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Методические указания 1 курс 1 часть (ИСиП) 2023

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«Методические указания 1 курс 1 часть (ИСиП) 2023»



Государственное бюджетное профессиональное

образовательное учреждение Нижегородской области




к курсу английского языка

для студентов II курса

«Система образования в России и за рубежом»

для специальности 09.02.07 Информационные системы и программирование



иностранного языка

Воронина М.В.

Красные Баки

2023 год

Lesson 1


1. Write new words

a right – право

a duty – обязанность

crèches – ясли

nursery school – детский сад

primary school – начальная школа

secondary school – средняя школа

state – государственный

private – частный

lyceum – лицей

gymnasium – зд.гимназия

free of charge – бесплатный

the curriculum – расписание, учебная программа

term – четверть

the Certificate of Basic Secondary Education – аттестат об основном образовании

technical (vocational) school – техникум, училище

higher education – высшее образование

the Certificate of Complete Secondary Education – аттестат о полном образовании

personal interview –зд. собеседование

entrance examination – входной экзамен

postgraduate courses - аспирантура

2. Read, translate the text and answer the questions:

Education plays a very important role in our life. It is one of the most valuable possessions a man can get in his life.

People in our country have the right for education. It is our Constitutional right. But it is not only a right, it is a duty, too. Every boy and every girl in Russia must go to school and they must get a full secondary education. 

Children start school at the age of six in Russia. Children under the age of six are taken to crèches and nursery schools. The course of studies at school is eleven years now: four years of primary school and seven years of secondary school. Previously it was only ten years: three years of primary school and seven years of secondary school. All pupils have equal rights in all stages of education.

There is a wide choice of schools nowadays: state schools, private schools, lyceums and gymnasiums. There is also a number of specialized schools, where the pupils get deep knowledge of foreign languages, or Maths, or Physics, or other subjects. The majority of schools is free of charge, but in some (usually private ones) parents have to pay for the education of their children. In ordinary schools parents sometimes pay for additional subjects in the curriculum, such as a foreign language or arts. Most children can already read and write when they start their school: this makes education much easier for them.

The school year starts in the first of September and finishes in May. It is divided into four terms. Study programme in schools is fixed. It means that schoolchildren can’t choose subjects they want to study.

In primary school there are three or four lessons a day. A lesson lasts forty minutes. During the first term children get used to learning and adapt to school regulations. At primary schools all lessons are usually conducted by one teacher.

At the age of ten children pass to the second stage of education, known as secondary school. In secondary school there is a wide variety of subjects under study, and teachers specialize. The transition from primary to secondary school is sometimes difficult for children.

After finishing the ninth form and getting the Certificate of Basic Secondary Education, schoolchildren may either continue their education in the tenth form, or leave school and go to technical (vocational) schools and colleges. They not only learn general subjects, but also receive a specialty there. Having finished a secondary school, a technical school or a college young people can start working, or they may enter an Institute or a University. Professional training makes it easier to get higher education.

After eleven years at school, the school leavers take examinations and get the Certificate of Complete Secondary Education. Those who have only excellent marks in the Certificate get a gold medal, which gives the right to enter higher school taking only one examination or a personal interview.

The admission to higher school is competitive and based on the system of entrance examinations, usually three or four. During the ex­aminations the school leavers must show their abilities in the chosen field. Young people also have an option to get specialized secondary education in vocational schools after leaving the eleventh form.

Among higher educational establishments are institutes (colleges), academies and universities. The term of studying in higher school is from four to six years. Students can be involved in scientific research while studying. At the end of their final year at college, university or academy they take final examinations and get a diploma. Besides, they can take postgraduate courses in the chosen field.

1. Is education in our country free? 
2. Is education in Russia right or duty? 
3. What types of schools are there in Russia?
4. What are the possible ways to continue education after the finishing of the secondary school? 
5. What are the main types of educational institutions in our country? 
6. What are the types of higher education institutions in Russia? 

3. Give the Russian equivalents of the following words and word combinations:

the course of studies; primary school; secondary school; previously; creche; lyceum; gymnasium; free of charge; curriculum; to adapt; to extend; to conduct; transition; vocational school; higher school; competitive; ability; to be involved in; postgraduate courses

4. Give the English equivalents of the following:

детский сад; большой выбор; государственная школа; большин­ство школ; дополнительные предметы; первая четверть; школь­ные правила; включать; изучаемые предметы; выпускники; акаде­мия; выпускные экзамены

5. Translate the words in brackets into English.

1. (Курс обучения) is eleven years.

2. Children (младше шести лет) are taken to crèches and nursery schools.

3. (Большинство школ) are free of charge.

4. At the age of six children start (ходить в начальную школу).

5. After (базовой средней школы) young people can enter (техни­ческие училища).

6. Match the definitions with their Russian equivalents:

1) the name for a type of secondary school in several countries

a) факультет

2) one of the two periods that the school or college year is divided into

b) колледж

3) a department or group of related departments in a college or university

c) учебный план

4) a formal written, spoken or practical test, especially at school or college, to see how much you know about a subject, or what you can do

d) лицей

5) the subjects that are included in a course of study or taught in a school, college, etc

e) семестр

6) a place where students go to study or to receive training after they have left school

f) экзамен

7. Write chains of words in English:

А. Ясли – детсад – начальная школа – средняя школа – лицей – профессиональная школа – гимназия – колледж

Б. Высшее учебное заведение – институт – университет – академия – аспирантура

В. Школьник (ученик) – выпускник - абитуриент – студент (без степени, со степенью), бакалавр – магистр – аспирант – кандидат – доктор – профессор

Г. Экзамены – вступительные – семестровые – итоговые – государственные

8. Write again the statements if it is true. And correct the statement if it is false.

In Krasnye Baki there are 2 secondary schools and 2 colleges.

School №2 is specialized in English.

There are no lyceums in Krasnye Baki.

