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Интегрированный урок английского языка «78 years ago…», посвященный 78-ой годовщине победы в Великой Отечественной войне (для обучающихся 8-9 классов)

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«Интегрированный урок английского языка «78 years ago…», посвященный 78-ой годовщине победы в Великой Отечественной войне (для обучающихся 8-9 классов)»

Муниципальное казенное общеобразовательное учреждение

«Новобатуринская средняя общеобразовательная школа»

Методическая разработка

Тема разработки:

Интегрированный урок английского языка «78 years ago…»,

посвященный 78-ой годовщине победы

в Великой Отечественной войне

(для обучающихся 8-9 классов)

Автор: Тараканова Татьяна Васильевна,

учитель английского языка

МКОУ «Новобатуринская СОШ»



Интегрированный урок английского языка по теме «78 years ago…» посвященный 78-ой годовщине победы в Великой Отечественной войне

В настоящее время одной из ключевых задач образования является воспитание у обучающихся чувства патриотизма. Связь между современным поколением и теми, кто пережил страшное военное время, становится все тоньше. Поэтому учителя, независимо от предмета, который они преподают, должны в рамках своих уроков воспитывать у учащихся гордость и уважение к подвигу старшего поколения, готовность защищать свою Родину в любой момент. Представленная методическая разработка - это разработка интегрированного урока английского языка, посвященного 78-ой годовщине победы русского народа во II мировой войне.

Цель урока:

Обучающие: познакомить обучающихся с героями II мировой войны, активизировать употребление лексических единиц по теме.

Развивающие: развивать и совершенствовать навыки чтения с выделением главного, формировать у обучающихся навыки диалогического и монологического высказывания, развивать навыки аудирования.

Воспитательные:  воспитывать чувство патриотизма и гордости за подвиг нашего народа.

Метапредметные связи: история, литература

Оборудование:  компьютер, карточки с текстом, карточки с заданиями

Аудитория: обучающиеся 8-9 класса


  1. Организационный момент. 

Т: Hello, boys and girls! Glad to see you! Today we have a very interesting lessons. Look at the screen, please and listen to me.

На слайде стихотворение «Wait for Me» (Translated by Mike Munford to Valentina Serova) «Жди меня». Учитель читает отрывок стихотворения вслух (СЛАЙД 2)

Wait for me, and I'll come back!

Wait with all you've got!

Wait, when dreary yellow rains

Tell you, you should not.

Wait when snow is falling fast,

Wait when summer's hot,

Wait when yesterdays are past,

Others are forgot.

Wait, when from that far-off place,

Letters don't arrive.

Wait, when those with whom you wait

Doubt if I'm alive.

T: Students, can you guess, what we are going to speak about.

(Обучающиеся предлагают варианты темы урока) СЛАЙД 3

T: You are absolutely right. We are going to speak about the Great Patriotic War.

78 years ago Russian people won in this terrible war.

T: What do you want to know (учащиеся обозначают задачи урока) СЛАЙД 4

  1. Речевая разминка

(Учитель задает вопросы учащимся, развитие навыков диалогической речи)

T: Answer my questions, please.

  1. When is Victory Day?

  2. When did the Great Patriotic War start? 

  3. Who was the leader of Nazi Germany?

  4. How do Russian people celebrate Victory Day?


  1. 9 May

  2. The Great Patriotic War started on 22 June 1941. 

  3. Adolf Hitler 

  4. They watch military films, parades in big cities, honor veterans.

  1. Работа с текстом

На данном этапе урока обучающиеся работают с текстом с целью извлечения главного. Ребята должны найти английские эквиваленты к русским словосочетаниям, озаглавить текст, кратко пересказать.

T: Now, boys and girls, you are going to read texts about the Great Patronic War heroes. Read them by yourself. I’ll give you 5 minutes. You should title this text and retell it in 5-6 sentences.

More than seventy years have passed since the victory in the Great Patriotic war, but it still finds reflection in human souls. This victory was achieved with great effort. Every family in the country was touched and involved into this cruel war. Even my grandfathers and great-grandfathers participated in it.

’ll try to describe an average soldier however we all know that each of them was a real hero. So, who was he and what did he look like? I wish I could speak about them in the present because they are still alive in our hearts. We shouldn’t forget what they did for us. Some soldiers got higher ranks during this war, but they didn’t forget what their main goal was. A simple soldier was a man whose life has become a tiny contribution to the case of liberation of the country from invaders. They were people who readily gave their lives for bright and cloudless future of their motherland and the life of their descendents.

Undoubtedly each of the soldiers was a hero, who did it not for becoming famous or being listed on some boards. We all know that they did it solely out of civic duty and love for their families.

