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Конспект интегрированного урока английский язык + биология для 10 класса по теме "Rainbow of Food"

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Конспект интегрированного урока англ.язык+биология о здоровом питании, а так же о том какое воздействие на организм человека оказывают фрукты и овощи разного цвета. 

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«Конспект интегрированного урока английский язык + биология для 10 класса по теме "Rainbow of Food"»

Конспект интерированного урока англ.язык + биология в 10м классе

по теме “Rainbow of Food”

“Tell me what you eat , and I’ll

tell you what you are”

Anthelme Brillat-Savarin

Open your textbooks on p.102 look at the picture and say what the topic of our lesson is.

(food, healthy food, fruit and vegetables)

You are right, we are going to talk about colour foods and how they affect our health.

First of all let’s work with the words that are related to foods.

Ex 1 p. 102

  • Which of the following words are fruits and vegetables. Divide them into two groups.

  • Which of these words are countable and uncountable? Divide into two groups.

Ex 2 p. 102

There are different cooking methods. We can see some of them in Ex2.

  • How do people eat the following foods in our country? How do you prefer them?

Ex3 p. 102

I’d like you to pay attention on some expressions from Ex3

Fizzy drink

Still water

Bitter chocolate

Additives and spices

Starving – when you want to eat too much

Greedy – when you eat too much

Main course

What colour food did you eat yesterday? (ответить по цепочке) should you eat

Tell about the meanings of colour foods and how different colour foods can help us. Then answer my questions:

Which colour food should you eat if:

  • You have a difficult exam to study for?

  • You are feeling very nervous about meeting someone?

  • You are worried about getting lines and wrinkles?

  • You’ve been feeling a bit sad lately?

  • You are taking part in a championship swimming match?

But sometimes we have problems related to foods. Tell about the people from

Ex. 1 p.104:

  • which problem they have

  • what they should do

Do you have any of these problems? How do you deal with them?


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