Pupils start going to school at the age of 5 in Russia.

In Russia pupils study in primary school for 4 years.

Our college is situated in Michurin St.

There are a lot of different clubs in our college

9. Read and learn the poems:

College Rap

College is the place

Where students are gay

Because they are turned

To be improved every day.

We enter the classrooms

Which are full of magic

Using pen boards, players,

Computers - gadgets.

The process of learning

Is not very hard

Because it’s so interesting,

Popular and smart.

All things are for students

To take education:

Sport grounds, laboratories,

Right regulation.

Students like

Keeping old traditions:

Drama, Art, Music

And sport competitions.

The stuff of the college

Is very creative

Fulfilling, strict, kind,

Of course, educative.

I can’t imagine

The life without

My taking part

In concerts, crowds.

Now let’s imagine

To think together

About friendship,

Motherland, the weather.

We often go to the dendropark

With teachers,

Attend museums, galleries

And draw pictures.

A winter garden,

A swimming pool.

It’s so filling,

so cool!

Lesson 2

Countable and uncountable nouns

1. Study the material:

Существительные могут быть как исчисляемыми, так и неисчисляемыми. К исчисляемым существительным (countable) относятся названия предметов, которые можно пересчитать. Они употребляются как в единственном, так и во множественном числе. К неисчисляемым существительным (uncountable) относятся названия предметов, которые нельзя пересчитать. К ним принадлежит существительные:


жидкости - coffee, milk, tea, water, juice;

твёрдые вещества - bread, butter, cheese, china, fish [meaning food];

газы - air, oxygen, pollution, smoke, smog;

частицы - corn, dust, flour, rice, salt, sand, sugar;

Предметы (науки): economics, literature, mathematics, physics, phonetics.

Языки: Chinese, English, French.

Игры: billiards, chess, golf, soccer, tennis, darts.

Болезни: flu, measles, mumps.

Природные явления: darkness, grass, heat, light, thunder, snow, etc.

Абстрактные существительные: education, help, housework, homework, information, knowledge, leisure, life, love, music, news, shopping, traffic, trouble, truth, wealth, weather, work, etc.

Исчисляемые существительные

Неисчисляемые существительные

a lot of (много)

a lot of (много)

many (много)

much (много)

a few (несколько)

few (мало)

a little (немного)

little (мало)

How many …? (сколько)

How much …? (сколько)

2. Are the nouns usually countable or uncountable? Put C or U.

a. rice


i. grape

b. money

j. biscuit

c. apple

k. fruit

d. stamp

l. sandwich

e. wine

m. cheese

f. cat

n. cup

g. bread

o. juice

h. potato

p. egg

3. Choose the correct word: many or much.

  1. I have … information about this person.

  2. There is … milk at home. You should buy it tomorrow.

  3. There are … children in our street.

  4. There are … seas in the world.

  5. I like to put … sugar in my tea.

4. Complete the questions. Use How much and How many.

How many eggs are in the fridge?

1. ___________ water is there in the glass?

2. ___________ rice is there in Ben`s plate?

3. ___________ bread is there in the cupboard?

4. ___________ crisps are there in the pocket?

5. ___________ people are there in the island?

5. Choose uncountable noun in each line:

1) glass/ cup/ jar/ water

2) magazine/ newspaper/ news/ article

3) cloud/ weather/ tree/ flower

4) event/ information/ reporter/ programme

5) money/ wallet/ coin/ banknote

6) bookcase/ furniture/ wardrobe/ armchair

7) sheep/ ox/ meat/ cow

8) bag/ luggage/ purse/ suitcase

9) music/ song/ piano/ sound

10) tomato/ potato/ carrot/ soup

6. Translate from Russian into English.

  1. несколько стульев

  2. немного воды

  3. несколько человек

  4. несколько минут

  5. несколько дней

  6. немного соли

  7. несколько ложек

  8. несколько машин

  9. немного сахара

  10. немного сыра.

7. Use some or any:

1.We need ____ flour, ____ eggs and ___ sugar.

2. Do you buy _____bread and _____coffee?

3. I don’t bring you ____ice cream.

4. We have ____ orange juice, but we don’t have ___ cake.

5. Are there ___ onions in the basket?

8. Translate the sentences

1. В чашке чай. В чашке много чая.

2. На блюдце варенье. На блюдце немного варенья.

3. На столе еда. На столе много еды.

4. В тарелке каша. В тарелке мало каши.

5. В стакане сок. В стакане немного сока.

Lesson 3

Plural Nouns

1. Study the material “Plural nouns”:

Regular Nouns

add -S

Ends in S, CH, SH, X or Z

add -ES

End in -F or -FE

remove -F/FE add -VES






cars [z]

dogs [z]

houses [iz]

desks [s]

books [s]

















But! roof – roofs, chief - chiefs, belief – beliefs

Ends in VOWEL + Y

add -S


add -IES

Irregular Nouns










































soliloquy – soliloquies

Ends in VOWEL + O

add -S


add -ES

No Change



























But! piano - pianos, photo - photos, disco - discos

Latin, Greek Words

Compound Nouns

alumnus – alumni (бывший ученик – бывшие ученики)

analysis – analyses (анализ – анализы)

crisis – crises (кризис – кризисы)

appendix – appendices (приложение – приложения)

formula – formulae, formulas (формула – формулы)

index – indices, indexes (указатель – указатели)

bacterium – bacteria (бактерия – бактерии)

curriculum – curricula (расписание- расписания)

criterion – criteria (критерий – критерии)

commander-in-chief - commanders-in-chief,

father-in-law –


passer-by - passers-by,

looker-on - lookers-on

merry-go-round, forget-me-not,







information, advice, money, news, success, furniture, work, progress, cream, ink, knowledge

scissors, trousers, spectacles, scales, clothes, wages, goods, contents, sweepings, odds, greens, shorts, jeans, pyjamas, tights

2. Write the plural nouns:

A farmer, a country, a city, a day, a disc, a leaf, an address, an apple, a lemon, a child, a man, a house, a crisis, a mouse, a tooth. a photo, a kilo, a potato, a chef, a fox, a watch, a theatre, a hobby, a bottle

3. Fill the table:

friend, cinema, bottle, lake, bus, glass, bed, boy, hat, cap, tape, shop, brush, bench, box.