Some of them were too young to participate in such monstrous battles. There were fourteen year old partisans, twenty-five year old family men, who left their young wives and little children or newborn babies at home. Older men went shoulder to shoulder with their sons. This war didn’t spare anyone, but the desire to bring victory and peace to their land was stronger.

Among the characters with unique destinies we can name Nikolai Gastello, Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, Alexander Matrosov. The latter was only eighteen when he was given the award of the Hero of the Soviet Union. It is impossible to forget the heroism of such people.

T: Retell the text in 5-6 sentences. (развитие навыков монологического высказывания)

T: And the next task is to find English equivalents to these word combinations.

Развитие лексических навыков (найти эквиваленты русских слов в тексте) СЛАЙД 5-6

победа была достигнута с большим трудом - victory was achieved with great effort

еще живы в наших сердцах -  still alive in our hearts

крошечнымй вклад в дело освобождения страны от захватчиков  - a tiny contribution to the case of liberation of the country from invaders

гражданский долг - civic duty

не щадила никого - didn’t spare anyone

желание принести победу - the desire to bring victory 

 уникальными судьбами - unique destinies

награда Героя Советского Союза - the award of the Hero of the Soviet Union

T: Look at the screen. Match photos and the names of heroes.
На экране – фотографии героев, задача - сопоставить имя и фотографию. СЛАЙД 7

T: Very good! We must know and remember our heroes. You see them on the screen.

T: Now, pupils stand up, please. A moment of silence as a gesture of respect for those who have died at this terrible historical event, gave their lives for our Motherland. 
(Минута молчания) 

Т: Thank you very much! Take your seats, please.

4. Развитие навыков аудирования

Т: Now, I want you listen to Russian wartime song, written during World War II. You should fill into the gaps while listening to the song. СЛАЙД 8

(Слушают песню «Катюша» на английском языке и заполняют пропуски) ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ 2

Let’s check your answer. (Проверяют свои ответы) СЛАЙД 9

Now, let’s sing that song together. (Поют песню)

5.Рефлексия СЛАЙД 10

Т: Pupils, our lesson comes to the end. I think you loved it. What can you say about today’s lesson? Did you liked it? What information was the most interesting

P: (высказывают мнение об уроке, что они узнали нового, что было самым интересным, достигнуты ли цели, поставленные ребятами в начале урока) Поставленные цели можно разместить на экране, чтобы точно определить, что получилось, а что нет.

T: СЛАЙД 11 Victory Day is a symbol of a national pride, glory. It consolidates and joins everybody today. In our country Victory day is celebrated by all people in every city, town, village, because it brought peace not only for the Soviet People but for the people of many European countries. I’m glad that you know the history of Russia! We must remember the Great Patriotic War and its heroes, honour the memory of those who gave their lives for the freedom. Therefore you homework will be to prepare information about participants of Great Patronic War.


Thank you very much! Good Bye!


More than seventy years have passed since the victory in the Great Patriotic war, but it still finds reflection in human souls. This victory was achieved with great effort. Every family in the country was touched and involved into this cruel war. Even my grandfathers and great-grandfathers participated in it.

’ll try to describe an average soldier however we all know that each of them was a real hero. So, who was he and what did he look like? I wish I could speak about them in the present because they are still alive in our hearts. We shouldn’t forget what they did for us. Some soldiers got higher ranks during this war, but they didn’t forget what their main goal was. A simple soldier was a man whose life has become a tiny contribution to the case of liberation of the country from invaders. They were people who readily gave their lives for bright and cloudless future of their motherland and the life of their descendents.

Undoubtedly each of the soldiers was a hero, who did it not for becoming famous or being listed on some boards. We all know that they did it solely out of civic duty and love for their families.

Some of them were too young to participate in such monstrous battles. There were fourteen year old partisans, twenty-five year old family men, who left their young wives and little children or newborn babies at home. Older men went shoulder to shoulder with their sons. This war didn’t spare anyone, but the desire to bring victory and peace to their land was stronger.

Among the characters with unique destinies we can name Nikolai Gastello, Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, Alexander Matrosov. The latter was only eighteen when he was given the award of the Hero of the Soviet Union. It is impossible to forget the heroism of such people.


Music: M. Blanter Lyrics: M Isakovsky

_______ trees and pear trees were a ________,

River mist was rising all around.

Young Katyusha went strolling by the _______

On the steep banks,

O'er the rocky ground.

By the river's bank she sang a ___________
Of her hero in a distant land.
Of the one she'd dearly loved for so long,
Holding tight his _______ in her hand.

Oh, my song, _______ of a maiden's true love,
To my dear one travel with the ______.
To the one who Katyusha loves so,
Bring my ________ to him, one by one.

Let him know that I am true and faithful,
Let him hear the love song that I send.
Tell him as he defends our _________ that grateful,
True Katyusha our love will defend.


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