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Writing essay space

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Some people think that spending money on space exploration is right idea. However, the others claim that it is better to use money for solving global issues.

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«Writing essay space»

Some people think that spending money on space exploration is right idea. However, the others claim that it is better to use money for solving global issues.

As for me, nowadays, it is more important to solve our Earth problems. The first thing that needs to be said is Earth keeps many mysteries, which should be solved. It is our home planet so we should explore it in full before we turn our eyes toward the space. Secondly, Earth has many problems, such as environmental pollution, the holes in ozone layer, global warming and so on. What is more, there are human and social issues. Each year people die from incurable illnesses, starvation, and poverty. I think that the money, which is spent on space exploration, should be invested in above problems.

On the contrary, the percent of people, who consider that space exploration is more important than humanity, is growing. The main reason of this growing is fact that scientists are convinced, people will move to another planet, if our Earth becomes impossible for living.

I disagree with this point of view, because these people forget that Earth is our home. We should take care of it. Moreover, if we cannot save one planet, how we can take care and do not destroy the others?

In conclusion, I should say we would better not spend money on space exploration before we solve the problems of our planet.

space exploration

solving global issues

home planet

incurable illnesses



stray animals -бездомный животный

to live outdoors - жить на улице

to starve - голодать

to create a shelter – строить приют

volunteer – волонтер

to elgalize


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