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Закрепление понимания материала по теме "Свадебные традиции Великобритании и исследования Р Турни"

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«Закрепление понимания материала по теме "Свадебные традиции Великобритании и исследования Р Турни"»

Task I

Read the sentences and write: True, False, Not mentioned:

  1. There are three circumstances: a civil partnership, a civil marriage and a religious marriage___

  2. A person can chose the partner only the same sex ___

  3. Couples can leave together and been engaged for many years before they decide to get married__

  4. The bride can’t wear an ivory or cream coloured dress___

  5. Some people are invited just to the party afterwards__

Task II

Answer the questions:

  1. Who can get married in UK?

  2. What are the features of engagement(step by step)?

  3. What happened with the bride and groom just before the wedding day?

  4. What are the features of the wedding day(step by step)?

  5. What are the differences and similarities between Russian and British wedding?

Task III

  1. What motivates people’s behaviours?

  2. What did Richard Tunney explain about the attitudes?

  3. Where do people gain knowledge about?

  4. Write your opinion about the Richard Tunney’s work(2-3 sentences and more).

Дополнительно ссылка: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gUu8YkmmqUk


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