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Why do we want to be English teachers?

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Good evening, everyone! Today I would like to tell you about other trainee teachers, they also study with me at the Pedagogical Institute at the same faculty. All of us had to present a poster from each group describing our will to be an English teacher. I liked the poster of 32 EK(English-Kazakh) group, and that is why I would love to share my thoughts with you about that poster. I found it very creative, attractive and meaningful. Moreover, it was really comfortable to take cards from the poster and to read about their desires and I could understand their decision of becoming a teacher. It inspired me greatly! I loved that! And all those photos from the practicum and their explanations just proved their point of view.

p.s. Have a look at the photo, it's quite good!

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"Why do we want to be English teachers?"


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