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Задания олимпиады для 7-8 классов

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«Задания олимпиады для 7-8 классов»

Муниципальный этап Всероссийской олимпиады школьников

по английскому языку


7-8 классы

Время выполнения – 60 минут Максимальный балл–60


Time: 15 minutes

Task 1.You will hear five people mentioning art / painting. Listen to the speakers. Match jobs A-F to speakers 1-5. There is one job that you do not need.


Speaker 1


an artist


Speaker 2


a charity worker


Speaker 3


a DIY expert


Speaker 4


a politician


Speaker 5


a security guard


a shop assistant

Task 2.Listen to the speakers again. Match ideas A-F to speakers 1-5. There is one idea that you do not need.


Speaker 1


…is expressing feelings about their job


Speaker 2


…is expressing disagreement with something


Speaker 3


…is explaining a company policy


Speaker 4


…is updating people on progress


Speaker 5


…is making a complaint


…is giving advice

Task 3.After you have listened to the speakers two times, match the parts of the collocations they used. There is one item that you do not need.


…people are struggling


…only when products break


…we give refunds


…down to every little detail


…we need to raise awareness


…scratched paint or whatever


…wear protective gear


…to make ends meet


…some paintings look so lifelike,


…of what we do


…to avoid injury

Transfer your answers to the answer sheet


Time: 15 minutes

Task 1.Read the article about Eton. Complete the text withA-F. There is one item that you donot need to use.


it is very well-equipped


made from the British flag


which usually took place in the library


and had to leave the college


it was founded by King Henry VI in 1440


which he can decorate as he likes

Eton: the factory of gentlemen


Eton College is probably the most famous school in the world. It has educated boys for nearly six centuries! Located in the small town of Eton, near Windsor, 16.__________ (who was only 18 at that time).The aim was to give education to 70 poor boys so that they could then go to Cambridge University. Life in the early days of Eton was hard. The boys had to get up at 5 o’clock in the morning and wash outside with cold water; rats ran free about the college and all the lessons were in Latin.Today, Eton College has 1,290 boys aged 13-18. It has become the largest and most prestigious public school in Britain. It’s a very expensive school, too. You have to pay more than £25,000 a year to study there, so Eton’s students are mainly from rich families. But you don’t automatically get into Eton – you have to pass exams first. A lot of famous people have been to Eton, including Henry Fielding, George Orwell, Ian Fleming, and, in recent years, Prince William and Prince Harry.

Life in Eton

Eton is a boarding school where boys study away from home. When a boy comes to Eton he joins a ‘house’ of 50 boys. This house will be the hub of his life for the next five years. Each boy has his own small room with a bed and a desk 17.__________ (within limits, of course) and where he can entertain his friends. Having your own room from the first day at school (even if you are only 13) is central to Eton’s philosophy. The teachers want their student to think independently, organise their own lives and take responsibility for themselves. Each house is under the care of a house master, who looks after the boys, supports them and, if necessary, makes sure they behave themselves. The house master is supported by a dame, who looks after the boys’ health and helps them with personal matters. There are a number of senior boys with responsibilities in the house, too. They will do their best to make sure a boy enjoys his time in the house and takes part in Eton’s activities: games, plays, concerts, musical and debating competitions, and so on.

Dress Code

Eton students wear a strange old-fashioned school uniform. It consists of a black tailcoat, black pin-striped trousers, a black waistcoat, well-polished black shoes, a false-collar and a white tie. This uniform is not for special occasions, it is worn at all times, and if you visit Eton, you’ll see the boys walking around the campus in these strange clothes. In the past Eton students also wore a top-hat and a walking-cane. There are some variations in the school dress of important senior boys with responsibilities: they are allowed to wear any colourful waistcoat and a white bow-tie.Prince William, for example, liked to wear a waistcoat 18.__________ .

Quality Education

With its combination of excellent teachers and small classes, Eton gives its students a very good education. A personal tutor looks after the progress of every boy. When students leave Eton, they usually go to top universities, such as Oxford or Cambridge. Although the college looks old-fashioned, 19.__________ and had state-of-the-art laboratories. Every boy has a lap-top computer, and a network connects all the classrooms and bedrooms to the Internet. Languages are very important at Eton. Every student takes at least two modern languages chosen from French, German, Russian and Spanish. Students also study Latin for at least one year, and many choose to study Greek. Outside the main timetable they may choose Chinese or Arabic.


The Duke of Wellington once said that The Battle of Waterloo was won on the playing-fields of Eton. The college is very strong in the area of sports. Students can do 30 different sports, including rugby, football, cricket, rowing, hockey, basketball, swimming and many others. It even has its own sports played at no other schools: the wall game and the field game. There is an excellent golf course, an indoor swimming pool and one of the best rowing lakes in the world, Dorney Lake.

Strict Discipline

The author Evelyn Waugh once said, ‘Anyone who has been to an English public school will feel comparatively at home in prison’. Until 1983, Eton was renowned for ‘flogging and fagging’. You can see the birches and canes used by the teachers at the Museum of Eton Life. It was a public ceremony 20.__________ .One headmaster, John Keate, managed to beat 80 boys publicly on one day! Fags were first-year boys who were the personal servants of older boys and had tasks like stroking the fire in their room. All ‘flogging and fagging’ is now forbidden but discipline is still very strict at Eton.

Task 2.Decide whether the following ideas are true (T), false (F) or do not appear in the text (NS).


According to the text, money is not all you need to be accepted at Eton.


Senior students have to organise activities for younger students.


School uniform is worn every day and it is the same for all students.


According to the text, The Battle of Waterloo took place at Eton.


In the past, corporal punishment was performed publicly by the headmaster every day.

Transfer your answers to the answer sheet

Use of English

Time: 10 minutes

Task 1. Complete the text about Facebook using the correct form of the verb in brackets.

There are over one billion Facebook users worldwide, and this number 26.__________ (increase) all the time. It is clear that Facebook 27.__________ (change) the way we 28.__________ (look) at friendship. The word ‘friend’ 29.__________ (become) a verb, and ‘friends’ now 30.__________ (include) people we only 31.__________ (know) online and who we 32.__________ (never, meet). One positive side to Facebook is that friends who 33.__________ (lose) contact, often many years ago, 34.__________ (now, be able to) get in touch again. More and more people 35.__________ (connect) with old friends via Facebook, and Facebook also means that friends never need to lose touch; people can stay friends for life!

Task 2.Choose A, B or C to complete the text about The British Isles.

The British Isles is a 36.__________ name that refers to all the islands off the northwestern coast of the European continent. 37.__________ is the largest of the British Isles.It is made up of England, Scotland and 38.__________. The full name of the country situated in the British Isles is The United Kingdom of Great Britain and 39.__________. The flag of the UK, 40.__________, is its most recognizable symbol.


A  political

B  geographical

C  historical


A  Great Britain

B  England

C  Ireland


A  Ireland

B  Wales

C  Cornwall


A  Northern Ireland

B  Ireland

C  The Republic of Ireland


A  The Red Dragon

B  The Union Jack

C  St. Andrew’s Flag

Transfer your answers to the answer sheet


Time: 20 minutes

You see the following advertisement in you school newspaper.

We want to encourage young people in your school to study natural sciences. We would like you, our readers, to send us letters describing your experience of learning science at school.

- Highlight any positive aspects of your experience of studying natural sciences.

- Describe any negative aspects.

- Make recommendations on how young people could be encouraged to study natural sciences.

Write a letter to the school newspaper (120-150 words).


Time: 20 minutes

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