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Загадки и рифмы.

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Рифмы и загадки. Материал можно применять как на обычных уроках , так на мероприятии. Направлено на расширение кругозора учащихся.

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«Загадки и рифмы.»


1. It runs but has no legs. (time)

2. It’s black when it’s clean. (a board)

3. It has teeth but it can’t bite. (a comb)

4. Children don’t like to drink especially when it’s warm. (milk)

5. It is white. It is cold

We can skate on it. What is it (ice)

6. What man cannot live inside the house? (a snowman)

7. A little old woman with twelve children

Some short, some long, some cold, some hot

What is she? (a year)

8. What goes up when the rain comes down? (an umbrella)

9. He is not a tailor but carries needles with him. (a hedgehog)

В качестве изречений можно предложить следующее:

1. The more we study, the more we know.

Rhyme-time: найти рифмующееся слово.

Cat – fat

Plate – gate

Car – far

Floor – door

Book –look – took

Lamp –camp

House – mouse

Our – flower

Pen – hen –men

Bag – tag – flag

Light – night

Day – pay

Tree – three

Chalk – walk

Name – game

Letter – matter

Feet – treat

Foot – boot

Face – lace

Spoon – moon

Fork – dock

Box – fox

Sand – hand

Stick – pick

Street – meet

Fish - dish

1. How many parts are there in Great Britain?

2. What river is the capital situated on?

3. Who is the head of the country?

4. What is the home of the Queen?

5. What is the double-decker?

6. What is Big Ben?

7. What is the symbol of England?

8. Where did the detective Sherlock Holmes live?

9. What is the most famous lake in Scotland?

10. Why is the city Bath called so?

11. Who is the most famous woman-writer of detective stories?

12. What books of English writers do you know?

13. What is the oldest part of London?

14. What is the symbol of Scotland?

15. What is the symbol of Wales?

16. What is the Scottish national costume?

17. What is the national instrument of Scots?

18. When do British people celebrate Christmas?

19. Who wrote about Winnie the Pooh?

20. Who is the writer of “Mary Poppins”?

21. Who is the author of books about Harry Potter?


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