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Методические указания 1 курс 3 часть (2023 год)

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Данная разработка предназначена для 1 курса по теме: Тема 1.4 Покупки: одежда, обувь и продукты питания. Карманные деньги.  Молодежная мода.

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«Методические указания 1 курс 3 часть (2023 год)»



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по дисциплине «Иностранный язык (Английский язык)»

для студентов I курса 3 часть

Тема 1.4 Покупки: одежда, обувь и продукты питания. Карманные деньги. Молодежная мода.



иностранного языка

Воронина М.В.,

Булкина Т.А.

Красные Баки

2023 год

Lesson 1

Kinds of shops. Product variety.

1. Study the following words and write them into your copybook:

grocer’s – бакалея

baker’s – булочная

greengrocer’s – магазин «Овощи - фрукты»

dairy – молочный магазин

butcher’s – мясной магазин

fishmonger – торговец рыбой

ready-made shop– магазин готовой одежды

electrical appliances – электроприборы

knitwear – трикотаж

linen – постельное белье

fabric – ткань

china – фарфор

customer – покупатель

2. Read and translate the text:

When we want to buy things, we usually say we are going shopping. We go to a store (American English) or shop (British English). If it is a group of shops together, we might say we are going to the shopping center. If we want to buy food, we may say we are going grocery shopping. A shopping mall is a large group of shops in a covered area in which you can walk around.

A large shop that sells all kinds of foods is called a supermarket. A hypermarket usually includes a supermarket and department store. A department store is a large shop with different sections or departments selling lots of different things. A delicatessen or deli sells cooked foods or prepared foods like salads, cold cooked meats and cheeses. A butcher sells different meat products. A fruit and vegetable shop or greengrocer sells fruit and vegetables. A bakery sells different kinds of bread. A florist is a shop or company that sells flowers, especially flowers that have been put together in a special way. A secondhand shop has things that are not new. A plant shop or garden center is a place where you can buy flowers and plants to grow in your garden. A boutique sells women's clothing and jewelery. Factory outlets are stores selling brandname clothes and shoes at discounted prices. A stall is a place in a market where you can sell things.

A store that sells milk, ice-cream, small amounts of groceries etc. and is often open longer than other stores has different names in different English-speaking countries: for example, convenience store, 7-Eleven (parts of Australia), dairy (New Zealand), corner store, superette or newsagent. You need to find the name that is used where you are living.

A store that has a drive-thru or drive-through part allows you to buy something without leaving your car.

The person who helps or serves you in a store is known as a shop assistant or sales assistant. If we need to see the person in charge, we ask to speak to the manager or a supervisor. A changing room is a place in the shop with a mirror where you can try clothes on. The checkout is the place where you pay for what you have bought. The till (British English) or cash register (American English) is the machine used to add up how much is spent and give change. At a supermarket you put your food in a cart known as a shopping cart or trolley.

If you want to exchange something, you want to change or replace it for something else because it's the wrong size etc. A receipt is a piece of paper that lists what you bought from a shop and the price. If you get a bargain, you think something is a cheap or good price. If you pay in cash, you pay in money in notes and coins. If something is on special, the price of something is lower than it usually is. When a shop has a sale, it is selling things at lower prices than it usually does. Fresh food is food that is not old and it has been made or picked not long ago.

