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Лексико-грамматические упражнения по английскому языку для учащихся 2 курса по теме "AUSTRALIA""

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«Лексико-грамматические упражнения по английскому языку для учащихся 2 курса по теме "AUSTRALIA""»


Level: Elementary, Pre-Intermediate

1.     Complete the text about Australia with the missing words.

sharks   Aborigines    Opera House    platypus    crocodiles    jellyfish    Internet

cricket    Harbour Bridge    sheep    prison    Olympics    snakes    telephone    koala    kangaroo    cattle    cars    radio    plane    spiders    school


Australia, which in Latin means southern land, was nicknamed “Land Down Under” and “Aussie”. It is a country, an island and a continent. It is also the world’s smallest continent and the sixth-largest country. But less than 20 million people live there. The first people there were A___________ . In the 18th century the British explorer, Captain James Cook, claimed the land for Britain. At first Australia was used as ________. Criminals from Britain were sent there. The British influence is still very strong. The official language is English. __________ drive on the left, and the national game is _______.

Australia was cut off from the other continents a long time ago, so a lot of Australia’s animals, like the k______, the k______ and the p______ aren’t found anywhere else. Australia also has some of the most dangerous animals in the world. There are poisonous s______ and s______. In the north there are huge saltwater c______, and in the sea, around the coast, there are s______ and poisonous j_______.

The largest city is Sydney with its famous _______ _______ and _______ _______. The 2000 O_______ were held in Sydney. But Sydney isn’t the capital of Australia. The capital is Canberra.

Australia is a huge county, but most Australians live in the south-east corner between Sydney and Melbourne. This is because 90% of the land is very dry. Australians call this dry area the outback. There are some huge farms there with millions of s______ and c_______. The children who live on these farms can’t go to _________, because the nearest town is too far away. They study at home with the School of the Air. They talk to their teachers by the r_____ and, nowadays, by t______, the I_______ and webcams, too. There is also a “flying doctor” service. The doctor comes to you by _____.

Australia is a rich country. Meat, fruit, vegetables, wool and wine are made there. Gold, silver, copper, coal, and diamonds are found there, too.


2.     Australia is one of the many English-speaking countries in the world. How much do you know about it? Do the quiz and find out. For more information use the Internet.


1)    Australia is at the same time a continent ………. .

a.      and an island

b.     and a country

c.        an island and a country

2)    Australia has …….. states and 2 mainland territories.

a.      6

b.     16

c.        51

3)    The capital city of Australia is ……… .

a.      Melbourne

b.     Canberra

c.        Sydney

4)    ……… , also known as “The Harbour City”, is Australia’s largest city.

a.      Perth

b.     Sydney

c.        Melbourne

5)    The National Day of Australia is on ……… .

a.      January, 26th

b.     March, 26th

c.        April, 26th

6)    The population of the country is about ……… .

a.      12 million

b.     18 million

c.        22 million

7)    The …….. are the native Australians.

a.      Indians

b.     Maoris

c.        Aborigines

8)    …….. is the slang word for an Australians.

a.      “Aussie”

b.     “Kiwi”

c.        “Boer”

9)    Australia’s national colours are ……. .

a.      blue and white

b.     green and gold

c.        yellow and red

10)           The kangaroo and the …….. are native animals.

a.      emu

b.     koala

c.        giraffe

11)           …….. and Russel Crowe are famous Australian actors.

a.      Nicole Kidman

b.     Meryl Streep

c.        Natalie Portman

12)           The ……… is a musical instrument developed by the Aborigines.

a.      didjeridu

b.     horn

c.        tuba

Level: Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate

1.     Read about Sydney, Australia. Some facts are missing.


Sydney has a population of (a) ….. . It is Australia’s largest and oldest city, built around the harbour, named (b) ….. . Captain Cook called it this when he sailed to the area in (c) ….. .

Sydney wasn’t planned from the start, as many later Australian cities were. It was a tight, congested centre without wide boulevards. But it is a very (d) ….. city, with the most energy and style of all Australian cities.

In Sydney, the buildings are higher, the colours are brighter and the nightlife is more exciting. North of the harbor is more residential, and the south is more industrial. The two shores are joined by the Sydney Harbour Bridge, which was built in (e) ….. . The city centre is (f) ….. .

Sydney’s most famous building, the Opera House, was opened in (g) ….. . Designed in the 1950s by a young Danish architect, (h) …..,  it is supposed to look like sails in the wind. It took 16 years to build.

The best place to go shopping is (i) …… The Post Office is (j) ….. .

The climate in New South Wales is (k) ….. . There are some of the best beaches in the world, notably Bondi Beach and Manly.

Tourist offices are open five days a week from (l) ….. to 5 pm.  

2.     Here is the missing information! Put a letter a-l next to each one to compete the text.


1)    It is a very modern city.

2)    1770.

3)    Joern Utzon.

4)    9 am.

5)    Port Jackson.

6)    It is generally warm, though it can get a little cold in winter.

7)    It is on Martin Place.

8)    The best place is George Street and Pitt Street.

9)    3,700,000.

10)    1932.

11)    1973.

12)    It is south of the harbour.


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