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Задание: в тексте про Лондон вставить пропущенные предлоги / выбрать правильные предлоги из предложенных (2 варианта) и найти лишние слова в предложениях.

Просмотр содержимого документа
«Worksheet: UNSEEN LONDON.»


Complete the gaps in the text with missing prepositions.


London is famous 1) …………… its attractions like Big Ben and the Tower 2) …………. London. Millions 3) ……….. tourists look 4) ………… these buildings every year but not far 5) …………. these places, there are other interesting sights. Next time you set 6) ………. 7) ………. visit London, why not plan 8) ………… go 9) ……… some 10) ………… the places close 11) ………. the centre 12) …………. the city that tourists rarely go 13) ……….? Get 14) ……………. a taxi and ask the driver 15) …………. take you 16) ……….. Billingsgate fish market, 17) …………. example. When you arrive 18) …………. the market, you will be amazed 19) …………. the sights and the sounds 20) …………. real London. You can ask the fish sellers 21) ……………. their work – and you don’t have 22) ………….. wait 23) ………. hours 24) …………. get a ticket!



Choose the correct preposition.


London is famous 1) with/for its attractions like Big Ben and the Tower 2) from/of London. Millions 3) off/of tourists look 4) to/at these buildings every year but not far 5) from/of these places, there are other interesting sights. Next time you set 6) up/off 7) to/in visit London, why not plan 8) of/to go 9) for/to some 10) of/off the places close 11) next/to the centre 12) to/of the city that tourists rarely go 13) in/to? Get 14) into/onto a taxi and ask the driver 15) for/to take you 16) to/in Billingsgate fish market, 17) in/for example. When you arrive 18) at/in the market, you will be amazed 19) at/with the sights and the sounds 20) in/of real London. You can ask the fish sellers 21) about/for their work – and you don’t have 22) to/on wait 23) for/on hours 24) in/to get a ticket!


If a line is correct put a tick (√ ). If there is an extra word in a line, write the word.


1) ……..… London is famous for that its attractions like Big Ben 2) ……..… and the Tower of London. Millions of tourists look at these 3) …….…. buildings every year but not far distance from these places, 4) ……….. there are other interesting sights. Next time you set off to visit London, 5) ……….. why not plan to go to some of the places close in to the centre 6) ……….. of the city that tourists rarely go to? Get into of a taxi and 7) ……….. ask the driver to take you to Billingsgate fish market, for example. 8) ……..… When you arrive there at the market, you will be amazed at 9) ….……. the sights and the sounds of real London. You can ask to the fish sellers 10) …….. about their work – and you don’t have to wait on for hours to get a ticket!





The same key answers for versions &

  1. for

  2. of

  3. of

  4. at

  5. from

  6. off

  7. to

  8. to

  9. to

  10. of

  11. to

  12. of

  13. to

  14. into

  15. to

  16. to

  17. for

  18. at

  19. at

  20. of

  21. about

  22. to

  23. for

  24. to


  1. that

  2. distance

  3. in

  4. of

  5. there

  6. to

  7. on


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