3. Answer the questions:

  1. Do you like to go shopping?

  2. How often do you go shopping?

  3. When you buy something, do you "shop around" and go to many stores to compare prices?

  4. When you buy something, what is most important to you: price, quality, fashion trend, status/image?

  5. Do you buy second-hand things?

  6. Do you buy things that you don't need?

  7. What is the most expensive thing you've ever bought?

  8. What is something that you want to buy, but don't have enough money to buy.

4. Translate the proverbs:

  1. The buyer needs hundred eyes, the seller but one.

  2. A fool and his money are soon parted.

  3. Look after the pennies and the pound will look after themselves.

  4. Lend your money and lose your friend.

  5. Buy a pig in a poke.

  6. Sell what you have and buy what is really good.

  7. A man with a sour face should not open the shop.

5. Are these statements true or false? Correct the false ones.

  1. You can buy vegetables in the greengrocer’s.

  2. To buy various goods under one roof is very convenient.

  3. To buy meat and poultry you have to go to the butcher’s.

  4. The dairy sells milk, cheese and sausages.

  5. Cereals are sold in the baker’s.

  6. Everything in the greengrocer’s is ready-made.

  7. You can find various fruits in the Frut & Veg shop.

  8. The department store is a store with escalators.

  9. The knitwear department offers everything for knitting.

  10. To buy china one needs to go to China.

6. Study the material “Countable and uncountable nouns”

Существительные могут быть как исчисляемыми, так и неисчисляемыми. К исчисляемым существительным (countable) относятся названия предметов, которые можно пересчитать. Они употребляются как в единственном, так и во множественном числе. К неисчисляемым существительным (uncountable) относятся названия предметов, которые нельзя пересчитать. К ним принадлежит существительные вещественные и отвлеченные.

Неисчисляемые существительные:


жидкости - coffee, milk, tea, water, juice;

твёрдые вещества - bread, butter, cheese, china, fish [meaning food];

газы - air, oxygen, pollution, smoke, smog;

частицы - corn, dust, flour, rice, salt, sand, sugar;

Предметы (науки): economics, literature, mathematics, physics, phonetics.

Языки: Chinese, English, French.

Игры: billiards, chess, golf, soccer, tennis, darts.

Болезни: flu, measles, mumps.

Природные явления: darkness, grass, heat, light, thunder, snow, etc.

Абстрактные существительные: education, help, housework, homework, information, knowledge, leisure, life, love, music, news, shopping, traffic, trouble, truth, wealth, weather, work, etc.

Исчисляемые существительные

Неисчисляемые существительные

a lot of (много)

a lot of (много)

many (много)

much (много)

a few (несколько)

few (мало)

a little (немного)

little (мало)

How many …? (сколько)

How much …? (сколько)

7. Are the nouns usually countable or uncountable? Put C or U.

a. rice


i. grape

b. money

j. biscuit

c. apple

k. fruit

d. stamp

l. sandwich

e. wine

m. cheese

f. cat

n. cup

g. bread

o. juice

h. potato

p. egg

8. Choose the correct word: many or much.

  1. I have … information about this person.

  2. There is … milk at home. You should buy it tomorrow.

  3. There are … children in our street.

  4. There are … seas in the world.

  5. I like to put … sugar in my tea.

9. Complete the questions. Use How much and How many.

How many eggs are in the fridge?

1. ___________ water is there in the glass?

2. ___________ rice is there in Ben`s plate?

3. ___________ bread is there in the cupboard?

4. ___________ crisps are there in the pocket?

5. ___________ people are there in the island?

10. Choose uncountable noun in each line:

1) glass/ cup/ jar/ water

2) magazine/ newspaper/ news/ article

3) cloud/ weather/ tree/ flower

4) event/ information/ reporter/ programme

5) money/ wallet/ coin/ banknote

6) bookcase/ furniture/ wardrobe/ armchair

7) sheep/ ox/ meat/ cow

8) bag/ luggage/ purse/ suitcase

9) music/ song/ piano/ sound

10) tomato/ potato/ carrot/ soup

11. Translate from Russian into English.

  1. несколько стульев

  2. немного воды

  3. несколько человек

  4. несколько минут

  5. несколько дней

  6. немного соли

  7. несколько ложек

  8. несколько машин

  9. немного сахара

  10. немного сыра.

12. Use some or any:

1.We need ____ flour, ____ eggs and ___ sugar.

2. Do you buy _____bread and _____coffee?

3. I don’t bring you ____ice cream.

4. We have ____ orange juice, but we don’t have ___ cake.

5. Are there ___ onions in the basket?

13. Translate the sentences

1. В чашке чай. В чашке много чая.

2. На блюдце варенье. На блюдце немного варенья.

3. На столе еда. На столе много еды.

4. В тарелке каша. В тарелке мало каши.

5. В стакане сок. В стакане немного сока.

Lesson 2

Clothing store

1. Translate the words:

Outerwear, underwear, footwear, accessories, top, bottom, coat, dress, skirt, blouse, shirt, trousers, suit, sweater, shoes, hat, gloves, jacket, shorts, jeans, scarf, boots, sneakers, slippers, cap, T-shirt, waistcoat, breeches, mittens, socks, tights, pajamas, tie.

2. Read the dialogue and answer the questions:

Shop assistant: Can I help you?

