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Alexander Pushkin

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Presentation of the great writer Alexander Pushkin.

Alexander Pushkin was born on 26 of  May  in 1799 into a poor noble family. Primary education, as was customary among the nobles, little Pushkin received at home, teachers and tutors invited by parents from different countries of Europe engaged in his training. At the same time, despite a bright mind, the future star of Russian poetry could not be called a diligent student, teachers and relatives noted a lack of zeal in him, but over time the boy became interested in reading.

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«Alexander Pushkin»

Alexander Pushkin

Alexander Pushkin

Alexander Pushkin was born on 26 of may in 1799 in Moscow

Alexander Pushkin was born on 26 of may in 1799 in Moscow

In Pushkin's family there were several more children - the son of Lev and daughter Olga.

In Pushkin's family there were several more children - the son of Lev and daughter Olga.

Alexander Pushkin had a nanny-Arina Rodionovna. Arina Rodionovna brought up Pushkin.

Alexander Pushkin had a nanny-Arina Rodionovna. Arina Rodionovna brought up Pushkin.

In 1811 Pushkin studied at the Tsar Lyceum. After the end of the Lyceum in 1817, Pushkin moved to St. Petersburg.
  • In 1811 Pushkin studied at the Tsar Lyceum. After the end of the Lyceum in 1817, Pushkin moved to St. Petersburg.
In 1821 Pushkin wrote the poem
  • In 1821 Pushkin wrote the poem "The Caucasian Prisoner", which makes him one of the greatest writers
 In 1831, Pushkin married Natalia Goncharova. February of 8 in the 1837 Pushkin was shooting a duel with Dantes was mortally wounded and died on February of 10.

In 1831, Pushkin married Natalia Goncharova. February of 8 in the 1837 Pushkin was shooting a duel with Dantes was mortally wounded and died on February of 10.

Alexander Pushkin wrote a fairy tale about Tsar Saltan. Children like a fairy tale about Tsar Saltan. The main heroes of the fairy tale: Tsar Saltan, Prince Gvidon, queen, weaver, cook, svya Baba
  • Alexander Pushkin wrote a fairy tale about Tsar Saltan. Children like a fairy tale about Tsar Saltan. The main heroes of the fairy tale: Tsar Saltan, Prince Gvidon, queen, weaver, cook, svya Baba
Pushkin is the most famous writer in Russia. Pushkin's books have been read and will be read

Pushkin is the most famous writer in Russia. Pushkin's books have been read and will be read


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