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Итоговая контрольная работа для 8 класса по английскому языку ("Spotlight")

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Итоговая контрольная работа для 8 класса по английскому языку ("Spotlight")

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«Итоговая контрольная работа для 8 класса по английскому языку ("Spotlight")»

Итоговая контрольная работа для 8 класса по английскому языку (“Spotlight 8”)

  1. Listening.

Listen to the people talk about travelling on a radio program and then match the speakers (1-5) to statements (A-E).

A. The speaker never does some research before visiting a place.

Speaker 1 __

B. The speaker doesn`t like active holidays.

Speaker 2___

C. The speaker likes to visit the same place twice.

Speaker 3___

D. The speaker only visits places he/she knows very well.

Speaker 4___

E. The speaker prefers travelling with his/her friends.

Speaker 5___

(max score 5)









  1. Reading.

Match the headings (A to H) to the paragraphs (1 to 7). There is one extra heading.

A. Sports and money.

B. The riskiest sports.

C. The most popular sport.

D. Sports at school.

E. Young, sporting and rich.

F. Sporting inventions. 

G. The fastest-growing sports. 

H. Sports to stay healthy.

1. According to recent statistics, the sport that causes most injuries is rugby, and football is a close second. Despite the popularity of these games, and although we teach school children to play them, they injure more people per 1,000 than motor-racing, skiing, or scuba-diving. Of course, people do get hurt in 'adventure sports' and the most dangerous is climbing, which kills eight people a year.

2. Britain does not often produce sportsmen or sportswomen who are successful in world sporting championships, but it has been good at inventing sports and writing the rules of games. Golf was first played in Scotland in the fifteenth century. Cricket was first played in England in the sixteenth century. Nineteenth-century team sports, such as football, rugby and hockey, were first played in British public schools.

3. Sport today means big business for both players and sponsors. Sporting events like the World Cup, which has a TV audience of 35 billion people, make huge amounts of money. Companies like Coca Cola and Adidas have paid more than $20 million to sponsor a sports event. They know that people all over the world will see their names and logos at the sports stadiums and on participants' clothes.

4. Children are encouraged to participate in sports at an early age. There are children's baseball, football, and basketball teams in almost every community. The rivalry between high schools and colleges in sporting events goes right through the school year from football in September to track and field in June. Cheerleaders and bands lead the supporters in rooting for their home team.

5. Many top stars make a fortune during their sporting careers. Tiger Woods, the professional golfer, is only 23 years old. He has already earned more than $5 million. He has won eight tournaments in his career so far, including the US Masters which he won in 1997. He reached the position of the world's top player in the shortest time ever - just 42 weeks. He is sponsored by Nike, the sportswear company.

6. The majority of people live in towns and cities, where space for team sports is limited. Most people take part in individual sports. They usually go walking, swimming, cycling, or do aerobics. Taking part in all these sports is informal and casual. Most people just want to relax. If they do aerobics or go swimming, they usually go to the sports centre, but not many people join a sports club.

7. Britain's national sport is football. During the football season most professional footballers play two matches every week. Many people say this is too many because the players cannot devote enough time and energy to international games. The 22 best English teams play in the Premier League, run by the Football Association. Liverpool is the most successful team and have won the most games in tournaments.











(max score 7)

  1. Use of English.

  1. Fill in the gaps with the proper grammatical form за the capitalized words.

Dear David,

I (1)____ a great time here with my brother in HAVE

the west of England. I (2)____it is the (3)___ THINK/INTERESTING

place I ever (4)____. As you know, my brother VISIT

is at university here and so I (5)___ with him. STAY

he (6)___ here for three years and he says the BE

town is not the same since he first (7)___ here ARRIVE

and things (8)____. He says that when he first CHANGE

(9)___ here, it was difficult to get around but COME

over the years they (10)___new bus routes. START

As for my news, so far, I (11)____ to the local BE

museum and (12)___ a lot of things about natural LEARN

history and wild animals. The paintings were

wonderful too.

after (13)___ around all the galleries, I had a WALK

soft drinks and snack. That was good too. I (14)___ NOT BUY

any souvenirs yet, but perhaps I (15)___ some GET

tomorrow. Anyway, that’s about all for now.

All the best,


(max score 15)

  1. Fill in the gaps with the words derived from the capitalized words.

Schoolchildren choose their career.

Ten-year-old Courtney Oliver knows (1)___ EXACT

what she wants to be when she grows up-

a veterinarian. She is qualified to be a registered

Veterinarian (2)___who supports a Veterinarian ASSIST

doctor in their (3)___ tasks. They could include DAY

(4)____ and (5)____ animals. Students can FEED/EXERCISE

receive (6)___on how to follow (7)___, look TRAIN/DIRECT

after animals , talk to animal (8)___and juggle OWN

a lot of things at the same time. Courtney is

(9)____to have a (10)___like Dr Shoemaker LUCK/TEACH

who says that Courtney is an (11)___smart girl

(max score 11)

  1. Writing.

You’ve got a letter from your friend about the debate on uniform at his school in Ireland. Write her/him a letter and answer her/his five questions about your opinions on school dress code. Write 80-100 words.

Is there a uniform in your school? Do you like it? Does the school uniform improve the study results? Do you think school uniform save parents’ time and money? In your opinion do school uniforms cut down on a student’s individuality?

(max score 10)

Total 48

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