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«Навыки чтения и работы с текстом»


  Whales are mammals.  They breathe air like us.  They rise to the surface of the water to breathe.  They live in the oceans of the world.

  There are many different kinds of whales.  Some are the killer whale, humpback whale and grey whale.  They are some of the largest animals.  The largest whale is the blue whale.  It can grow to be a hundred feet long and weigh as much as 15 elephants.  It is the largest animal on the Earth.

  Whales leap out of the water.  They also dive and roll.  Whales dive to get food.  Some whales can dive more than a mile down!

  Some whales are found in zoos, public aquariums and entertainment parks.  These whales live in large glass tanks.  They learn things very easily.  They are trained to play with ball, leap, and dive down deep for certain objects.


Answer "True" or "False"


 Whales are fish.


 Whales live in oceans and amusement parks.


 A whale breathes air.


 The largest whale is the blue whale.


 Whales are too big to leap out of the water.


 Some whales can dive two miles. 


 Whales dive and roll.


 There are many different kinds of whales.

Answer the questions.

  1. Where do whales live?


  1. What kinds of whales do you know?


  1. Why do whales rise to the surface of the water?


  1. What is the largest animal on the Earth?


  1. How do whales get food?


  1. Are whales good learners? What are whales trained to do?



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