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Washington is the city of...

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«Washington is the city of...»


Washington, the capital of the USA, is situated on the Potomac River in the distinct of Columbia. The District is named so in honor of Columbus, the discoverer of America. The capital owes a great deal to the nation’s president George Washington. Washington was founded in 1791. The city was built to a preliminary plan. In the political sense Washington is the center of the republic. It is the home of government. The US President lives and works here, the Congress and the Supreme Court are all in Washington.

Washington industry is not well developed, although some “clean ” industries, high-technology, light industry, and so. Tourism is one of major importance, bringing in millions of visitors to swell the resident population.

Washington is fundamentally a monumental city. The central point of it is Jenkins Hills, commonly called the Hill, or the Capitol Hill. The Capitol is the seat of the US Congress. Its cornerstone was laid by the President amid great pomp. The Capitol Building dominates all Washington. It stands on the crest of a hill rising above the Potomac River. The Capitol consists of a central building by a great dome and connected at each end by galleries with a large wing. The north wing contains the Senate Chamber, and the south wing-the House of Representatives.

Behind the Capitol, in the separate buildings, stand the Supreme Court and the Library of Congress. On the Northern arm of the cross there’s the White House. As the residence of the President, perhaps the White House has the edge. Every President except Washington lived there. The home of President of the USA gets its name from its white walls. But the White House wasn’t always white; its original color was grey. Thousands of American flock to visit President’s Home and office.

On the south side, the unmistakable red popularly known as “The Castle” houses part of the world-famous Smithsonian Institution which administers many of Washington’s museums, art Galleries and research institutes. There are the national Air and Space Museum, the National Museum of History and Technology, the National Museum of natural History and so. The Smithsonian Institution is also an important publishing centre.

There is the Lincoln Memorial in Washington. The memorial is of white marble. The structure itself has a motif that symbolized the Union. The 36 columns surrounding the walls represent the 36 States in the Union at the time of Lincoln’s death. On the attic walls are the names of the 48 States .The memorial chamber contains a colossal statue of Lincoln and two huge inscribed stone tablets.

The population of Washington is round 5,4 million people.


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