Customer: Yes, have you got this T-shirt in other colours?

Shop assistant: We’ve got it in white, black, red and purple. What size do you want?

Customer: Medium.

Shop assistant: OK, in medium we’ve got black and red.

Customer: And in purple?

Shop assistant: No, just black and red.

Customer: OK, red. Can I try it on?

Shop assistant: Yes, of course. The changing rooms are over there.


Shop assistant: Is it OK?

Customer: Yes, I’ll take it.

Shop assistant: That’s £10.95. Would you like to pay by credit card or with cash?

Customer: Cash please. Here’s twenty.

Shop assistant: OK, thanks, that’s nine pounds, 5 p change and here’s your receipt.

Customer: Thanks. Bye.

1. What size T-shirt does the customer want?

2. Does the shop have a medium size purple T-shirt?

3. What colour T-shirt does the customer try on?

4. Does the customer buy the red T-shirt?

5. How much does it cost? (e.g. £12.20) £

6. Does the customer pay by credit card or with cash?

3. Match the images below with their descriptions and translate them:

  1. an elegant red dress and black shoes

  2. blue overalls, black boots, brown short sleeved shirt and brown hat

  3. a pink jacket, a purple cap, purple trousers, and black gloves

  4. a blue short sleeved shirt, brown shorts and trainers

  5. a blue cap, a blue t-shirt, grey shorts and grey boots

  6. an elegant black suit, a white shirt and a black bow tie.

  7. a green t-shirt, blue jeans and trainers

  8. a yellow short sleeved shirt, blue jeans and grey boots

  9. an orange t-shirt, green shorts and trainers

  10. a green striped t-shirt, blue shorts and green shoes

  11. a blue short sleeved shirt, black trousers, grey shoes, a black tie and a cap

  12. an orange bathrobe with yellow belt and red slippers

  13. a pink short sleeved blouse, a purple skirt, a white necklace and pink shoes

  14. a blue swimsuit with two red stripes

4. Study the material “Plural nouns”:

Regular Nouns

add -S

Ends in S, CH, SH, X or Z

add -ES

End in -F or -FE

remove -F/FE add -VES






cars [z]

dogs [z]

houses [iz]

desks [s]

books [s]

















But! roof – roofs, chief - chiefs, belief – beliefs

Ends in VOWEL + Y

add -S


add -IES

Irregular Nouns










































soliloquy – soliloquies

Ends in VOWEL + O

add -S


add -ES

No Change



























But! piano - pianos, photo - photos, disco - discos

Latin, Greek Words

Compound Nouns

alumnus – alumni (бывший ученик – бывшие ученики)

analysis – analyses (анализ – анализы)

crisis – crises (кризис – кризисы)

appendix – appendices (приложение – приложения)

formula – formulae, formulas (формула – формулы)

index – indices, indexes (указатель – указатели)

bacterium – bacteria (бактерия – бактерии)

curriculum – curricula (расписание- расписания)

criterion – criteria (критерий – критерии)

commander-in-chief - commanders-in-chief,

father-in-law –


passer-by - passers-by,

looker-on - lookers-on

merry-go-round, forget-me-not,







information, advice, money, news, success, furniture, work, progress, cream, ink, knowledge

scissors, trousers, spectacles, scales, clothes, wages, goods, contents, sweepings, odds, greens, shorts, jeans, pyjamas, tights

5. Write the plural nouns:

A farmer, a country, a city, a day, a disc, a leaf, an address, an apple, a lemon, a child, a man, a house, a crisis, a mouse, a tooth. a photo, a kilo, a potato, a chef, a fox, a watch, a theatre, a hobby, a bottle

6. Fill the table:

friend, cinema, bottle, lake, bus, glass, bed, boy, hat, cap, tape, shop, brush, bench, box.