4. Put the words in brackets in the plural and translate the sentences: 

  1. The store was overrun with rats and (mouse) … .

  2. I helped him put some (shelf)… in his bedroom.

  3. He is one of the country’s national (hero)… .

  4. He collects (pocket-knife) .

  5. His both (son-in-law) … were (fisherman)… .

  6. The police asked (passer-by) … if they had seen the accident.

  7. Yesterday’s crash has grim (echo)… of previous disaster.

  8. Books provide (child)… with ideas and (stimulus)… to play.

  9. Corn circles are one of the strangest (phenomenon) ... of recent times.

  10. Do you have any (spray) or anything else that will keep away (fly)… or (mosquito)…?

5. Match the container and the food:

1. a pound of …

2. a bottle of …

3. a box of …

4. a bar of …

5. a jar of …

6. a loaf of …

7. a dozen …

8. a bunch of …

9. a can of …

10. a packet of …

11. a carton of …

a) bread

b) coffee “Nescafe”

c) chocolate

d) cheese

e) lemonade

f) eggs

g) sweets

h) grapes

i) Coca-Cola

j) milk

k) tea “Lipton

6. Choose the right form of the noun and write the sentences

1. The roofs / rooves of these houses are bad.

2. These cities / citys are beautiful.

3. I want to see deer / deers in the zoo.

4. They are very good students / studentes.

5. Her knifes / knives are always sharp.

6. This farmer breeds geese / gooses.

7. She has two umbrellas / umbrellaes.

8. He wants to buy some new shelfs / shelves.

9. They sell pianoes / pianos here.

10. I like plays / plaies by this author.

11. Some Irishmans / Irishmen live here.

12. He injured his feet / foots.

7. Read the poem “Plural”

We’ll begin with a box, and the plural is boxes,

But the plural of ox should be oxen, not oxes.

Then one fowl is a goose, but two are called geese,

Yet the plural of moose should never be meese,

You may find alone mouse or a whole nest of mice,

But the plural of house is houses, not hice.

If the plural of man is always called men,

Why shouldn’t the plural of pan be called pen?

The cow in the plural may be cows or kine,

But a bow if repeated is never called bine,

And the plural of vow is vows, never vine.

If I speak of a foot and you show me your feet,

And I give you a boot would a pair be called beet?

If one is a tooth, and a whole set are teeth,

Why shouldn’t the plural of booth be called beeth?

If the singular’s this and the plural is these,

Should the plural of kiss ever be nicknamed keese?

Then one may be that and three would be those,

Yet hat in the plural would never be hose,

And the plural of cat is cats, not cose.

We speak of a brother, and also of brethren,

But though we say mother, we never say methren,

Then the masculine pronouns are he, his and him,

But imagine the feminine she, shis and shim,

So the English, I think, you all will agree,

Is the queerest language you ever did see.

Lesson 4


1. Write new words

compulsory – обязательный

playgroup – прогулочная группа

pre-primary – дошкольный

establishment – организация, учреждение

non-state – негосударственный

Local Educational Authorities (LEA) – местная образовательная организация

assessment test – оценочный тест

comprehensive school – единая средняя школа

General Certificate of Secondary Education examinations (GCSE) - сертификат о среднем образовании

boarding school – интернат

mixed – смешанный

single-sex – однополый

0-level=Ordinary Level - обычный уровень, базовый уровень

А-level = Advanced Level - продвинутый уровень обучения

2. Read, translate the text and answer the questions:

Education in the United Kingdom is compulsory from the age of five to sixteen. Children under five go either to nursery schools, or to playgroups. Both types of pre-primary educational establishments are non-state; the difference is that a child spends the whole day in a nursery school, while he or she can stay in a playgroup only for some hours a day. Anyway, the main aim of such kind of establishments is to make the children ready for primary schools. Children play, draw, model things from clay and learn to work together.

Compulsory education for all children begins at the age of five. There are 35,000 state schools in Britain. All of them are the responsibility of the Local Educational Authorities (LEA). The LEA caters for the curriculum and exams in each region; they also appoint head teach­ers and held assessment tests at schools.  

Primary school is for children from five to eleven. At first the studies are more like playing than working; English teachers say that this is the best way for children to get used to school. Probably they are right: children learn better when they play. Lessons usually last from nine in the morning till four or five in the afternoon with a long break at the lunchtime.

At the age of eleven pupils go to comprehensive schools. Children usually wear a uniform; it is different in different schools. They study Maths, English, Arts, English Literature, Geography, one or two foreign languages, usually French, Italian or German, PE (Physical Education), IT (Information Technology), Religion, Science, Biology, Sex Education and other subjects. At the end of their studies they take General Certificate of Secondary Education examinations (GCSE) 0-level, and then they either leave school and start working or continue their studies at school or at college for two more years. This is called the sixth form at school or the sixth form college, and the students take only the subjects they need for entering the university of their choice.  At the age of eighteen they take GCSE А-level. They usually take three or four А-levels. There are no entrance exams to universities, so the students can enter a university or a college on the results of their А-level examinations.            Speaking about education in the UK it is necessary to say that there is a great difference between state education and private education. State schools are free, and about ninety per cent of all children attend them. Private, or public schools are very expensive. These are usually boarding schools, where children stay while they study, coming home only on vacations. These schools are for children between thirteen and eighteen. Before entering a public school, children are usually educated at home. State schools are usually mixed, while private schools are typically single-sex, with a few exceptions.

