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Карточки на отработку упражнений к разделу "English in Use" 8 класс, к учебнику "Spotlight - 8", первый модуль.

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Карточки составлены по упражнениям 1-3 на стр. 20 , раздел English in Use. Для отработки словообразования, фразового глагола, зависимых предлогов. 

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«Карточки на отработку упражнений к разделу "English in Use" 8 класс, к учебнику "Spotlight - 8", первый модуль.»

Карточки на отработку упражнений по словообразованию

Ex. 1 – 3 p. 20

8th form, 1f.1

Translate the sentences:

  1. John is very optimistic person.

  2. My cousin is very pessimistic sometimes.

  3. The last holiday was very enjoyable.

  4. What is the most careless mistake you’ve made this week?

  5. People don’t like selfish persons.

8th form, 1f.9

Translate the sentences:

  1. The countryside is colorful in autumn.

  2. Pete is reliable person.

  3. She always wears fashionable clothes.

  4. The situation was shocking.

  5. Rainy days are so depressing.

8th form, 1f.2

Fill in: along, across, down, over, over with.

  1. Alice hasn’t been able to get ______ the fact that she failed her exams.

  2. This rainy weather gets me _______.

  3. The sooner we start writing the report, the sooner we get it _________.

  4. Do you get ________ with your parents?

  5. Jane has difficulties in getting her ideas ________.

8th form, 1f.10

Translate the sentences:

  1. He is ambitious young manager.

  2. National Geographic is a magazine which sells millions of copies all over the world.

  3. Joffrey was a pitiless King.

  4. That’s very fatherly.

  5. It was wonderful to see him again.

8th form, 1f.3

Fill in: of, with, on, about, at, to.

  1. Mrs. Jacobs is very popular _______ her students.

  2. Helen is very nervous ________ starting at her new school.

  3. You shouldn’t be jealous ______ other people success.

  4. Rania is very fond _______ her young niece.

  5. I’m guite keen ______ Maths.

8th form, 1f.11

Translate the sentences:

  1. На прошлой неделе я прочитала интересную книгу.

  2. Я устала. Я иду спать.

  3. Наша игра забавляла меня. (amused)

  4. Он очень забавный. (amusing)

  5. На фильме мне было скучно.

8th form, 1f.4

Fill in: of, with, on, about, at, to.

  1. She is good _____ drawing.

  2. Nadia is guite proud ____ her brother’s sporting achievements.

  3. They are very close _____ their parents.

  4. I’m not very patient ______ stubborn people.

  5. Kate is popular _____ her classmates.

8th form, 1f.12

Translate the sentences:

  1. Чем раньше мы начнем писать сочинение, тем быстрее закончим.

  2. Кейт понадобилось больше времени, чтобы оправиться от лихорадки.

  3. Дождливая погода заставляет меня грустить.

  4. У меня нет проблем в том, чтобы рассказать о своих летних каникулах.

  5. У меня хорошие отношения с моей сестрой.

8th form, 1f.5

Fill in suffixes: -ic, -ish, -less, -ly, -ous.

  1. The film had a very ________ ending (drama)

  2. Enrique Iglesias is from Spain. He is __________ (Spain).

  3. Her life was absolutely _________ without her husband (aim).

  4. Our family bought ________ furniture last week (cost).

  5. This shop offers so many ________ fashion items (vary).

8th form, 1f.13

Translate the sentences:

  1. Лили была не очень популярна среди коллег.

  2. Экзамены заставили меня понервничать.

  3. Не завидуй младшей сестре.

  4. Мой друг увлекается английским.

  5. Мой брат сильно увлечен музыкой.

8th form, 1f.6

Translate the sentences:

  1. John always gets along with his step-mother.

  2. Varys doesn’t have problems in getting information across to the King.

  3. Don’t let people get you down.

  4. John could get over after being wounded.

  5. Today we get over with our household chores a bit earlier.

8th form, 1f.14

Translate the sentences:

  1. Мой брат хорошо разбирается в баскетболе.

  2. Дени гордится своими драконами.

  3. Мои дочери близки со мной.

  4. Тебе следует быть терпеливым со своими работниками (employees).

  5. Он не очень хорош в решении своих проблем.

8th form, 1f.7

Translate the sentences:

  1. My little brother is very fond of hockey.

  2. My sister is good at basketball.

  3. Sometimes he is bad at solution of his problems.

  4. Harry Potter is the most popular book with teenagers.

  5. Don’t be nervous about taking exams.

8th form, 1f.15

Translate the sentences:

  1. Мой друг очень энергичный и любит заниматься в тренажерном зале.

  2. Дети были очень шумными, когда учитель вошел в кабинет.

  3. Мы видели много бездомных людей, когда ездили в Вашингтон прошлой зимой.

  4. Мы получаем письма от анны ежемесячно.

  5. Между Англией и Россией много культурных различий.

8th form, 1f.8

Translate the sentences:

  1. My mum is proud of my musical success.

  2. Lilly is very close to her sister.

  3. My nephew is keen on Physical Education.

  4. Kate isn’t patient with moody people.

  5. You shouldn’t be jealous with your sister.

8th form, 1f.16

Make the sentences with:

  1. To get along with.

  2. To get across.

  3. To get down.

  4. To get over.

  5. To get over with.


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