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Контрольная работа по английскому языку для 9 класса, модуль 8

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«Контрольная работа по английскому языку для 9 класса, модуль 8»

Test 8, 9 form

Task 1. Listening. Listen to some people talking about facing challenges and match the speakers (1-5) to the statements (A-E).

A. The speaker overcame his/her problem with the help of family and friends

B. The speaker did something that he/she didn’t think he/she could do

C. The speaker likes setting him/herself new goals

D. The speaker believes that being hopeful is the key to overcoming challenges

E. The speaker challenges him/herself to overcome his/her fears

Speaker 1

Speaker 2

Speaker 3

Speaker 4

Speaker 5

Task 2. Reading. Read the text and mark the sentences T (true), F (false) or NS (not stated)

Aim for the stars!

Richard Branson is one of England’s most successful businessmen. He has started more than 360 businesses, built up a personal fortune of more than ?3 billion, and is the 20th richest person in Britain today. Not bad for a man who still couldn't read at the age of eight, and for whom school wasn't just a challenge — it was a nightmare.

Richard Branson has dyslexia — a condition which makes it very difficult to learn to read, write and spell correctly. Doctors say that about 10% of the population has dyslexia. However, when Richard was young, no one from his school or family environment realised the sort of problems he was trying to deal with when it came to reading and writing properly. Back then, people didn't know that dyslexia was a learning disorder. Everyone just thought people with dyslexia were not very clever.

Richard was embarrassed by the problems he had with his schooNvork, and had a very difficult time in school. But he was determined not to Iet his learning disability prevent him from succeeding in life. So, he concentrated on his other qualities such as his creativity, as well as his ability to inspire people and make them enthusiastic about trying their best. And by doing so, he found great success.

Richard says that dyslexia is a challenge, but it is also a gift. People who have dyslexia have to deal with many challenges and often experience and see the world in a different way. He adds that the ability to see things differently is a great advantage in life.

'My interest in Iife comes from setting myself huge, apparently impossible challenges and trying to achieve them', he says. Richard shows that we should all aim for the stars!

1 Richard’s teachers understood that he had learning difficulties.

2 At the age of eight, Richard was having bad dreams about school.

3 Richard has a talent for encouraging others to do well in something.

4 Richard had to see a special doctor about his learning disorder.

5 Richard enjoys trying to achieve goals that seem hopeless.

Task.3. Vocabulary

  1. Fill in the missing word. There are three words you do not need to use

total first aid kit experience sprained bruised face

bump survived cast reflect map rucksack

  1. John’s eye was badly ...................... when he was accidentally hit by the ball during baseball practice.

  2. Helen Keller not only managed to ..................... her own challenges, but she also helped and inspired many other people with disabilities.

  3. Everyone should have a ...................... in their homes, as small injuries or accidents can happen at any time

  4. It’s amazing that Mike ...................... the skydiving accident; he fell 1000 metres when his parachute failed to open and just broke his leg!

  5. Sunlight can ...................... off snow and damage your eyes if you’re not wearing sunglasses.

  6. I don’t think we’re going in the right direction; according to the ......................, we should be heading south.

  7. Your ankle looks swollen; are you sure you haven’t ...................... it?

  8. David carries most of his camping supplies in his ...................... .

  9. It was a ...................... miracle that Liz recovered from her spinal injury, as she was not expected to ever walk again.

  1. Underline the correct item

  1. Don’t touch that hot iron! You may burn/scratch yourself.

  2. Experts say that ointment/sunscreen should be used daily if we are out in the sun longer than 10 minutes.

  3. Why is Alicia wearing a(n) sling/ice-pack on her arm? Did she break it?

  4. Fortunately, the climbers were not furiously/seriously injured in the rock climbing accident.

  5. Research has shown that people with positive/gigantic attitudes are more successful in achieving their goals.

Task 4. Grammar. Rewrite the sentences into reported speech.

  1. “Ann has got a bad headache”, Sue said.

  2. “Go to the doctor today”, he said.

  3. “Nick is working today”, Brian said to Bill.

  4. “I can’t believe you did a parachute jump!” said Julie.

  5. “Don’t be afraid”, said he.

  6. “What is the time?” he asked.

  7. “When will we meet again?” she asked m).

  8. “Can you meet me at the bus station?” mom asked me.

  9. “Did you see my bike?” he asked.

  10. “Have you ever been in serious danger?” he asked.


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