  1. From what age is education in the United Kingdom compulsory?

  2. What are the establishments for pre-primary education?

  3. What is the difference between nursery schools and playgroups?

  4. How many state schools are there in Great Britain?

  5. What does the LEA do?

  6. At what age do children go to primary schools?

  7. What subjects do children take in secondary schools?

  8. What kind of exam do the pupils take at the age of sixteen?

  9. When do the pupils take GCSE A-level?

  10. Are there any entrance exams in British universities?

3. Match the words 1-10 with the definition a-j (use Cambridge Dictionary https://dictionary.cambridge.org/ru/) :

1. a day school

a. a school for pupils between the ages of 11 or 12 and 17 or 18

2. a special needs school

b. a school for children between the ages of 5 and 11

3. a boarding school

c. a school suitable for the majority of children

4. a mainstream school

d. a school in Britain for children aged between 11 and 18 who have a high academic ability

5. a secondary/ senior school

e. a state school in which children of all abilities are taught together

6. a private school

f. a school for children who need special help or care, for example because they are physically or mentally disabled

7. a college

g. a school which is not supported financially by the government and which parents have to pay for their children to go to

8. a primary school

h. a school where the students go home every evening and do not live at the school

9. a grammar school

i. an institution where students study after they have left school

10. a comprehensive school

j. a school which some or all of the pupils live in during the school term

4. Give the Russian equivalents of the following words and word combi­nations:

Local Educational Authorities; primary school; comprehensive school; secondary school; Art; English Literature; Information Technology; General Certificate of Secondary Education examinations; A-level; О-Level; state education; private education; public schools; boarding schools; mixed


5. Give the English equivalents of the following words and word combi­nations:

обязательный; до пяти лет; или ... или; детский сад; лепить; учебный план; директор; больше похоже на …; школьная форма; иностранные языки; продолжать обучение; подготовительный класс колледжа; бесплатный; каникулы

6. Write out the words from the text with suffixes and translate them.

Example: educational - образовательный

7. Fill in the blanks with the following words:

boarding; run; comprehensive; year; graduates; facilities; mixed; public

Mike goes to a ... school in Birmingham. He is thirteen and is in his third ... now. His parents wanted to send him to a ... school but Mike was against it. He likes his school and his studies, and he thinks that if he went to a ... school, he would miss his home. The school he goes to is .... . Mike has a lot of friends at school among both boys and girls. The

classes ... from nine am till quarter past four pm. Mike’s favorite subject at school is IT. He says he wants to become a programmer when he ... . Besides, he is fond of sports. He plays football and volleyball. The school he goes to has excellent sports .... .

8. Find the answers (use Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/University_of_Cambridge):

  1. How many colleges are there in Cambridge?

a) over 30 b) over 50 c) over 80

  1. Which one of the buildings stands out among the others?

a) King´s College b) St. May´s College c) St. Andrew´s College

  1. How long did it take to build?

a) 500 years b) 300 years c) 100 years

  1. Who founded Trinity College?

a) John II b) Henry VIII c) William I

  1. What is the name of the river which flows through Cambridge?

a) Cam b) Ram c) Pam

  1. What is going punting?

a) walking b) taking a boat – having a picnic

  1. How old is Pembroke College?

a) 676 b) 276 c) 476 years old

  1. Who built many of the buildings in Cambridge and also built St. Paul´s Cathedral in London?

a) Sir Paul Newton b) Sir Christopher Wren c) Sir Paul Newman

Lesson 5

Possessive Case

1. Study the material:

Форму притяжательного падежа обычно имеют одушевленные существительные, обозначающие живое существо, которому принадлежит какой-нибудь предмет, качество или признак. Она образуется при помощи окончания -s, перед которым стоит апостроф: the girl девочка — the girl’s bag сумка девочки.

Примеры образования притяжательного падежа




Если существительное оканчивается на -s, то возможны два варианта

Dickens′ novels = Dickens′s novels

романы Диккенса


Если существительное во множественном числе оканчивается на -s, то притяжательный падеж образуется путем добавления апострофа

workers′ caps кепки рабочих,

cats′ paws  лапы кошек,

nurses′ toys игрушки нянек


Существительные, не имеющие во множественном числе окончания -s, в притяжательном падеже приобретают окончание -s, перед которым стоит апостроф

children′s toys детские игрушки,

men′s coats мужские пальто

women′s umbrellas женские зонты


Если предмет или признак принадлежит нескольким лицам, то апостроф и окончание -s ставятся после последнего из них, если же каждому в отдельности, то после каждого

Ilf and Petrov′s novel
роман Ильфа и Петрова
(т. е. роман, написанный ими

Shelly′s and Byron′s poems
стихи Шелли и Байрона (т. е. написанные ими в отдельности)


В сложных существительных апостроф и окончание -s ставят после последнего элемента

the teacher of art′s room

комната учителя искусства,

the sister-in-law′s bag
сумка невестки


Неодушевленные существительные обычно не имеют притяжательного падежа

the roof of this house

крыша этого дома

Среди неодушевленных существительных есть исключения, которые можно поставить в форму притяжательного падежа через s:

  • Существительные, обозначающие время и расстояние: today’s newspaper, a mile’s distance

  • Названия стран и городов: Germany’s industry, New York’s streets

  • Названия газет и организаций: the Guardian’s article, Red Cross’s volunteers

  • Слова nationcountrycitytown: country’s treasures

  • Слова shipcarboat: ship’s name, car’s speed

  • Слова naturewaterocean: ocean’s temperature, nature’s beauty

  • Названия месяцев и времени года: January’s frosts, summer’s days

  • Названия планет: Saturn’s rings

  • Некоторые устойчивые выражения: at death’s door, at arm’s length, a hair’s breadth, at a snail’s pace и другие.

  • какое-либо место (магазин, дом, мастерская и т.д.): at the grocer’s, at the buther’s, at the dentist’s

№2. Translate into Russian:

a man’s bag, a girl’s doll, the women’s right, the actress’s voice, James’ room, fox’s tricks, boy’s games, students’ songs, Eugene’s works, Marx’ letters.