7. Match the container and the food:

1. a pound of …

2. a bottle of …

3. a box of …

4. a bar of …

5. a jar of …

6. a loaf of …

7. a dozen …

8. a bunch of …

9. a can of …

10. a packet of …

11. a carton of …

a) bread

b) coffee “Nescafe”

c) chocolate

d) cheese

e) lemonade

f) eggs

g) sweets

h) grapes

i) Coca-Cola

j) milk

k) tea “Lipton

8. Put the words in brackets in the plural and translate the sentences: 

  1. The store was overrun with rats and (mouse) … .

  2. I helped him put some (shelf)… in his bedroom.

  3. He is one of the country’s national (hero)… .

  4. He collects (pocket-knife) .

  5. His both (son-in-law) … were (fisherman)… .

  6. The police asked (passer-by) … if they had seen the accident.

  7. Yesterday’s crash has grim (echo)… of previous disaster.

  8. Books provide (child)… with ideas and (stimulus)… to play.

  9. Corn circles are one of the strangest (phenomenon) ... of recent times.

  10. Do you have any (spray) or anything else that will keep away (fly)… or (mosquito)…?

9. Choose the right form of the noun and write the sentences

1. The roofs / rooves of these houses are bad.

2. These cities / citys are beautiful.

3. I want to see deer / deers in the zoo.

4. They are very good students / studentes.

5. Her knifes / knives are always sharp.

6. This farmer breeds geese / gooses.

7. She has two umbrellas / umbrellaes.

8. He wants to buy some new shelfs / shelves.

9. They sell pianoes / pianos here.

10. I like plays / plaies by this author.

11. Some Irishmans / Irishmen live here.

12. He injured his feet / foots.

Lesson 3

Shoe store

1. Read and translate the text:

Shoes are things we wear on our feet. There are many different types of shoes for different things we do. Some shoes are for running, some are for parties, and some are just for walking around. The shoe types can be simple or fancy. We have sporty shoes like sneakers for playing and running. We also have pretty shoes like high heels for special events. Then, there are boots for cold days and sandals for hot days.

When we learn about shoes names, we know what to call each shoe. It’s like learning the names of fruits or animals. Each shoe has its own name. So, shoes are not just shoes. They have special names and types. The more we know about the different types of shoes, the easier it is to pick the right one for what we want to do. There are many shoe types. Here’s a simple list:

Formal Shoes: Shoes for special events or work.

Casual Shoes: Everyday shoes for walking or hanging out.

Athletic Shoes: Shoes for sports or exercise.

Boots: Tall shoes, sometimes for cold or rainy weather.

Heels: Shoes that make you taller. Often worn to parties.

Sandals & Flip-flops: Open shoes for warm days.

2. Write in singular and translate the words:

shoes, things, feet, types, parties, sneakers, heels, events, boots, days, names, occasions, styles, colors, laces, movements, sandals, slippers, flip flops, moccasins, trainers, brushes, outsoles, buckles, straps.

3. Read the following dialogue between Lisa and the shop assistant and complete it with the phrases:

1. I’m afraid they are too tight. 2. Yes, please. I’d like... 3. I’ll try them on 4. This size is perfect! 5. Good afternoon! Can I help you? 6. Here you are! 7. Have a nice day! 8. I don’t have this size in blue. 9. Certainly! What size are you? 10. I’ll take them! How much are they? 11. Can I pay by credit card?

Shop assistant: ______

Lisa: ___ to see the blue shoes that are in the window.

Shop assistant: ____

Lisa: I’m size 3 1/2.

Shop assistant: Just a moment, please. (A few seconds later) ____

Lisa: Thanks. ____ Hmm. ____

Shop assistant: Yes, I think they are. I’ll get you size 4. (A few seconds later) I’m sorry Miss, but ____ only brown or red.

Lisa: Can I see the red ones, please?

Shop assistant: Of course! Here you are! Size 4 in red.

Lisa: ___ . They are very, very comfortable. And I love the colour! I never thought I’d wear red shoes but I really like them!

Shop assistant: Why not? Red shoes are very fashionable and they suit you perfectly!

Lisa: Yeah, you’re right! I think ____

Shop assistant: They’re £30.

Lisa: Do I have to pay cash or ____

Shop assistant: As you wish!

Lisa: I’ll pay by credit card then. Here you are!

Shop assistant: Thank you. £30. Here’s your receipt! ____

Lisa: Thank you! Bye!

