internet Resourses





Appendix No. 1

Sociological survey of students of the school

1. Do you know what volunteering is?

- yes

- no

- I don't know

2. Have you had any experience of volunteering?

- yes

- no

- I don't know

3. Did you want to be a volunteer?

- yes

- no

- I don't know

4. Do you know any international volunteer organizations?

- yes

- no

- I don't know

5. Is volunteering necessary in our country?

- yes

- no

- I don't know

Appendix No. 2

Interview with the head of the youth center " Youth plus" Shuvakina L.

- Lyudmila,can you tell us who and when did the idea to create the movement come to?

- How many volunteers are there in the center?

- And yet, why do people become volunteers?

- What exactly are you doing? And what are the most important actions?


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