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Four hundred chefs in Buenos Aires teamed up to beat the world record for pizzas made in 12 hours. Using more than 3 tonnes of flour, 2.7 tonnes of cheese and 88,000 olives, the team managed to produce 11,287 pizzas. Fourteen industrial-sized ovens allowed them to bake six pizzas a minute, and they beat the previous record by more than 1,000 pizzas. Difficult words: ch ...
27.11.2018 20:27 262
Hello students, Do you want to learn English effectively? We have a special book for you. The book is written in three levels. You can learn English for your level when you read this book. Level 1 is written in the present tense. Level 2 is written in the past tense. Level 3 is written in grammar which is important for intermediate students. The name of the book is Robinson Crusoe. You can find the book at ...
27.11.2018 20:25 371
Ottawa is Canada's picturesque capital, full of cultural attractions and natural beauty. The city's Rideau Canal, which is great for ice-skating in winter and boating in summer, is surrounded by pathways for walking and cycling on warmer days. The Ottawa locks were one of the city's first structures and are still functioning today. Next to the locks is Parliament Hill where each summer morning the crowds watch the Changing of the Guard Ceremony under t ...
09.06.2018 16:21 189
Wellington is the political, cultural and culinary capital of Aotearoa as the Māori call New Zealand. The compact city spills out of the mountains and overlooks Cook Strait. In the world's southernmost capital fresh ocean winds seem to bring in waves of creativity. Civic Square is an eclectic mix of artworks and houses the elegant Town Hall, while Cuba Street is the place to go for shopping. The waterfront is dotted with craft beer bars and restaurants. The co ...
09.06.2018 16:19 301
Perched on the East Coast of Australia, Sydney, is the vibrant capital of New South Wales. The Sydney Tower is the perfect way to get acquainted with the city. From Circular Quay it's possible to get almost anywhere else in the city. Nearby is Sydney Harbour Bridge. Just across it is Luna Park, renowned for its vintage fairground rides. A short ferry ride from Luna Park is Darling Harbour, home to the National Maritime Museum. A few blocks away is the Powe ...
09.06.2018 16:17 275
Los Angeles, Southern California, is known for its sunshine, entertainment industry and openness to newcomers. In Downtown Los Angeles, Olvera Street is one of the oldest surviving areas in L.A., to experience the colors and tastes of Old Mexico. Just across the road is Union Station, which has appeared in almost 30 big-budget movies. The main attractions in Los Angeles include Knott's Berry Park, the Aquarium of the Pacific and, of course, Disneyland. Rodeo D ...
09.06.2018 16:16 270
The city of Boston, on Massachusetts Bay, has a fine natural harbor and a compact center filled with reminders of the city's role in the American Revolution. Boston is nicknamed 'the walking city' and the best way to see it is by following the Freedom Trail. It officially starts at Boston Common, America's oldest city park, ansd takes in 16 important sites. Trail highlights include The State House, with its gleaming gold dome, the Bunker Hill Monum ...
09.06.2018 16:13 206
Washington D.C. is situated on the east coast of the USA, along the banks of the Potomac River. Most visitors begin at the National Mall. Zero Milestone is the proposed reference point for distances on all US maps. To the north is the White House. To the south stands the Washington Monument. The US Capitol Building, atop Capitol Hill, is the nation's seat of federal government. The Mall is also home to many of the nation's Smithsonian buildings, including ...
09.06.2018 16:11 679
Located on the south end of the Millennium Bridge is Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre, a reconstruction of the theatre that mounted many of Shakespeare’s original plays. The design is as historically accurate to the original Globe Theatre as possible, with some upgrades in safety regulations. Bui ...
09.06.2018 16:08 234
London, England! A modern city built on thousands of years of history. From Millennium Bridge to Big Ben, from the London Eye to Buckingham Palace, we’re covering some of London's most iconic landmarks! ...
09.06.2018 15:59 506

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