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Writing essay studying abroad

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Some people think that studying in overseas universities is a brilliant idea. However, the others claim that it is better to stay in native land to get worthy education.

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«Writing essay studying abroad»

Some people think that studying in overseas universities is a brilliant idea. However, the others claim that it is better to stay in native land to get worthy education.

In my opinion, nowadays, many pupils who finished school go abroad and try to get excellent education there. The first thing that needs to be said is students might get centuries-old experience in advanced countries. Our country lives through the economic crisis at present days, so when those students come back they could offer new ways of decision up-to-date problems. Secondly studying abroad gives learners great opportunity to improve their language skills. Falling under the spell of foreign country’s culture and life allows doing this.

On the contrary, the many people consider that it is better to study there where one be born. As Russian people say “Where you were born there you will be useful”. They believe that charge in some countries is very expensive. Moreover students living in Europe or the USA may have culture shock and they often have stress or even depression.

I disagree with this point of view, because a solid abroad education helps to get more interesting and highly-paid job. Besides they are more creative, flexible and their vision of the world is deeper and wider.

In conclusion, I should say if you want to get an excellent education, you will try to go to one of the universities abroad. In that way you will have international recognition. Though there are some Russian universities and institutes which have appropriate levels and highly-qualified staff.


worthy education

centuries-old experience

advanced countries

up-to-date problems


To train

to be proficient in – владеть навыками assistance - помощь

interaction - взаимодействие

to focus attention on

language skills

guarantee of success

to improve conversational skills target language - изучаемый язык full immersion – полное погружение to become fluent in a language – бегло говорить на языке

Host family the language barrier

enhance a language – улучшить язык

To have a wholesome effect on – благотворно влиять на

person’s mood


case-harden the spirits – закалять дух

shortage of time - нехватка времени

in spite of everything – вопреки всему

emotional release – эмоциональная разрядка

core subjects - основные учебные предметы

well-being – здоровье, благополучие

devotee - ярый последователь

thrill seeker – искатель острых ощущений

to relieve stress – снимать стресс

precious gift – бесценный дар


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