4. Study the material “Numerals”

Числительное – это часть речи, обозначающая количество или порядок предметов. В английском языке есть два вида числительных, порядковые (ordinal) и количественные (cardinal). Количественные числительные обозначают число предметов (отвечают на вопрос «сколько?»). Порядковые числительные обозначают порядок предметов (отвечают на вопрос «который?»).































































































one hundred






five hundred

five hundredth





one thousand





100 000

one hundred thousand

hundred thousandth




1 000 000

one million





1 000 000 000

one billion


Цифра ноль в английском языке в зависимости от контекста может читаться по-разному: zeroonil. Ноль произносится как «zero», когда ноль используется в дробях, процентах, телефонных номерах и в определенных выражениях. O (читается, как английская буква [əu]) – используется в обозначении годов, времени, в адресах, иногда в телефонных номерах. Nil – используется в счете спортивных матчей.

Годы в английском языке обозначаются количественными числительными. Четырехзначные годы при чтении делятся пополам и эти половинки читаются как два отдельных числа: 1825 – eighteen twenty-five

Проценты (percentages) в английском языке обозначаются словом percent (процент). После числительных слово percent никогда не принимает окончание множественного числа -s, так как с французского языка это слово дословно переводится как «из сотни», «на сотню».

Для счета денег в английском языке сначала произносится число, а потом название валюты: $2 – two dollars, €14,99 – fourteen euros ninety nine (cents, euro cents), £204 – two hundred and four pounds

Номера телефонов, счетов, карт и т. д. читают не сотнями-десятками, как на русском, а отдельными цифрами: 555-757-23-11 – five, five, five, seven, five, seven, two, three, one, one.

Простые дроби (fractions) в английском языке часто пишутся словами. Для числителя (numerator) используются количественные числительные, а для знаменателя (denominator) – порядковые. Знаменатель, принимает окончание множественного числа -s, если числитель больше единицы. Пример: 1/5 – one fifth, 4/7 – four sevenths, 2 ¼ - two and one fourth/quarter

Десятичные дроби (decimals) в английском языке читаются с помощью слова point (точка), после которой все цифры читаются отдельно. Это правило не относится к счету денег. Пример: 0.5 – zero point five, 43.75 – forty-three point seventy-five

5. Write the following years in English:

1943, 2085, 1950, 1812, 1689, 1238, 1909, 1701, 2010, 1004.

6. Write the telephone numbers:

+7 (831) 200-04-00 (Yandex-taxi),

+7 83156 2-27-36 (Sport center “Bogatyr”),

+7 83156 2-18-71 (Library of Krasnye Baki)

+ 7 83156 2-13-50 (Forest college)

7. Solve the example and write the answer in words:

  1. sixty-two + fourteen = …

  2. fifteen + two hundred and forty-six = …

  3. ninety + ten = …

  4. thirty-one + nineteen = …

  5. seventy-three + eighty-two = …

  6. three thousand one hundred and twelve + ninety-nine = …

8. Tell the time in English:

10:03, 2:59, 10:00, 15:25, 3:06, 4:15, 11:55, 8:45, 16:20

Lesson 4

Food store

1. Read the dialogue and answer the questions:

– Good morning. How are you?

– Morning. Fine, fine you?

– Fine, thanks. Can I help you?

– Yes. Have you got pineapples?

– Certainly. How much would you like?

– One tin, I think

– What about fresh biscuits?

– No, thank you. I’m on a diet. I prefer fruit and vegetables.

– Anything else?

– May be some fish: salmon or humpback.

– I strongly recommend you to buy humpback.

– OK. Give me one fish. How much does it cost?

– 133 roubles. Oh, just a minute. Do you like lasagne?

– Oh, it’s not bad. But I don’t like Italian food. Here are 150 roubles.

