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План конспект урока английского языка по методике проектов «Мое открытие Америки» для 10-го класса

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  1. Обобщить материал по 3 проблемам:

А) Природа Америки и ее красота.

Б) Взгляд на политику .

В) Достопримечательности Вашингтона.


  1. Проконтролировать усвоение информации.
  2. Совершенствовать речевые умения учащихся, учить навыкам монологической речи.

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«План конспект урока английского языка по методике проектов «Мое открытие Америки» для 10-го класса»

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урока английского языка по методике проектов

«Мое открытие Америки» для 10-го класса


  1. Обобщить материал по 3 проблемам:

А) Природа Америки и ее красота.

Б) Взгляд на политику .

В) Достопримечательности Вашингтона.

  1. Проконтролировать усвоение информации.

  2. Совершенствовать речевые умения учащихся, учить навыкам монологической речи.


  1. учить умению работать с информацией: анализировать, выделять главное, делать выводы( развивающий аспект )

  2. развивать творческие, интеллектуальные умения, логическое мышление и память.

  3. Привлечь учащихся к иноязычной речевой деятельности (учебный аспект)

  4. расширять кругозор учащихся, объем знаний о культуре страны изучаемого языка (познавательный аспект)

Оснащение урока: дополнительная литература, карты, картины, видеофильм, аудиозапись, плакат « Американские президенты», схемы, распечатка текста, виды Вашингтона, конверты для сбора информации, сувениры.

Ход урока.

1. Начало урока: вступительное слово учителя: объявление темы урока, задач. Прослушивание песни America the Beautiful.

Today’s lesson is unusual one. It’s a kind of a conference. How is it called? We’ll discuss 3 problems today. You will have been working in groups and have made up your projects. For the beginning we’ll listen to the song which is beloved by all the Americans. Try to feel for the size, strength and beauty of the country.

2. Работа по первой проблеме: The US Scenery and its wild Beauty.

Эпиграф на доске « America is so vast that almost everything said it is likely to be true, and the opposite is probably equally true» ( J.T. Farrel)

Учащиеся читают и переводят цитату, учитель организует беседу с использованием картин дикой природы США.

You know that the US is an enormous country with many different natural wonders. It goes from the shores of the Atlantic Ocean to the Islands of Hawaii in the Pacific Ocean, from cold snowy Alaska to sunny beaches on Florida.

P 1. The US has many kinds of land: rocky coasts, powerful deep rivers, dry empty deserts, wide plains and grasslands and wild rocky mountains.

P 2 : Some people are not pleased that there are too many Americans films over our TV, too much music and a lot of things( even T-shirts, trainers, jeans). But Americans are proud that America is spread all over the world.

P 3 :European tourists are often surprised by how big America really is, but most Americans take it for granted its size and variety. Americans are proud of the natural wonders of their country and protect them. Let’s discuss the information about National Parks in the USA.

Проходит дискуссия : 2-3 учащихся высказывают свое мнение. Первая группа ребят собирала материал по национальным паркам. Проходит презентация проектов. Заслушиваются 3 сообщения о Национальных парках США:

  • The Yellowstone National park

Yellowstone National Park

  • Yellowstone National Park, established by the U.S. Congress and signed into law by President Ulysses S. Grant on March 1, 1872, is a national park located primarily in the U.S. state of Wyoming, although it also extends into Montana and Idaho. Yellowstone was the first national park in the world, and is known for its wildlife and its many geothermal features, especially Old Faithful Geyser, one of the most popular features in the park.It has many types of ecosystems, but the subalpine forest is dominant.

  • Yellowstone National Park spans an area of 3,468.4 square miles (8,983 km2), comprising lakes, canyons, rivers and mountain ranges.] Yellowstone Lake is one of the largest high-altitude lakes in North America and is centered over the Yellowstone Caldera, the largest supervolcano on the continent. The caldera is considered an active volcano. It has erupted with tremendous force several times in the last two million years. Half of the world's geothermal features are in Yellowstone, fueled by this ongoing volcanism.Lava flows and rocks from volcanic eruptions cover most of the land area of Yellowstone. The park is the centerpiece of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, the largest remaining, nearly intact ecosystem in the Earth's northern temperate zone.

