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What do we know about the strands in the English Methodology?

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How can we integrate various approaches and strands into teaching practice? 

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«What do we know about the strands in the English Methodology?»

What do we know about the strands in the English Methodology?

  1. Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT): This methodology focuses on teaching language through the completion of meaningful tasks that are relevant to the learners' lives. Rather than focusing solely on language structures and rules, TBLT emphasizes the development of communicative competence and the ability to use language in authentic situations.

  1. Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL): This approach combines language learning with the study of subject matter content, such as history or science. The goal is to provide students with language input and opportunities to practice language use in meaningful contexts.

  1. Multimodal Approaches: These approaches recognize that language is not only spoken or written but also includes nonverbal cues, visual images, and other forms of communication. Multimodal approaches to language learning incorporate a range of media and texts to help learners develop their language skills.

  1. Technology-Enhanced Language Learning: Technology is increasingly being used in language teaching and learning, from online courses and apps to digital language labs and virtual reality environments. Technology can provide learners with opportunities to practice language skills in a more immersive and interactive way.


STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education has become an important area of focus in recent years, and there are some new developments in teaching methodology in this field as well. Here are a few examples:

  1. Project-Based Learning: This methodology emphasizes student-centered learning and inquiry-based problem-solving. Students work on long-term projects that involve applying STEM knowledge and skills to real-world challenges.

  2. Inquiry-Based Learning: This approach encourages students to ask questions and explore scientific concepts through hands-on activities and experimentation. Teachers act as facilitators and guides, rather than lecturers.

  3. Flipped Learning: In a flipped classroom, students watch or read instructional material at home and come to class prepared to engage in activities and discussions. This approach allows for more individualized instruction and helps students develop a deeper understanding of STEM concepts.

  4. Blended Learning: Blended learning is an approach that combines traditional face-to-face classroom instruction with online learning. This approach provides learners with more flexibility and access to resources while also allowing teachers to personalize their teaching and monitor learners' progress more effectively.

  5. Gamification: Gamification involves incorporating game elements into STEM learning to increase student engagement and motivation. For example, students may earn points or badges for completing tasks or solving problems.

  6. Makerspaces: Makerspaces are collaborative workspaces where students can create, design, and build projects using STEM skills and tools. These spaces can provide hands-on learning experiences that help students develop problem-solving and critical thinking skills.


STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics. It is an educational approach that emphasizes the integration of these five disciplines to foster creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. The goal of STEAM education is to prepare students for the demands of the 21st century workforce, which increasingly requires a combination of technical and creative skills. STEAM education is often implemented through project-based learning, which encourages students to work collaboratively to solve real-world problems and develop innovative solutions.

Mobile-Assisted Language Learning: Mobile-assisted language learning (MALL) involves using mobile devices, such as smartphones or tablets, to support language learning. This approach offers learners more opportunities to practice their language skills outside of the classroom and provides them with access to a variety of language learning apps and tools.

Personalized Learning: Personalized learning involves tailoring language learning to the individual needs and goals of each learner. This approach allows learners to work at their own pace and focus on areas of language that are most relevant to their interests and needs.

Reflective Practice: Reflective practice involves reflecting on and analyzing one's own teaching practices to improve teaching and learning outcomes. This approach emphasizes the importance of ongoing professional development and the continuous improvement of teaching practices.

Intercultural Communicative Competence (ICC): ICC involves developing learners' ability to communicate effectively and appropriately in different cultural contexts. This approach emphasizes the importance of understanding cultural differences and developing the skills to communicate across cultures.

Critical Language Pedagogy: Critical language pedagogy is an approach that aims to develop learners' critical thinking skills and foster social justice through language learning. This approach emphasizes the importance of understanding the social and political contexts of language use and developing learners' ability to use language to challenge power structures and promote social change.

Translanguaging: Translanguaging is an approach that recognizes and values the diversity of languages and language varieties that learners bring to the classroom. This approach involves encouraging learners to use their full linguistic repertoires in order to support their learning and to bridge language barriers.

Global Englishes: Global Englishes is an approach that acknowledges the diversity of English as a global language and the different varieties and uses of English around the world. This approach emphasizes the importance of understanding and respecting different Englishes and developing learners' ability to use English in a variety of international contexts.

Corpus Linguistics: Corpus linguistics is a research-based approach that involves analyzing large collections of authentic language data, known as corpora, in order to better understand language use and develop more effective language teaching materials and approaches.

NeuroELT: NeuroELT is an approach that integrates principles of neuroscience into language teaching and learning. This approach aims to better understand how the brain processes language and how this knowledge can be used to develop more effective language teaching techniques.

Social Emotional Learning (SEL): SEL is an approach that emphasizes the importance of developing learners' social and emotional skills, such as self-awareness, empathy, and self-regulation, in addition to their language skills. This approach aims to support learners' overall well-being and academic success.