– Thank you. You change is 17 roubles. You are welcome

  1. Where does the action take place?

  2. What kind of shop is it?

  3. What does the customer want to buy?

  4. Does she buy biscuits? Why?

  5. What does she buy?

  6. What kind of fish does the shop assistant recommend her to buy?

  7. Does the woman buy lasagne? Why?

  8. How much does the woman pay?

2. Complete the sentences using the words

a basket, a cashier, a checkout, an aisle, a plastic bag, a trolley

1. Please pay for your shopping at the … .

2. If you have a lot of shopping to do, you can use a … .

3. If you don’t have much shopping to do, you can take a … .

4. I found some orange juice in the drinks … .

5. After you pay, you can put all your shopping in a … .

6. I didn’t have any cash, so I gave my credit card to the … .

3. Read the text and answer the questions:

Last Saturday afternoon, Fred’s mother decided to go shopping. She asked Fred’s help. So, they caught a bus to town. The bus stopped near a big supermarket and they went inside carrying a bag. Fred wasn’t very happy because he hates shopping! He thinks is boring! Inside the shop, Fred’s mother picked some goods that they needed – fruit, bread, some vegetables- but she couldn’t find any rice. Fred, finally found it near the cereals. His mother was pleased. Then Fred’s mother asked him to bring a bottle of coke. Fred went look for it, but the bottles were in a difficult place so he had to climb on a box to reach for it. When he jumped down, he fell and hurt his leg. To compensate him for his effort, Fred’s mother bought him an ice-cream. His leg was hurting a lot so his mother phoned Fred’s father that came to drive them home. When they got back, Fred went to bed to rest his leg!

1. When did Fred and his mother go shopping?

2. Does Fred like shopping? Why?

3. Why did Fred climb on a box?

4. What happened when he jumped down?

5. What did his mother buy him?

6. What did Fred do when they got back home?

4. Say if the statements are True or False. Correct the False ones:

1. Fred and his mother went to the cinema.

2. They went to town by train.

3. Fred enjoys shopping.

4. The rice was near the cereals.

5. They also bought a bottle of wine.

6. Fred’s father drove them home.

5. Study the material “Ordinal numbers”

Порядковые числительные (ordinal numbers) - отвечают на вопрос «который по счету». Перед всеми порядковыми числительными обязательно ставится определенный артикль the, так как английские порядковые числительные являются определением к конкретному существительному. Они образуются путем добавления суффикса «th» к соответствующему количественному числительному. Исключение составляют такие порядковые числительные как: the first, the second, the third, они образуются не по правилам и их нужно запомнить. В составных порядковых числительных только последний компонент стоит в порядковой форме: twenty-sixth, seventy-fourth. Десятки, оканчивающиеся на y, меняют окончание на ie: forty — fortieth. Чтобы образовать порядковое числительное, к количественному числительному eight мы добавляем только -h. В числительном twelve/ five при добавлении -th буквосочетание -ve меняется на -f.

6. Make cardinal numerals into ordinal numbers:

two, eighty-three, seven hundred and sixteen, twelve, eleven, twenty-five, ninety-six, thirty-eight, ten, two thousand and nine.

7. Write fractions in words:

9/10, 5/8, 11/12, 1/3, 2/5, ½

8. Write the following dates using ordinal numbers:

The New Year is on (31.12). – The New Year is on the thirty-first of December.

  1. Victory Day is on (09.05).

  2. Christmas in Russia is on (07.01).

  3. St. Valentine’s Day is on (14.02).

  4. Halloween is on (31.10).

  5. The Women’s Day is on (08.03).

Lesson 5

Pocket money

1. Read the text to find out about British teenagers and their cash:

Most teenagers in Britain receive pocket money from their parents. A report by the Bank of Scotland interviewed over 1,000 young people in Britain and found that 77 per cent get pocket money. They might have to do chores to get their pocket money, helping at home with tasks like cleaning, cooking, washing up, taking out the rubbish and ironing.

Different families give different amounts and the average for eight- to fifteen-year-olds in the UK is about £6 a week. Children in Scotland receive more than the national average and Londoners get the most. Teenagers, logically, get more money than younger children. Some fifteen- to nineteen-year-olds receive more than £100 a month. The report found that many children save at least a quarter of their weekly pocket money and that more boys than girls save their money.

‘I get £80 a month. I have to buy my own clothes with that too.’

Chris, 17, from London

‘I get £5 a week. I get it on Saturday after I clean my bedroom.’

Charlie, 13, from Edinburgh

A part-time job is an option for teenagers who don’t have pocket money or who want to earn extra money. About 15 per cent of teenagers have a job. Only children over 13 can work but there are some exceptions, for example, for actors. Popular part-time jobs for teens include babysitting, delivering newspapers to houses, shop work and restaurant or café work.

There are strict government laws about children working. They can work a maximum of two hours a day on a school day but not during school hours. At weekends and during school holidays, they can work longer hours. As for wages, the national minimum wage for under-18s is around £4 per hour and it increases every year. The minimum wage is higher if you are older.

‘I babysit for my neighbours. Looking after young children in their home when their parents have gone out for the evening is a popular job for teenagers. You get paid for watching children and television all at the same time!’

