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Composition "Competitions"

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«Composition "Competitions"»

This is a part of a letter you have received from your Australian friend, Ben. “I watched my elder sister take part in a singing competition last week – she won the first prize and it was wonderful! Tell me about a competition you have taken part in. What kind of competition would you not like to enter and why?”



Dear Paul,

Thanks a lot for your letter. I am glad to hear form you! Sorry, haven’t written sooner as I was very busy at school.

In your last letter you told and asked about competitions. First of all, I want to congratulate your sister on her victory in the competition. For the human being competition is a really important thing. It allows him perfectionate himself, set higher goals and just become better. That is why people often choose to take part in different contests and show their forces in different fields. To my mind, it’s very important to take part in different competitions because it’s a great way to improve yourself in different spheres. If speak about prize, I would like to get my personal happy. I am happy each time when taking part in competitions and it’s precious for me!

But, as for me, I wouldn’t like to take part in a musical competition as a young opera singer even for the experience. I can’t carry a tune in a bushel basket. As they say, I don’t have a musical bone in my body. I will never accept to be defeated and the failure is for me very painful.

Sorry, have to finish. Loads of homework (as always!). Write back!




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