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Вводный тест по английскому языку для 9-го класса

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Вводный тест по английскому языку для 9-го класса

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«Вводный тест по английскому языку для 9-го класса»

Входной тест по английскому языку

9 класс

Task A: Open the brackets using the appropriate tense

Mr. Field (to work) ..............................in a museum. He (to like) .......................... his job very much. Every morning at 8 o’clock he (to be) ....................ready to go to work. Now it is 7.30 and he (to eat) ..................................... his breakfast. Mrs. Field (to make) ....................................... some coffee for him.

Yesterday the Fields (to be) .................... at home. They (to eat) ....................................... tasty cake and ice-cream.

But next Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Fields (to go) ......................................... to the country to see their friends.

Score: 8 / ……..

Task B: Report the following sentences using different reporting verbs.

1. "I go to school every day," Bob said.

2. "Where are you going?" Kate asked her friend.

3. "Are you good at tennis, John?" Mother asked.

4. "Close the door!' the teacher told Bob.

5.”We must learn this text be heart,” Tony told me.

6.”My friend will appear in a minute,” Mr. Smith said.

Score 12 / …….

Task C: 1.Fill in: a, an or the.

Last year 1)………Smiths went on 2) ……..holiday to London with their friends . They visited 3)……..... Hyde Park and went on 4)……..... boat trip on 5) …… Thames.6) Mrs Brown visited 7) ......... Buckingham Palace hoping to see 8) ......... Queen. Unfortunately, 9) ……. Queen Elizabeth II wasn't at 10 )…….. home at the time.

Score 10 / ……………..

Task D: Rewrite the following passage in the Passive Voice. Make all possible Active Passive changes.

1.A farmer found a very old statue last week. Somebody had buried it thousands of years ago. Today the farmer has taken the statue to a museum. Experts are repairing it. The museum will give a reward to the farmer. When he gets the money, he will buy a big car







Score 7 / ………

Task F: Translate into English using the Complex Object

1.Нина хочет, чтобы я тоже пришла.


2. Мне нравится, когда они поют.


3. Мы знаем, что она лучшая ученица в классе.


4. Я заставлю его принести книгу завтра.


5. Я видел, как мальчик поскользнулся и упал.


Score 10/ ……

Task G:Open the brackets using the Infinitive or the Gerund/

1.I don’t like (sing) ……………….………. in public.

2.It’s no use (tell) ……………..……..her, she won’t listen.

3.I’m still too upset (talk) ……………………………….. about it.

4.Don’t disturb him. He’s busy (work) ………………………………..

5.Stop (bite) …………………….……………. your nails!

6.Don’t expect him (lend) …………………………… any money.

7.I’ve decided (leave) …………………….……………. him.

8.I don’t mind (read) ………………………………… once more.

Score 8/ ……

G: Translate into English using “I wish…”

1.. Жаль, что ты опоздал


2.. Хорошо бы, он не прочитал чужое письмо.


3. Когда я дружил с ним, я часто жалел, что он читает чужие письма


4.. Жаль, что ты был занят вчера. Ты много потерял


5.. Жаль, что у меня нет собаки.


6.Она пожалела, что у меня была собака


7. Жаль, что мама не купила мне велосипед


8.. Хорошо бы, мама купила мне мороженое!


Score 8/ ……

Task H: Ann is in a tropical forest. She sees a tiger not far away. Use Ann’s thoughts to make conditional sentences:

1.There are no people here. Nobody can save me.

2.I must find somewhere to hide or the tiger will eat me.

3.I didn’t know the forest was so terrible so I decided to come here.

4.I will try to hide in the tree. No tiger will see me there.







Score 8 / ……

Total 71 / ……..

Assessment: Total score: 71. A spelling mistake takes away half a score.

71 – 65 scores– distinction (5) 44 – 30 scores– pass (3)

64 – 45 scores– merit (4) 29 or fewer scores –– fail (2)


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