  • Hundreds of species of mammals, birds, fish and reptiles have been documented, including several that are either endangered or threatened. The vast forests and grasslands also include unique species of plants. Yellowstone Park is the largest and most famous megafauna location in the Continental United States. Grizzly Bears, wolves, and free-ranging herds of bison and elk live in the park. The Yellowstone Park Bison Herd is the oldest and largest public bison herd in the United States. Forest fires occur in the park each year; in the large forest fires of 1988, nearly one third of the park burnt. Yellowstone has numerous recreational opportunities, including hiking, camping, boating, fishing and sightseeing. Paved roads provide close access to the major geothermal areas as well as some of the lakes and waterfalls. During the winter, visitors often access the park by way of guided tours that use either snow coaches or snowmobile.

  • The Niagara Falls National park

Niagara Falls State Park

  • Niagara Falls State Park is located in the City of Niagara Falls, New York in Niagara County. The park has the American Falls, the Bridal Veil Falls, and part of the Canadian Falls.

  • Niagara Falls State Park is the oldest state park in the United States . In 1885, the Niagara appropriations bill was signed into law, creating the Niagara Reservation. New York State Assemblyman Thomas Vincent Welch figured prominently in getting the bill signed, and served as the first Superintendent of the Park from its inception until 1903, 18 years.

  • The Niagara Reservation was declared a U.S. National Historic Landmark in 1963.

  • The park also overlooks the Niagara Gorge and allows access to the Maid of the Mist tour boats, Cave of the Winds, and other attractions of Niagara Falls.

  • The park offers a museum, food concession, a movie theater, a gift shop, fireworks, hiking and nature trails, picnic tables, recreation programs, and fishing.

  • In 2007, Niagara Falls State Park was named as the 10th most beautiful spot in America by The Today Show.

  • The Grand Canyon National park

Grand Canyon National Park

  • Grand Canyon National Park is the United States' 15th oldest national park and is located in Arizona. Within the park lies the Grand Canyon, a gorge of the Colorado River, considered to be one of the Wonders of the World. The park covers 1,217,403 acres (1,902 sq mi; 4,927 km2) of unincorporated area in Coconino and Mohave counties.

  • Most visitors to the park come to the South Rim, arriving on Arizona State Route 64. The Highway enters the park through the South Entrance, near Tusayan, Arizona, and heads eastward, leaving the park through the East Entrance.All park accommodations are operated by the Xanterra corporation. Park headquarters are at Grand Canyon Village, a short distance from the South Entrance, being also the location of the most popular viewpoints. Some thirty miles of the South Rim are accessible by road. A much smaller venue for tourists is found on the North Rim, accessed by Arizona State Route 67. There is no road connection between the two within Arizona except via the Navajo Bridge, near Page, Arizona, entailing a five-hour drive. Otherwise, the two rims of the Canyon are connected via Las Vegas, Nevada, and the Hoover Dam.

  • The rest of the Grand Canyon is extremely rugged and remote, although many places are accessible by pack trail and backcountry roads.

  • Grand Canyon National Park became a national park in 1919. In

  • 1979, UNESCO declared it as a World Heritage Site.

  • The Grand Canyon, including its extensive system of tributary canyons, is valued for its combination of large size, depth, and the exposed layering of colorful rocks dating back to Precambrian times. It was created through the incision of the Colorado River and its tributaries after the Colorado Plateau was uplifted and the Colorado River system developed along its present path.

Ученики заполняют большой конверт, вывешенный на доске, вкладывают в него свой материал.

3. Работа по второй проблеме: Political Outlook.

Чтение эпиграфа на плакате:

“Americans are a national born of an idea, not the place, but idea, created the US government” (T. White)

This idea is a “liberty and equality” (All men are created equal.)

Учащимся раздаются схемы: “ US Federal system of Government”

Проводится учебный разговор по теме, учащиеся отвечают на вопросы и выполняют тест.

T: All countries were founded on the ideas, as the US was. What is this main idea?

P 1 : All men are created equal.

