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Writing essay extreme sport

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Some people think that doing sport especially extreme kinds is good not only for men’s body, but it helps to build character too. However, the others claim that risky sports are not right idea for people’s health.

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«Writing essay extreme sport»

Some people think that doing sport especially extreme kinds is good not only for men’s body, but it helps to build character too. However, the others claim that risky sports are not right idea for people’s health.

As for me, nowadays, it is popular among young people but I am against keening on extreme sports. The first thing that needs to be said is these sorts of activities are very dangerous for men’s health and emotional mention. Someone can hurt him or herself or may get serious injuries or even lose their lives. Secondly, extreme kinds of sport need not only physical strength but they need a great number of money. At present special gear is very expensive, not everyone can allow having it.

On the contrary, the percent of people, who consider that doing ordinary sports is not such gripping and breathtaking as extreme sports. That people get the adrenaline and pleasure from following kinds of sports: bungee jumping, mountain climbing, parachuting or scuba diving.

I disagree with this point of view, because extreme sport lovers risk their lives despite magical experience and changing in life routine.

In conclusion, I should say that extreme sports are not for the faint-hearted. You must think carefully before doing something risky.

emotional mention

serious injuries

physical strength

ordinary sports

gripping and breathtaking

life routine

the faint-hearted

To have a wholesome effect on – благотворно влиять на

person’s mood


case-harden the spirits – закалять дух

will for victory

poor/good posture – неправильная.правильная осанка

shortage of time - нехватка времени

in spite of everything – вопреки всему

emotional release – эмоциональная разрядка

core subjects - основные учебные предметы

well-being – здоровье, благополучие

devotee - ярый последователь

thrill seeker – искатель острых ощущений

to relieve stress – снимать стресс

precious gift – бесценный дар


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