Sam, 16, from Chesterfield

‘I work in a greengrocer’s shop on Saturday mornings. I get £5 an hour. Not much but it means I can buy new clothes or whatever I want.’

Amber 15, from Aberdeen

In Britain, some children and teenagers have a bank account. There is no legal age limit at which you can open a bank account but a bank manager can decide whether to allow a child or young person to open an account. Parents can put pocket money directly into their child’s bank account. Some banks have a prepaid bank card designed for young people. Parents can add pocket money to the card then children can use it to pay for things, without carrying money.

‘It’s good for kids to have a bank account so that they can learn about how to save money and how to be responsible for their own money. I’ve had a bank account for ages.’

Jana, 16, from Canterbury

‘I don’t need a bank account – I keep my money in my piggy bank at home. I’m saving up for some new football boots. My dad says that it’s not the safest place to keep money but at least the bank isn’t making a profit from my money!’

Ruth, 13, from Warwick

So, many teenagers are getting experience of working part-time, dealing with banks and deciding whether to save or spend their money. These are all steps towards becoming a financially independent adult and earning and looking after your own money.

2. Match the vocabulary with the correct definition and write a–f next to the numbers 1–6.

1. a minimum wage

a. a small amount of money that children are given by their parents

2. pocket money

b. a service from a bank where you can leave your money and take it out again when you need it

3. part-time

c. housework tasks

4. a bank account

d. (about a job) for a short or limited time, not permanent

5. chores

e. a situation which does not follow the general rule

6. an exception

f. the lowest amount of money that a worker is allowed to earn, according to the law

3. Check your understanding: true or false. Correct false sentences:

1. The average amount of pocket money for eight- to fifteen-year-olds in the UK is about £100 a month.

2. About 15 per cent of British teenagers work to earn money.

3. Young people sometimes look after children to earn money.

4. There isn’t a minimum wage for workers under 18.

5. Some parents pay money directly into their child’s bank account.

6. Some banks have a special bank card for young people.

4. Write the words in the correct group:

babysitting, washing up, delivering newspapers, ironing, working in a restaurant, cleaning your bedroom, shop work, taking out the rubbish



5. Match to make correct sentences about the text and write a–h next to the number 1–8.

1. Many children

a. earns £5 an hour.

2. Some young people help

b. save at least a quarter of their pocket money.

3. Chris

c. spends money on clothes.

4. Sam

d. gets pocket money on Saturdays.

5. Amber

e. saves money in her piggy bank at home.

6. Jana

f. with jobs at home to earn their pocket money.

7. Charlie

g. has a bank account.

8. Ruth

h. works as a babysitter.

6. Translate the words:

Для обозначения арифметических действий в английском языке используют следующие слова:














divide by

divided by


is equal to

equals to

7. Write the fractions by words:

  1. ½                                5. 9/10

  2. 5/8                              6. 11/12

  3. 1/3                              7. 2/5

  4. 4/7                              8. 3/4

8. Write by words and do calculate:

  1. 6.2 + 1.4 = … 5. 4/5 x 2/3 = …

  2. 21.3 – 9 = … 6. 8/92/9 = …

  3. 2.5 x 3 = … 7. 1 ½ + 3 2/3 = …

  4. 12.8 : 4 = … 8. 3 : 1 ½ = …

Lesson 6

Teen fashion

1. Read and translate the text:

There was a time, not long ago, when urban fashion didn’t exist. Fashion meant expensive designer outfits that only the very rich could afford. Think Paris catwalks, Vogue magazine and very uncomfortable shoes. And it was all about women. Even though the outfits were normally designed by men, there was very little interest in menswear. The outfits were very feminine, very expensive and impractical for anything other than walking in a straight line.

All of this has changed. Young people no longer dress like their parents. They wear comfortable, practical and affordable clothes which have probably been designed by somebody young: urban fashion has taken over the world. It began, perhaps, with the hippies of the 1960s, who rejected mainstream society’s values and dress codes with their long hair and scruffy image. Next came the punks of the 1970s, who went one step further with shocking, scary outfits that deliberately offended ordinary people. Even today, if you go to London’s Camden Town at the weekend, there will be plenty of people with lots of tattoos, piercings and chains hanging out of their trousers. This punk-influenced style is all about looking different from everybody else – but exactly the same as your friends. Certainly, by the 90s, high street shops like Gap quickly followed the trends from the streets, and designers like Stella McCartney began to sell street-influenced clothes such as ripped T-shirts for huge amounts of money.