3. Rewrite the sentences, using Possessive Case. Translate them:

Example: This car belongs to Sam. – This is Sam’s car. - Это машина Сэма.

  1. This notebook belongs to Kate.

  2. These suitcases belong to our friends.

  3. This bedroom belongs to my daughter.

  4. These keys belong to Dan.

  5. This picture belongs to Picasso.

  6. These poems belong to Lermontov.

  7. This airplane belongs to our boss.

  8. These textbooks belong to the students.

4. Write what ‘s mean: possessive case or to be:

Example: Helen is George’s wife. - ‘s - Possessive case.

Ann’s a wonderful friend. - ‘s – to be

  1. Lena’s day was very hard.

  2. Sam’s a doctor.

  3. My son’s girlfriend speaks two foreign languages.

  4. He’s a talented tennis-player.

  5. It’s warm today.

  6. Sveta’s uncle has lost his keys.

5. Read the text and identify the family ties of the characters using the possessive case:

George and Mary are married. They have 2 children: John and Laura. Mary has a sister, Kelly. George has a brother, Rob.

            George is Mary’s husband.

  1. Mary is ______ wife.

  2. George is __________ father.

  3. Mary is _________ mother.

  4. John is __________ son.

  5. Laura is _______ daughter.

  6. John is __________ brother.

  7. Laura is _________ sister.

  8. Kelly is _________ aunt.

  9. Rob is __________ uncle.

  10. John is __________ nephew.

  11. Laura is _________ niece.

6. Translate using Possessive Case:

Example: отец Кэрол – Carol’s father

1. работа Петра

2. имя учителя

3. машина Ника

4. телефон Ани

5. компьютер моих сыновей

6. дочь Михаила и Вероники

7. тетради Светы

8. ключи моей сестры

9. сумки наших друзей

10. учитель моего сына

7. Write the phrase using Possessive Case:

1. The ball of the dog. 2. The skateboard of that man. 3. The songs of the children. 4. The umbrella of my grandmother. 5. The room of my brother. 6. The questions of my son. 7. The wife of my friend. 8. The table of our teacher. 9. The poems of Pushkin. 10. The voice of this girl. 11. The new club of the workers. 12. The letter of Pete. 13. The car of my parents. 14. The life of this woman. 15. The handbags of these women. 16. The flat of my sister is large. 17. The children of my brother are at home. 18. The room of the boys is large. 19. The name of this girl is Jane. 20. The work of these students is interesting. 21. The computer of my son is modern. 22. He was a friend of my cousin.

8. Put the word combinations into the possessive form.

1) the clothes of the boys

2) the club of the women

3) the father of James

4) the countries of Caesar and Cleopatra

5) the orders of the Commander-in-Chief

6) the name of my sister-in-law

7) the poems of Burns

8) the park of St James

9) the wedding of William and Mary

Lesson 6


1. Read and translate the text:

Education in the United States

There is no federal educational standard in the USA. Schooling and educational programmes are the responsibility of each state; this is why one can find great differences in education from state to state. No uniform demands exist on education in schools or universities through­ out the nation. In most states attending school is obligatory for children between six and seventeen. Secondary education institutions include elementary schools and high schools.

Higher education in the USA is not nation-wide. Colleges differ a lot from each other in scale and level of education as well as in the “quality” of diplomas given. There are private and state universities. Private education is considered more prestigious. The most famous pri­vate university is Harvard. Higher education is rather expensive in the USA.

A typical American university has two levels of education: two years of undergraduate classes and two more years of graduate classes. The undergraduate years are called the freshman and the sophomore year. During the first and the second year the students take subjects of gen­eral education: Science, Humanities and Arts. The specialization begins at the third and the fourth years, named the junior and the senior year respectively. After the fourth year at college, students get a Bachelor’s degree. Graduates may specialize further and do research. They get a Master’s Degree.

2. Answer the questions:

  1. Who is responsible for organizing the educational system?

  2. What stages is formal education divided into?

  3. What stages of formal education are compulsory?

  4. In what types of schools can children get general education?

  5. In what types of educational institutions can people get vocational education?

  6. In what types of educational institutions can people get higher education?

3. Give the English equivalents of the following words and word combina­tions:

федеральный стандарт образования; учебные и образователь­ные программы; универсальные требования; начальная школа; средняя школа; считается более престижным; самый известный; довольно дорогое; первый курс; второй курс; третий курс; четвер­тый курс; общеобразовательные предметы; специализация; сте­пень бакалавра; степень магистра

4. Agree or disagree:

1. The system of education in the USA works according to the national standard.

2. Admission to elementary and high schools is free.

3. State universities are more prestigious than private ones.

4. The course in a typical American university lasts five or six years.

5. Sophomore is the second year in a university.

6. The specialization begins at the first year of studies in a university.

5. Fill in the blanks using the suffixes that correspond to the words given.

1. The … begins at the third and the fourth years.


2. In most states attending school is … for children between six and seventeen.


3. Private … is considered more prestigious.


4. Students at junior high school take different lessons from different … who are specialists in their subjects.


5. Students study other subjects, such as history and geography and are given a chance to do … activities and sports.



6. Read and translate the proverbs and sayings.

  1. Learning is the eye of the mind.

  2. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

  3. Men learn while they teach.

  4. It is never too late to learn.

  5. There is no royal road to learning.

  6. By doing nothing we learn to do ill.

  7. Knowledge is power.

  8. Knowledge in youth is wisdom in age.

  9. Easy to forget what you do not know.

  10. No man is his craft’s master the first day.

7. Read and learn the poem:

The brain is wider than the sky,

For, put them side by side, 
The one the other will contain

With ease, and you beside. 

The Brain is deeper than the sea,

For, hold them blue to blue,

The one the other will absorb

As sponges – buckets – do.

