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Вводная контрольная работа по английскому языку для 9 класса

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«Вводная контрольная работа по английскому языку для 9 класса»

Entry Test (Form 9)

I. Аудирование

Listen to the text and fulfill the gaps.

1. Tower Bridge was built in__________.

2. It has become one of London’s most famous ______________.

3. One bridge section weighs _________tons.

4. Nowadays it’s only raised _____________________________.

5. One day ___________flew under the bridge.

6. The pilot ________his job.

7. Tower Bridge is __________metres long.

II. Чтение

Read the text and say: TRUE/ FALSE/ NOT STATED

The USA is a rather young country. Nevertheless, many dramatic events happened during that short period of its history. First people appeared on the American continent 30,000 – 40,000 years ago, as scientists believe. There was a land bridge connecting Asia and North America. Those people could come from Asia following the bisons and wooly mammoths using that land bridge.

Later, water covered that natural bridge and the Bering Strait was formed. These two continents became isolated and the migration stopped. And now those people are called Native Americans or American Indians. Nobody knew about the existence of the American continents for thousands of years.

First people who sailed to the West were the Vikings. Erik the Red found a land that was covered with ice even in summer. He called that land Greenland. It was in 982 AD. The son of Erik the Red reached the land which is now Canada around the year 1000. They founded a colony there but stayed there only three years, then they decided to return to Greenland because of the native tribes.

Only in the 15th century Christopher Columbus rediscovered America but he thought it was India and he called the red-skinned people “Indians”.

1. The USA is not old.

2. In the past Asia and North America were connected by land.

3. Native Americans are called “Indians” because they came from India.

4. Indians were good hunters and farmers.

5. Vikings were the first people on the North American continent.

6. Vikings founded Canada.

7. Christopher Columbus was an Italian sailor.

8. Christopher Columbus decided that he found the shores of India.

III. Лексика и грамматика

1) Fulfill the gaps with the right form of the word.

1. Our _____will last forever. FRIEND

2. Some people on “Mayflower” wanted religious _____. FREE

3. They have known each other from ________. CHILD

4. It is ______to teach him. He doesn’t understand a word. USE

5. Have you ever tried ______English food? TRADITION

2) Choose the right preposition.

1. The teacher said: “Look ___the blackboard!”

a) After b) at c) for d) of

2. Who do you look ___, father or mother?

a) For b) at c) after d) like

3. How are you getting___?

a) On b) in c) of d) over

4. Where were you yesterday? I couldn’t get_____.

a) Over b) away c) through d) back

5. It is sunny. Turn ____ the light.

a) On b) of c) off d) in

6. We usually borrow books _______our school library.

a) From b) to c) of d) for.

Приложение к вводной контрольной в 9 классе

Текст для аудирования:


Tower Bridge is so popular that some people think that it is actually London Bridge. It’s the most photographed of all of London’s bridges. You often see it in films and travel guides.

Tower Bridge is rather young. It was built in 1894. When it was opened in 1894 , it was considered a wonder of the world. Today, it has become one of London’s most famous symbols.

Tower Bridge is the only Thames bridge which can be raised. Its middle section can be raised to let large ships pass under the Tower Bridge. Huge engines raise the bridge sections, which weigh about 1000 tons each, in just over a minute. The bridge used to be raised about 50 times a day, but nowadays it’s only raised 4 to 5 times a week.

You get fantastic views of London from the high walkways. It is even more exciting if you can be there when the bridge goes up.

One day a plane flew under the bridge. Luckily, no one was hurt, but not surprisingly the pilot lost his job.

London Bridge also houses an excellent museum telling the story of the bridge’s design, construction and history.

Tower Bridge is 60 metres long, and its towers rise to a height of 43 metres.

Задание для учащихся с ответами:

Tower Bridge was built in__________. 1894

It has become one of London’s most famous ________ . SYMBOLS

One bridge section weighs _________tons. 1000

Nowadays it’s only raised _________. (raised 4 to 5 times a week.)

One day ___________flew under the bridge. A PLANE

The pilot ________his job. LOST

Tower Bridge is __________metres long. 60

II. Чтение

1. True 2.True 3. False 4. Not stated 5.True

6. False 7. Not stated 8. True

III.Лексика и грамматика

1) 1. Friendship 2. Freedom 3. Childhood 4. Useless 5. Traditional

2) 1b 2d 3a 4c 5c 6a

Итого: максимальных 26 баллов

20 - 26 «5» 80% -100%

13 - 19 «4» 79% - 61%

7 – 12 «3» 60% - 36%

1 – 6 «2» менее 35%

При оценивании комплексных, тестовых контрольных работ детей с ОВЗ используются следующие критерии:

«5» 65% и выше

«4» 50% - 64%

«3» 35% - 49%

«2» менее 34%


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