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SHOWS First Concepts Guessing Games Music & Art Activities Bedtime ...
30.04.2017 17:56 79
Те, кто постарше, возможно помнят школьные уроки по английскому, где выдавалась аудиокассета с курсами на весь класс. Дальше искали ученика, у которого дома был современный магнитофон с функцией копирования на чистую кассету. Правда, при много кратном копировании качество ухудшалось, да и вообще это было неудобно. Аудиоуроки Илоны Давыдовой Метод Илоны Давыдовой поможет Вам выучить английский язык в короткий ...
29.04.2017 09:58 132
Far away in a little house by the railroad lives a little and a very restless girl called Masha. She loves to play so much that all other animals don't share her enthusiasm and always hide from her. One day she is fed up with it and flees into the forest. There she finds a cozy-looking house that belongs to the Bear, who at this moment just gone fishing. ...
26.04.2017 21:47 194
Tony Kline translated this to English ...
26.04.2017 21:44 136
Russian cartoons in English ...
26.04.2017 21:42 97
As story by Oscar Wilde told with 1970s Japanese Animation ...
26.04.2017 21:39 115
Grandpa Frost from the 1996 VHS "Classic Fairy Tales From Around the World." ...
26.04.2017 21:36 150
Travel video about destination Moskva in Russia. Moscow is the capital of Russia and the largest city in Europe. Both Tsar rule and soviet communism gave the city its present appearance. It has witnessed much change and has become a prosperous city and one of contrast and the superlative, of millionaires and also the very poor. Vasiliya Blazhennovo Khram, Ba ...
26.04.2017 21:07 164
Moscow is a major political, economic, cultural, and scientific center of Russia and Eastern Europe, as well as the largest city entirely on the European continent. By broader definitions Moscow is among the world's largest cities, being the 14th largest metro area, the 17th largest agglomeration, the 16th largest urban area, and the 10th largest by popul ...
26.04.2017 21:05 112
This Soviet-made newsreel records cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin (1934-68), the first man to journey into outer space, as he returns to a hero's welcome in Moscow on 12 April 1961. Following a motorcade through the city, he is personally praised by the then Communist leader Nikita Khrushchev during a mass rally in Red Square. This film is part of the ETV collection. Amassed over half a century, it specialises in documentary footage of all aspects of life, society and history in both the UK and th ...
09.04.2017 16:59 345

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