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Защита проекта "MY PLANS FOR FUTURE."

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«Защита проекта "MY PLANS FOR FUTURE."»

Made by Andrew Slastinin, 9c My plans for the future

Made by Andrew Slastinin, 9c

My plans for the future

My school

My school

Opportunities in my city

Opportunities in my city

Professional schools in my city Yaroslavl Polytechnic College No. 24 Yaroslavl College of Service and Design Yaroslavl College of Management and Professional Technologies Yaroslavl Urban Planning College Yaroslavl Industrial and Economic College named after N.P. PastukhovZavolzhsky Polytechnic College Yaroslavl College of the Food Industry Yaroslavl Pedagogical CollegeDepartment of Secondary Vocational Education of Yaroslavl State Medical UniversityDepartment of the SPO of the Yaroslavl branch of the St. Petersburg State University of Railways of Emperor Alexander I Yaroslavl College of Culture Yaroslavl College of Hotel and Construction Services University College of Yaroslavl State University named after P.G. Demidov Yaroslavl Automotive Engineering College Yaroslavl Medical College So we have a lot Opportunities for further study

Professional schools in my city

  • Yaroslavl Polytechnic College No. 24
  • Yaroslavl College of Service and Design
  • Yaroslavl College of Management and Professional Technologies
  • Yaroslavl Urban Planning College
  • Yaroslavl Industrial and Economic College named after N.P. PastukhovZavolzhsky Polytechnic College
  • Yaroslavl College of the Food Industry
  • Yaroslavl Pedagogical CollegeDepartment of Secondary Vocational Education of Yaroslavl State Medical UniversityDepartment of the SPO of the Yaroslavl branch of the St. Petersburg State University of Railways of Emperor Alexander I
  • Yaroslavl College of Culture
  • Yaroslavl College of Hotel and Construction Services
  • University College of Yaroslavl State University named after P.G. Demidov
  • Yaroslavl Automotive Engineering College
  • Yaroslavl Medical College
  • So we have a lot Opportunities for further study
Type of classes in the 10-11 th forms Social and humanitarian – Russian language, Literature, History, Social science. Social and economic – Math, Social science, Geography. Physics and mathematics – Math, Physics, IT Chemistry and Bio – Math, Chemistry, Bio

Type of classes in the 10-11 th forms

  • Social and humanitarian – Russian language, Literature, History, Social science.
  • Social and economic – Math, Social science, Geography.
  • Physics and mathematics – Math, Physics, IT
  • Chemistry and Bio – Math, Chemistry, Bio
My choice

My choice

Thank you for attention!

Thank you for attention!


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