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Writing essay career

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Some people think that young people must rely on their parents’ opinion in choosing a career and continue their family member’s profession. However, others claim that a career choice is a personal affair and everyone has to try his or her strength.

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«Writing essay career»

Some people think that young people must rely on their parents’ opinion in choosing a career and continue their family member’s profession. However, others claim that a career choice is a personal affair and everyone has to try his or her strength.

Now I would like to express my opinion. I think searching your own professional way is very important step which will influence all your life. That’s why everyone should make a serious decision independently in order not to regret about done and not to accuse anybody. Secondly, each person is an individual who has unique abilities and skills. Young people must be ambitious and they must make an attempt to build his or her future which makes them happy, confident and achieve high results.

On the contrary, the percent of people, who consider that their parents have huge, rich experience of life and they have made good choice. Yong people usually feel more secure if they get some advice from the people that they trust. They are sure about the future because of parents’ support.

I disagree with this point of view, because there is a disadvantage in that opinion. To my mind, a girl who is fond of art will be unhappy if she chooses profession of engineer as her mother.

In conclusion, I can say to make right decision you should listen to your parents, but your heart at first and follow your dream.

a personal affair


to accuse

achieve high results

To have a wholesome effect on – благотворно влиять на

person’s mood


case-harden the spirits – закалять дух

will for victory

shortage of time - нехватка времени

in spite of everything – вопреки всему

emotional release – эмоциональная разрядка

core subjects - основные учебные предметы

well-being – здоровье, благополучие

devotee - ярый последователь

thrill seeker – искатель острых ощущений

to relieve stress – снимать стресс

precious gift – бесценный дар


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