The brain is just the weight of God,

For, heft them pound for pound,

And they will differ, if they do,
As Syllable from Sound.

Emily Dickinson

Lesson 7


1. Study the material:

Существительное в английском языке (noun) - это часть речи, которая обозначает (называет) предмет, лицо или явление и отвечает на вопросы «кто?» или «что?».

Существительные могут обозначать:

  • вещи: plane – самолет, magazine – журнал;

  • живые существа: dog – собака, human – человек;

  • места: field – поле, New York – Нью-Йорк;

  • материалы: cloth – ткань, wood – древесина;

  • процессы: life – жизнь, laughter – смех;

  • состояния: rest – отдых, sleep – сон;

  • абстрактные понятия: beauty – красота, happiness – счастье;

  • качества: kindness – доброжелательность, bravery – смелость.

По своему составу существительные делятся на:

Простые существительные - в составе которых нет суффикса или префикса:

pen – ручка, book – книга, day – день, cat – кот.

Производные существительные – в которых есть суффикс или префикс или то и другое: brotherhood - братство, engineer – инженер, actress – актриса, immortality – бессмертие.

Сложные (или составные) существительные - состоят из двух слов: двух существительных или существительного и прилагательного, или существительного и глагола: letterbox – ящик для писем (letter – письмо, box – ящик), blackboard – классная доска (black – черный, board – доска).

По своему значению имена существительные подразделяются на нарицательные и имена собственные.

Имена собственные (Proper Names) – это существительные, которые указывают на уникальные, единичные предметы, лица, понятия.

Нарицательные имена (Common Names) указывают на общие названия предметов, материй, лиц и понятий, их категорий и групп. К нарицательным существительным относятся:

  • Собирательные (collective nouns) — существительные, представляющие собой названия групп лиц, животных, предметов, рассматриваемых как единое целое: club – клуб, team – команда, fleet – флот;

  • Вещественные (material nouns) — существительные, обозначающие различные вещества: iron – железо, water – вода, wool – шерсть;

  • Конкретные (concrete nouns) — существительные, обозначающие названия предметов, обладающих свойством быть узнанными посредством ощущения: ball – мяч, stone – камень;

  • Отвлеченные (abstract nouns) — существительные, обозначающие названия понятий, качества, свойства, признаки или какое-то состояние предмета, лица: knowledge – знание, strength – сила, courage – мужество, beauty – красота.

Нарицательные существительные также подразделяются на исчисляемые и неисчисляемые.

К исчисляемым существительным относятся названия предметов, которые можно пересчитать: a book – книга, five books – пять книг.

К неисчисляемым существительным относятся названия веществ и понятий, которые нельзя пересчитать: iron – железо, capitalism – капитализм.

Существительное может быть как единственного, так и множественного числа.

Единственное число (singular) обозначает один предмет: cup – чашка, bubble – пузырек.

Множественное число (plural) обозначает два и более предмета: three cups – три чашки, hundreds of bubbles – сотни пузырьков.

В современном английском языке существует только два падежа: общий и притяжательный.

Общий падеж (common case) английских существительных ничем не обозначен, то есть существительные в этом падеже имеют нулевое окончание (chair, car). Его значение очень размыто, и в зависимости от контекста существительное в общем падеже может выполнять самые разные функции.

Притяжательный падеж (possessive/genitive case) чаще всего выражает принадлежность (отсюда название possessive). Притяжательный падеж образуется при помощи знака апострофа и буквы «s» ('s) или просто апострофа ('): Xerxes' army, Socrates' wife.

2. Write out the nouns into two columns – Proper nouns and Common nouns. Translate the words:

Germany, a street, the sky, The Moscow News, Paris, a family, a dream, The Rolling Stones, the underground, a nephew, Mr. Copperfield, the Crimea, a niece, the Alps, August, the Renaissance, S. Dali, a supermarket.

3. Write out the nouns into two columns – Concrete ana Abstract nouns. Translate the words:

Aunt, money, pen, snow, boy, pleasure, people, night, force, spring, desire, book, passion, day, hope, sister, wood, opinion, daughter, fire, name, market, power, fashion, state, fur, baby, divorce, wine, pan, meat, sale, pillow.

4. Make up the complex words and translate them:

Example:   clock (часы) + work (работа) = clockwork (часовой механизм)

Clock, pocket, place, ball, dish, sun, pool, head, board, ice, fire, work, black, cream, money, swimming, ache, foot, washer, glasses


5. Write out the nouns into two columns – male and female. Translate them:

mother, actor, boy, uncle, sister, man, niece, duke, empress, queen, husband, actress, father, brother, girl, woman, nephew, duchess, wife, emperor, king, aunt.

6. Use capital letters for Proper Nouns in the following sentences

1. paris is the capital of france.

2. william shakespeare is a famous english author.

3. ‘war and peace' was written by leo tolstoy.

4. The universities of oxford and cambridge offer degree courses at the highest level.

5. john's two dogs are named rover and boxer.

6. david will travel to france to do a degree course on the french revolution.

7. suez canal joins the red sea and the mediterranean sea.

8. republic of liberia is on the west coast of africa.

9. mick jagger is the lead singer of rolling stones

10. mount kilimanjaro is the highest mountain in africa. 

7. Fill in the blanks with suitable collective nouns.

1. A _____ of birds flew high in the sky.

2. They saw a _____ of lions at the zoo.

3. The farmer has a _____ of cattle on his farm.

4. He ate a _____ of grapes today.

5. Our friend shows us a _____ of stamps.

6. We saw a _____ of sheep on our way home.

7. Police have arrested a _____ of thieves.

8. She bought a _____ of bananas from the market.

9. The _____ of pupils are listening attentively to their teacher.

10. You can put the _____ of tools in that box. 

8. Divide the complex words into simple words:

Example:   clockwork (часовой механизм) = clock (часы) + work (работа)

rainbow, newspaper, timetable, earrings, teapot, weekend, schoolbag, basketball, toothpaste, bedroom, homework, bookcase, cupboard, armchair, butterfly

Lesson 8

My college

1. Translate the words:

vocational education, student, teacher, grouptutor, monitor, department, full-time, part-time/correspondence, specialty, period (double-lesson, double-class), break, timetable/curriculum, register, credit test, scholarship, hostel, canteen.