Task-based Language Assessment: Task-based language assessment is an approach that involves evaluating learners' language proficiency based on their ability to complete real-world tasks or activities that require language use. This approach provides a more authentic and meaningful way to assess learners' language skills.

Teacher-led Action Research: Teacher-led action research is an approach that involves teachers conducting research on their own teaching practices in order to identify areas for improvement and develop more effective teaching strategies. This approach emphasizes the importance of ongoing professional development and teacher reflection.

Integrated Performance Assessment (IPA): IPA is an approach that involves assessing learners' language proficiency based on their ability to complete a series of integrated tasks that reflect real-world language use. This approach aims to provide a more comprehensive and authentic assessment of learners' language skills.

Digital Literacy: Digital literacy is an approach that involves developing learners' ability to use digital tools and resources for language learning and communication. This approach emphasizes the importance of integrating technology into language teaching and learning in order to better prepare learners for the digital age.

Collaborative Learning: Collaborative learning involves learners working together in groups or pairs to complete tasks or activities that require language use. This approach emphasizes the importance of social interaction and communication in language learning, as well as the development of learners' collaborative and teamwork skills.

Dynamic Assessment: Dynamic assessment is an approach that involves evaluating learners' language proficiency not only based on their current abilities but also based on their potential for growth and development. This approach aims to support learners' ongoing language development and to provide more accurate and fair assessments of their language skills.

Ecological Language Learning: Ecological language learning is an approach that emphasizes the importance of understanding the ecological contexts in which language is used and learned, including social, cultural, and environmental factors. This approach aims to develop learners' awareness of the interconnectedness of language and their surroundings, as well as to promote more sustainable and responsible language use.

Storytelling: Storytelling involves using stories, such as folktales, myths, and personal narratives, to teach language and develop learners' language skills. This approach aims to provide a more engaging and memorable way to learn and use language, as well as to develop learners' cultural understanding and empathy.

Lexical Approach: The lexical approach is an approach that focuses on the teaching and learning of vocabulary as the basis for developing learners' language proficiency. This approach emphasizes the importance of teaching vocabulary in context and in chunks or phrases rather than in isolation, as well as the importance of developing learners' awareness of collocations and patterns of language use.

Process Drama: Process drama involves learners using language and drama techniques to create and enact stories or scenarios. This approach aims to provide a more interactive and immersive learning experience, as well as to develop learners' creativity, critical thinking, and language skills.

Authentic Materials: Authentic materials are materials that are created for native speakers of the target language, such as newspaper articles, films, and songs. This approach aims to provide a more authentic and realistic language learning experience, as well as to develop learners' cultural understanding and language use in real-life situations.

Personalized Learning: Personalized learning involves tailoring language instruction to the individual needs, interests, and preferences of learners. This approach aims to provide a more learner-centered and flexible learning experience, as well as to develop learners' autonomy and self-directed learning skills.

Critical Language Pedagogy: Critical language pedagogy involves raising learners' awareness of social and political issues related to language use and teaching, such as language discrimination and cultural stereotypes. This approach aims to develop learners' critical thinking and social awareness, as well as to promote more inclusive and equitable language teaching practices.

Reflective Writing: Reflective writing involves learners reflecting on their own language learning experiences and writing about them in a structured and reflective manner. This approach aims to promote metacognitive awareness and self-reflection, as well as to develop learners' writing skills and language proficiency.

But how can we integrate different approaches or strands in our every day’s teaching practice?

Integrating different approaches or strands into everyday teaching practice can be a challenging task, but it can also enhance student learning and engagement. Here are some strategies that may help:

Start with the curriculum: Review the curriculum guidelines and identify where different approaches or strands can be integrated. For example, you may find opportunities to incorporate social-emotional learning, critical thinking, or inquiry-based learning into specific subject areas.

Collaborate with colleagues: Work with your colleagues to identify common goals and areas of overlap between different approaches or strands. This can help you create a shared understanding of how to integrate them into your teaching practice.

Use a variety of teaching methods: Incorporate a range of teaching methods that align with different approaches or strands. For example, you might use small group discussions to promote inquiry-based learning or incorporate project-based learning activities to encourage critical thinking and problem solving.

Focus on student-centered learning: Emphasize student-centered learning by providing opportunities for student choice and voice in their learning. This can help to support social-emotional learning and foster a sense of ownership and engagement in the learning process.

Be intentional and reflective: Be intentional about integrating different approaches or strands into your teaching practice and reflect on the impact on student learning. Use data and feedback from students to inform your approach and make adjustments as needed.

Remember, integrating different approaches or strands into everyday teaching practice is an ongoing process that requires ongoing reflection and refinement. By prioritizing student-centered learning and collaboration with colleagues, you can create a dynamic and engaging learning environment that supports student growth and success.

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