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Проверка знаний

Объяснение материала

Закрепление изученного

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Teacher: – Good morning I’m glad to see you at today’s lesson. How are you?

Students: – I’m fine, thanks. And how are you?

Teacher: – I’m OK. Thanks a lot .

Постановка проблемы:

Teacher: Today we’ll speak about your health. We’ll discuss what helps us to be fit, healthy and strong. You will know something interesting and new for you. You see that your health is in your own hands.

Основная часть.

I. Фонетическая зарядка.

Teacher: There are exercises that are useful not only for your body but also for your tongue.

Phonetic exercises:Proverbs and rhimes

Отработка выражений

The first wealth is health.

Health is the ‘best wealth’.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

T: So, the theme of our lesson is “The Good Health Habits”

Your task is to work very well. During the hour you have to play different games.

Речевая зарядка:

  1. T: What bad and good habits do you know? ( на карточках даны фразы, ученики по цепочке высказываются, учитель быстро записывает на доске ключевые слова, разделив их на 2 столбика)


Примерные фразы высказываний учеников:

P1: I think (to my mind/ I’m sure/….) smoking is a bad habit

T: You are right ( OK/ That’s right/…) etc. or You are mistaken (You’ re wrong/…) etc.

P2: I’ m sure following a diet is a good habit.

T: ….

the Bad Health Habits

the Good Health Habits

  • Smoking

  • Taking drugs

  • Taking / drinking alcohol

  • Eating too much sweets

  • Skipping breakfast

  • Eating high fibre food

  • Eating low fat food

  • Physical inactivity

  • Obesity

  • Sleeping too much or too little

  • Snacking

  • Etc.

  • Cleaning teeth

  • Washing a face and hands

  • Doing sports

  • Not eating at night

  • Following a diet

  • Eating more fruits and vegetables

  • Counting calories

  • Getting vitamins

  • Going in for sport

  • Doing morning exercises

  • Dieting

  • Etc.

2. T.: Agree or disagree with my statements:

T: Smoking is a bad habit

P1: That is right. Smoking is a bad habit.

T: Eating too much sweet is good for your health.

P2: That is wrong. Eating too much sweet is bad for your health.

T: Drinking too much alcohol is a healthy habit.

- Eating low-fat food is a bad habit.

-Exercising is bad for health.

- P1 skips breakfast.

- P2 takes drugs.

- P3 watches too much TV.


Think about your style of the life. Be ready to answer the next questions. What do you do about your friends’ life styles? Be ready to ask questions.


T: I think you will agree with me. If a person wants to be healthy he should have healthy habits. I suppose it will be interesting to ask your friends about their health habits. Take question lists and interview your friends(учащиеся продумывают вопросы, записывают в анкету и опрашивают всех одноклассников)





1. Do you skip breakfast?

2. Do you do your morning exercising?

3. Do you eat only chips, pizza, crips and cola for lunch?

4. Do you go in for sport?

5. Do you get up early?

6. Do you count calories?

7. Do you drink alcohol?

8. Do you care about your health?

9. Do you have problems with your health?

10. Do you smoke? etc.

T.Let us see what the teacher’s attitude toward their health is. P1, tell us about our results. (ученики делают краткие выводы об отношении к здоровью своих одноклассников)

T: What should your friends do to be healthy? (Ученики по цепочке составляют фразы, предложения о ЗОЖ, дают советы о том, что нужно делать, чтобы быть здоровым)

You should (should not) ….

- Go in for sports (play …);

- Take care of health;

- Not watch TV too much;

- Clean teeth ;

- Have breakfast;

- do morning exercises;

Релаксационная пауза.

T.: I see you are tired. Let’s relax.

Clap your hands when you hear words about good or bad habits.

No waiting, no parking,

Don’t smile, stop laughing.

Turn it on, turn it off,

Open your mouth, try to cough.

No smoking, no drinking,

No running, stop thinking.

Work all day, play all night,

Do what I say – that’s right.

Turn left, turn right,

Always love, never fight.

Come early, don’t be late,

Try to be good, don’t hate.

T.: You see that it is very difficult to be healthy and follow healthy lifestyle. But do not forget “Health is the best wealth”. And what can help you to be healthy? Of course, school.

What is the Kingdom of good and bad habits?

Only at school you do morning exercising, go in for sport three times a week, and have a balanced diet. A balanced diet is very important too.

Do you have lunch at school?

Do you like the menu of our school canteen?

What should be nice to have in the menu? What would you like to have in the menu?

ЗаданиеТ: Choose the right words for the healthy menu 

Bread, meat, fish, nuts, cheese and milk, cereals, fruits and vegetables borsch, salads, pancakes and tea with vitamins, etc.

Один представитель от группы «защищает» свое меню (вывешивается на классной доске)

Работа с текстом

Т: What drinks do you know?

One of the most popular drinks is….(ученики предполагают). Tea is popular in Great Britain.

Let’s read the text about The British who like tea very much.Ученикам предлагается текст для чтения про себя (2-3 мини задания после него.



The British have been known as great tea drinkers since the early time. They drink tea all the time in the morning and in the evening. They drink tea in cold winter and sunny days.

Tea was first brought to England in 1650. It was an exotic product unknown to most of people. At first they neither knew what to do with the tea leaves nor how to make it. There’s a funny story about a sailor’s mother. The sailor brought tea leaves home from the journey and left them on the table in the sitting room. While he was out his mother invited some guests. The sailor was very surprised to see the guests eating tea leaves with water.

Nowadays the British have afternoon tea and high tea. They drink it without sugar with milk, but some of them do it even without milk.

Задания после чтения текста (раздаются каждому карточки, ученики должны дать ответы)

Read and agree or disagree

1) The British are tea lovers.

2) They drink tea only in the afternoon.

3) The sailor brought tea leaves home from the jungle.

4) The guests ate tea leaves with water in the sitting room.

5) Nowadays the British drink tea only without sugar.

Ответы: а) + б) – в) + г) + д)-

Finish the sentences:

1) A lot of British like........

2) They usually drink tea without sugar.........

3) Tea was first brought.......

4) They drink tea all the time in the morning and ........

5) The sailor brought tea leaves home.......

6) Nowadays the British have afternoon tea and .......

7) A lot of British didn’t know this......

Заключительная часть

а) подведение итогов:

T: Do you agree that “Health is the ‘best wealth’? What does our health depend on? What are bad and good habits?


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