2. Read and translate the text:

My name is Alex. I study at the Forest College. I am a full-time student. I am in my first year now. There are full-time and part-time departments in our college. The academic session lasts 10 months. Our college trains specialists in many branches of knowledge. There are three specialties in the college: “Forest and park management”, “Maintenance and repair of engines, systems and aggregates of cars” and “Hotel business”.

Our college is very cosy and spacious. There is a large and light hall, a sport gym, a training room with sport heavy equipment on the ground floor. Many subject classrooms, a rich library and a reading hall are situated on the second floor. All the rooms of our college have modern equipment: computers, TV-sets, DVD-players and interactive boards. Not far from the college it is a hostel. It is a very comfortable and cosy four-storied building for the students. Opposite the college it is a club and a canteen. During the lunch-break we go there to have dinner.

Our periods begin at 8.15 and they are over at 16.25. Our period lasts 90 minutes. As a rule, we have three or four periods every day. We study many subjects at the college. We attend lectures, seminars and have practice. Some students who have only good and excellent marks get a scholarship. We go to college five days a week. Saturday and Sunday are our days off.

Our group consists of 25 students, including our monitor. Some our groupmates live in our hostel. As a rule, almost every student of our group comes to the college before the bell rings. So we can have a chat with each other. We usually have a lot of things to talk about. After periods everybody goes home to do homework. There are many different clubs and societies at our college. I attend a sport club and a dance club.

At the end of each semester we have test, credit tests and exams. When we have passed all the tests we start to prepare for the exams. After the exams a vacation comes. Now I can’t say that college life is a fascinating, fantastic experience. For the moment I can compare it only with a daily routine.

3. Answer the questions:

  1. Where do you study?

  2. What specialty do you study?

  3. Are you a part-time or a full-time student?

  4. What year are you in now?

  5. How many students are there in your group?

  6. When do your periods start?

  7. When do your periods finish?

  8. What is your favourite subject?

  9. Do you always attend your lectures?

  10. Do you get a scholarship?

  11. How often do you have exams and credit tests?

  12. Do any of your friends live in a hostel?

4. Translate the following expressions.

Учиться в колледже, посещать периоды, получать стипендию, проваливаться на экзамене, студента-заочника, принимать участие в общественных мероприятиях, быть на вершине группы, получать отличные оценки, жить в общежитии, товарище по группе, пропускать периоды, учебное заведение, преуспевать в предмете, готовиться к экзаменам, студент первого курса, академическая сессия.

5. Give the short affirmative answer (+).

1) Has our college full-time and part-time departments?

2) Do our studies begin at 8.15?

3) Do we usually have 3-4 periods a day?

6. Give the short negative answer (-).

1) Is there a big reading-hall in our college?

2) Have our labs old equipment?

3) Will the academic session end in March?

7. Write out the nouns and give the type of the noun:

Example: I am a full-time student. student – common, concrete, countable, singular

1. Our college trains specialists in many branches of knowledge.

2. Students attend a sport club.

3. My name is Alex.

4. Higher education in the USA is not nation-wide.

Lesson 9

English language in the world

1. Read and translate the text.

At the present time foreign languages are socially demanded. Foreign languages are needed as the main and the most efficient means of information exchange of the people of our planet. The question of learning foreign languages is very important today.

English is just one of 6,000 languages in the world. One billion people speak English. That’s 20 per cent of the world population. It is also one of the leading languages in the world. About 350 million people speak English as their first language. About the same number use it as a second language. It is the language of aviation, international sport and pop music.

English is the official language in 44 countries, where it is used in education and administration. They are Great Britain, Canada, the United States of America, Australia, New Zealand and some other countries. In many countries it is the language of business, commerce and technology. English is the language of modern computing.

Nearly 50 per cent of all the companies in Europe communicate with each other in English. 75 per cent of the world's mail is in English, too. Standard English is not completely uniform. There are differences between the national standards in Britain, America and Australia.

Russia is integrating into the world community and the problem of learning English for the purpose of communication is especially urgent today. English is very popular in international business of Russia. It is studied at schools, colleges and universities.

2. Answer the questions:

  1. What is the role of English among other foreign languages?

  2. How many people speak English?

  3. Why has English become a world language?

  4. Where is English an official language?

  5. Why are millions of people learning English today?

  6. Why do young people want to learn English?

  7. Why do you learn English?

  8. What is necessity of learning English for a specialist?

  9. In what careers (jobs) can languages be a tremendous advantage?

  10. What is the best way to learn a language?

  11. What is the most important thing for you in learning a foreign language?

  12. What is your mother tongue?

3. Write sentences.

Example: Ann is from Spain.

Theo Franchesco Jane Ivan

Laila Barbara Paula Takashi

4. Use your dictionary and write the nationalities.

England, Germany, Italy, Japan, Brazil, Spain, Scotland, France, the USA, Wales, Switzerland, China, Mexico, Russia, Ireland, Australia, Canada, Sweden, Poland, Turkey.

5. Make sentences according to the model:

Tokyo is the capital of Japan.

Amsterdam, Havana, Dublin, Madrid, Paris, Rome, Kiev, Sofia, Warsaw, Budapest, Athens, Washington, Teheran, Bucharest, Baghdad, Copenhagen, Helsinki, Oslo, Stockholm.

6. Complete the sentences with one word from each column.

Example: Cadillac is an American car.






















