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Wild about animals. Приложение

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Материал для работы на бинарном уроке по английскому языку и окружающему миру, 4 класс WILD ABOUT ANIMALS. Задания для работы с краткими текстами, смайлики для рефлексии и уменшеный вариант для работы с ларцом. 

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«Wild about animals. Приложение»


Shark is fast-swimming fish. It is very dangerous! It can jump up to 3 meters and hear animals move in the ocean! Sharks eat fish and animals. It has a lot of teeth.


Dolphins are mammals. They cannot breath underwater. Dolphins eat fish. They use echolocation to find food.


Whales are mammals. Whales breathe air as we do. They need to reach the surface of the ocean to breathe because they cannot breathe underwater.


Different kinds of fish live in the ocean and in the sea. Fish have tails and fins. Fish breathe underwater.

Sea turtle

Sea turtles live in warm and temperate seas around the globe. Turtles that live in the ocean also are called sea turtles. They spend more time in the water than land. They come on land mostly to lay eggs.  Sea turtles eat all kinds of food including sea grass, crabs, jellyfish.


Jellyfish are not fish. Jellyfish live in the sea and are found in all oceans. Jellyfish look a little like umbrellas. They can be large and brightly colored. Some can be very hard to see, nearly invisible to the human eye. Jellyfish eat plankton.


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