This land is your land. After that, you are on your own.

T: First we’ll discuss the idea of presidency.

Answer the questions:

  • What is the main low in the country?

  • When and where was the Constitution adopted?

  • How are the first ten amendments called?

  • How many branches has the Federal System of government?

  • For how long do the judges in the Supreme Court serve?

  • What is the main principle of the American system of government?

  • Who appoints the Government?

  • Who is the State Secretary in the US now?

Работа по 3 третьей проблеме : Some Places to Visit in Washington.

На доске- картины достопримечательностей столицы США : Капитолий, Мемориалы А. Линкольну, памятник Дж. Вашингтону, Белый дом.

T: Washington. DC is a very special city. It was planned and built as a capital with wide avenues and magnificent buildings on the Potomac River. ( Look at the maps on your desks)

Why is Washington is called the city of magnificent vistas? There are lots of beautiful Memorials, Museums and Monuments. The students of the 3rd group will be guides in our tour to it.

Просмотр видеофрагмента о Белом Доме. Вопросы к ученикам, заслушивание краткой информации. Проходит презентация проекта “ From the History of the White House.”

White House

The White House is the official residence and principal workplace of the president of the United States. Located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW in Washington, D.C., the house was designed by Irish-born James Hoban, and built between 1792 and 1800 of white-painted Aquia sandstone in the Neoclassical style. It has been the residence of every U.S. president since John Adams. When Thomas Jefferson moved into the house in 1801, he (with architect Benjamin Henry Latrobe) expanded the building outward, creating two colonnades that were meant to conceal stables and storage.

Today, the White House Complex includes the Executive Residence, West Wing, Cabinet Room, Roosevelt Room, East Wing, and the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, which houses the executive offices of the President and Vice President.

The White House is made up of six stories—the Ground Floor, State Floor, Second Floor, and Third Floor, as well as a two-story basement. The term White House is regularly used as a metonym for the Executive Office of the President of the United States and for the president's administration and advisers in general.

President John Adams also occupied the Market Street mansion from March 1797 to May 1800. In November 1800, he became the first president to occupy the White House. The President's House in Philadelphia became a hotel, and the unused presidential palace became home to the University of Pennsylvania.

Following his April 1789 inauguration, President George Washington occupied two executive mansions in New York City: the Samuel Osgood House at 3 Cherry Street (April 1789 – February 1790), and the Alexander Macomb House at 39–41 Broadway (February – August 1790).

President John Adams also occupied the Market Street mansion from March 1797 to May 1800. In November 1800, he became the first president to occupy the White House. The President's House in Philadelphia became a hotel, and the unused presidential palace became home to the University of Pennsylvania.

T : Did G. Washington live in the White House?

Who was the 1st President redecorated it to display the beauty of American furnishing and art?

Далее проходит заслушивание 2 рассказов, приготовленных учащимся о двух популярных президентах. Все должны прослушать и угадать о ком идет речь.



Born: in 1882

Born: in 1946

Died : in1945

Didn’t Die

Occupation: lawyer

Occupation: university Lecture, lawyer

Important even in his term: World War II

Interesting facts :he didn’t want to serve in the Vietnam War ,

Interesting facts: the only President who served 3 terms

Can play the saxophone

He was the 32nd president

He was the 42nd president

(Franklin Delano Roosevelt(1933-1945))

(Bill Clinton (1993-2001))

В ходе обсуждения 3-ей проблемы учащиеся заполняют свой конверт, вывешенный на доске.

5. Заключительный этап урока.

Read and say whether it is true and why.

1. The civilization which developed in North America was simple extension of European culture but a unique and different way of life.

2. The phrase” Go west? Young man “expressed the dream which Americans held for independence and prosperity.

3. Americans lost no time in industrializing their nation and in building trade relations with other countries. By the time Americans celebrated their first hundred years of independence, the US was one of the world’s leading industrialized powers.

4. America goes its own way.

  1. Подведение итогов, вручение сувениров. ( to the guests)

T. You have worked very well, everybody tried to do his best to take part in our conference. I suggest you to give marks to yourselves. Thank you and be honest.


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