1) Cadillac is …

2) A Rolex is …

3) Champaign is …

4) English is …

5) Milan is …

6) Bach is …

7) A Kodak is …

8) Oxford is…

7. Write 7 words for every category: Continents, Countries, Cities

Russia, South America, London, Madrid, Africa, Great Britain, Asia, the USA, Tokio, Rome, Spain, Europe, China, North America, Antarctica, Moscow, Japan, Pekin, Australia, Italy, Washington.

Lesson 10

Lexical exercises

1. Write the definitions and translate them:

Synonym – a word or phrase that has the same or nearly the same meaning as another word or phrase in the same language

Antonym – a word that means the opposite of another word

2. Write the synonyms and translate them.

Fast (быстрый) — …

Dirty (грязный) — …

Angry (сердитый) — …

Clever (умный) — …

Hot (горячий) — …

Big (большой) — …

large, smart, warm, filthy, evil, huge, intelligent, quick, humid, dusty, massive, furious, ardent, wise, polluted, speedy, enormous, savvy, heated, ill-tempered, vast, rapid, witty, muddy, enraged, stuffy, swift, bulky, greasy, gifted, annoyed, torrid, prompt

3. Complete each analogy by writing the correct word on the blank line. Then, write whether the words in the analogy are synonyms or antonyms.

1. TRUE is to CORRECT as HAPPINESS is to ______. (sadness, joy, fear)

The pairs of words in this analogy are ______. (antonyms, synonyms)

2. BEGIN is to START as DIFFICULT is to ________. (hard, finish, easy)

The pairs of words in this analogy are ________. (antonyms, synonyms)

3. NEAR is to FAR as CHEAP is to _________. (away, close, expensive)

The pairs of words in this analogy are _______. (antonyms, synonyms)

4. PRESENT is to GIFT as SCARED is to _______. (happy, brave, afraid)

The pairs of words in this analogy are ________. (antonyms, synonyms)

5. LEAVE is to STAY as EARLY is to ________. (arrive, late, soon)

The pairs of words in this analogy are _________. (antonyms, synonyms)

6. ADD is to SUBTRACT as NOISY is to ___________. (silent, loud, multiply)

The pairs of words in this analogy are _________. (antonyms, synonyms)

7. FLOAT is to SINK as BLUNT is to ________. (flat, sharp, knife)

The pairs of words in this analogy are _______. (antonyms, synonyms)

8. FORGET is to REMEMBER as GUILTY is to _____. (prison, win, innocent)

The pairs of words in this analogy are _____. (antonyms, synonyms)

9. BUY is to PURCHASE as DEPART is to _________. (arrive, leave, journey)

The pairs of words in this analogy are _________. (antonyms, synonyms)

4. Translate into English:

1. Право на образование в России гарантируется конституцией.

2. В средней школе ученики изучают академические предметы.

3. После окончания 9 класса средней школы молодые люди могут пойти в колледж.

4. Начальное и среднее образование бесплатно.

5. Молодые люди, поступившие в институт или университет, учатся там 5 лет.

6. Студенты вечернего и заочного отделений могут получить образо­вание, одновременно работая.

7. В частных школах и на некоторых отделениях институтов и универ­ситетов нужно платить за образование.

5. Find the correct explanation of the sayings and translate them:



1. Knowledge is power.

a. during the life the man learns much new and useful.

2. To work with the left hand.

b. in any age you can learn many interesting things.

3. In - one ear, out - the other.

c. with knowledge you become clever and stronger.

4.To know everything is to know nothing.

d. to make progress you must work hard.

5.It’s never too late to learn.

e. a person can not learn all.

6. Live and learn.

f. a person does not hear and does not listen to no one.

7. Little strokes fell great oaks.

g. to work badly.

6. Read the text and answer the questions:

Some people have good memories, and can easily learn quite long poems by heart. But they often forget them almost as quickly as they learn them. There are other people who can only remember things when they don`t forget them.

Charles Dickens, the famous English author, said that he could walk down any long street in London and then tell you the name of every shop he had passed. Many of the great men of the world have had wonderful memories.

A good memory is a great help in learning a language. Everybody learns his own language by remembering what he hears when he is a small child, and some children who live abroad with their parents seem to learn two languages almost as easily as one. In school it is not so little time for it, and they are busy with other subjects as well.

The best way for most of us to remember things is to join them in our mind with something which we know already, or which we easily remember because we have a picture of it in our mind. That is why it is better to learn words in sentences, not by themselves; or to see, or do, or feel what a world means when we first use it.

The human mind is rather like a camera, but it takes photographs not only of what we see but of what we feel, hear, smell and taste. When we take a real photograph with a camera, there is much to do before the photograph is finished and ready to show to our friends. In the same way, there is much work to be done before we can make a picture remain forever in the mind. Memory is the diary that we all carry about with us.

  1. Have you a good or bad memory?

  2. Can you easily learn by heart or can you remember things when you say them over and over?

  3. What ways do you use to remember things?

  4. How do you learn English words and sentences?

7. Write the word which fits both descriptions.

1. ________________

a. Part of a car, usually at the back, where you can put things like bags, tools, etc.

b. Something you wear on your foot when you go walking, for example in the mountains.

2. ________________

a. A place where you can keep your money, borrow money, etc.

b. The edge of a river.

3. ________________

a. A place where you can lock up something valuable, such as money, documents, jewellery, etc.

b. An adjective meaning 'not dangerous'.

4. ________________

a. A place where horses live on a farm.

b. An adjective meaning 'not changing'.

5. ________________

a. An adjective meaning 'difficult'.

b. An adjective meaning 'not soft'.

6. ________________

a. A word used when you talk to someone who you care for.

b. An adjective meaning 'not cheap'.

7. ________________

a. A small and very common insect.

b. To travel through the air.

8. ________________

a. The noise made by a dog.

b. The outside of a tree.

9. ________________

a. A person who goes to see a doctor.

b. An adjective describing a person who does not get upset when they have to wait.


a. A type of something.

b. An adjective describing a person who is nice or generous.


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