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We live in Gagarin. Презентация

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«We live in Gagarin. Презентация»

We Live in Gagarin

We Live in Gagarin

Ermolai  Chetvertakov , the ordinary of the Kiev Dragoon regiment , hero of the Patriotic war of 1812

Ermolai Chetvertakov ,

the ordinary of the Kiev Dragoon regiment ,

hero of the Patriotic war of 1812

Fyodor Potapov (nickname Samus) soldier of the Elizabethan cavalry regiment, hero of the Patriotic war of 1812

Fyodor Potapov

(nickname Samus) soldier of the Elizabethan cavalry regiment, hero of the Patriotic war of 1812

Denis Davydov (1784-1839) leader of the partisan movement of the Patriotic war of 1812, Russian poet

Denis Davydov (1784-1839) leader of the partisan movement of the Patriotic war of 1812, Russian poet

Vera Zasulich (1848-1919) member of the populist movement

Vera Zasulich (1848-1919) member of the populist movement

Peter Alekseev (1849-1891) revolutionary

Peter Alekseev (1849-1891) revolutionary

“ A person must leave something of himself on the earth. Not just after yourself, but from yourself. From his talent, his heart, his warmth. And perishing what footprint after you will remain - time will judge”.

“ A person must leave something of himself on the earth. Not just after yourself, but from yourself. From his talent, his heart, his warmth. And perishing what footprint after you will remain - time will judge”.


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