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Занимательные упражнения на закрепление лексики по теме "Хобби"

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Закрепление лексики по теме "Хобби" для обучающихся 5 классов по УМК И.Н. Верещагиной и О.В. Афанасьевой "Английский язык" в форме занимательных тренировочных заданий.

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«Занимательные упражнения на закрепление лексики по теме "Хобби"»

Answer the questions, looking at the pictures

1.What is Julia fond of?

2.What is she doing now?

3.What did she do after lessons yesterday?

1.What is Julia’s aunt doing now?

2.What did she do yesterday?

3. What does she usually do after work?

1.What does Julia’s cousin like to do?

2. What did he do after classes yesterday?

3. What is he doing now?

1.What is Julia’s nephew doing now?

2.What does he usually do after school?

3.What did he do yesterday at the concert?

1.What does Julia’s sibling usually do on the stage? 2.What is she doing now?

3.What did she do at the concert yesterday?

Complete the sentences

Yesterday at the concert the children …

My uncle specializes in ……….

This young woman is really fond of ………

Sam’s grandpa ……… now.

Last week our class ………

Usually young men don’t care much about ……………….

Solve the crossword

Across ( ):

2. Boys like to sing songs to this instrument

4. The audience can hear this music in big concert halls

6. Children often learn to play this instrument at music schools

8. Musicians can play this instrument taking it into hands and putting it close to their lips

10. People can watch it on TV

12. Pupils usually learn to do it at Art lessons at school

14. People who want to see different pictures and paintings go to this place

15. This is a short story about the life of a person

Down ( ):

  1. The musician puts this instrument on the shoulder, holds with a head and plays

3.This is the native music of the country

5. A small monument to a person. People usually can see it in different museums.

6. Usually our fathers and grandfathers are interested in it

7. A beautiful performance on the skating rink

9. We can see the face of a person on it

11. We can watch it on the theatre stage on in a video film

13. We can hear about news in the country from it or listen to music on it


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