Music has always played a part in urban fashion. Nu-metal fans, for example, as well as wearing Marilyn Manson T-shirts, tend to look different from people who like chart music, and many of today’s pop stars get their ideas from people on the street rather than the other way round. In California, surfers needed comfortable clothing to wear on the beach, and the surf look spread throughout America via companies such as Quiksilver, Stüssy, O’Neill and similar companies that originally produced clothes for sports. But the boom in extreme sports such as skateboarding and snowboarding has influenced urban fashion. Baggy jeans are better if you are wearing inline skates, for example, and hoodies (large comfortable sweatshirts) are influenced by practical snowboarding outfits. Of course there are plenty of people happy to wear the latest sporty urban fashion who never do any sport at all, just as most people who wear trainers rarely go near a sports centre.

Source: Current, No. 1, 2002, Mary Glasgow Magazines (slightly adapted)

2. Read the 1st paragraph of the text and say whether these statements are True or False. Correct the False ones.

1. “Urban fashion” is a recent concept.

2. In the past, fashion was associated with ordinary people like you and me.

3. Most fashion designers were women.

4. Only women’s wear attracted people’s attention at the time.

5. The designer label clothes were practical and affordable.

3. Complete these sentences using the text:

1. Teenagers wear …. from their parents.

2. They prefer …, … and affordable clothes, designed by … urban fashion designers.

3. … , in the 1960s, and the …, in the 1970s, played an important role in this new vision of fashion. Neither of them accepted the … and … of the time.

4. Today it’s still possible to see at London’s Camden Town lots of people who have been influenced by … with …, …, and ….

5. Gap is one of the shops that sells … at … prices.

4. Study the material “Future Simple Tense”

1) Будущее простое время

2) Действие, относящееся к будущему

3) Указатели времени:

tomorrow – завтра, in a week – через неделю, next year – в следующем году, next time – в следующий раз

4) Вспомогательные глаголы

shall (только с I, we)

will (со всеми остальными) употребляются во всех предложениях

5) Положительное предложение

I, We V1




6) Отрицательное предложение

I, We V1

shall not


will not

shall not = shan’t

will not = won’t

7) Общий вопрос

I, we V1

Shall ?



8) Специальный вопрос

I, we V1

Wh. shall ?


Wh. will ?

5. Make negative sentences, translate them:

1. I will invite my friends tomorrow.

2. They will go to the theatre in a week.

3. Alex will watch a new film next Tuesday.

4. Boris will take a bath next Saturday.

5. The students will speak English in a month.

6. Make positive sentences, translate them:

1. We won’t play basketball next lesson.

2. You will not translate the text tomorrow.

3. Sveta and Nick won’t read the book.

4. She will not sing a song next concert.

5. I won’t drink coffee tomorrow.

7. Make up general and special questions to the sentences:

  1. Alice will buy a book next Sunday.

  2. We will learn to play the guitar next month.

  3. Ivan and Kate will go to the cinema tomorrow.

  4. I will have my lunch in an hour.

  5. You will write a test next lesson.

8. You are on an island. What do you think you'll do?

1. Will you live in a cave or in a village? - I think I'll live in a cave.

2. Will you sleep on the grass or in the tree? - I think I'll … .

3. Will you eat caterpillars or snakes? - …

4. Will you go fishing or collect fruit? - …

5. Will you wash in the sea or in the river? - …

6. Will you ride a horse or an ostrich? - …

7. Will you make friends with dolphins or with parrots? - …

8. Will you drink milk or water? - …

9. Open the brackets using Future Simple:

I like to go to college. I have many good friends there. But I like Sundays more. Soon it … (be) Sunday, and all our family … (be) at home. I … (get up) at 9 o’clock, and then I… (do) my morning exercises and have breakfast together with my parents. After breakfast I … (help) my mother in the kitchen and my father … (go) shopping. Then we … (go) for a walk in the park or to the cinema.

After dinner my friends … (come) to me, and we … (play) together at home or in the yard. In the evening my mother … (knit), my father … (watch) a concert on TV and I … (listen) to music or read a book. I know that I … (have) a lot of fun next Sunday.


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