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Презентация "The English Civil War (1135 – 1154)"

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«Презентация "The English Civil War (1135 – 1154)"»

Presentation in English  The English Civil War (1135 – 1154)    Performed by: student of class 1 1 b Shokurowa Yana 2022

Presentation in English

The English Civil War (1135 – 1154)

Performed by: student of class 1 1 b Shokurowa Yana


The Civil War in England was a long internecine war in feudal England in the middle of the XII century, which was caused by the death of the English monarch Henry I.

The Civil War in England was a long internecine war in feudal England in the middle of the XII century, which was caused by the death of the English monarch Henry I.

This conflict took place during the years 1135-1154. The reason for this conflict was the problem of succession to the throne in England.

This conflict took place during the years 1135-1154. The reason for this conflict was the problem of succession to the throne in England.

Based on the will, Stephen of Blois was elevated to the English throne in 1135, which did not please the supporters of Matilda, who was Henry's daughter. This fact split the state into two parts and gave rise to years of conflicts. Two hostile camps were formed.

Based on the will, Stephen of Blois was elevated to the English throne in 1135, which did not please the supporters of Matilda, who was Henry's daughter. This fact split the state into two parts and gave rise to years of conflicts. Two hostile camps were formed.

In 1137, Stephen went to Normandy, which was then under the rule of Matilda, but the military actions unfolded unsuccessfully and the English king had to retreat. Stephen began to lose popularity among the English nobility, and soon he had to deal with open rebellions – the barons and clergy gradually sided with his rival. In 1139 , Matilda arrived in England, and this caused a new wave of uprisings. Soon Matilda's half–brother Robert of Gloucester took possession of the royal treasury, and the war became protracted - the feudal lords avoided serious battles and tried to capture as much loot as possible, plundering settlements and going over to the side of the one who pays the most.

In 1137, Stephen went to Normandy, which was then under the rule of Matilda, but the military actions unfolded unsuccessfully and the English king had to retreat. Stephen began to lose popularity among the English nobility, and soon he had to deal with open rebellions – the barons and clergy gradually sided with his rival. In 1139 , Matilda arrived in England, and this caused a new wave of uprisings. Soon Matilda's half–brother Robert of Gloucester took possession of the royal treasury, and the war became protracted - the feudal lords avoided serious battles and tried to capture as much loot as possible, plundering settlements and going over to the side of the one who pays the most.

In 1141 , during the Battle of Lincoln, Matilda's army defeated Stephen's army, and the king himself was captured. Matilda assumed the title of ruler of England. At first, people unquestioningly recognized her power, however, when faced with the rudeness of the empress, they again returned to the side of the captive king. Matilda had to take refuge in Oxford, and meanwhile an army of Stephen's supporters was formed in the southeastern counties - they managed to defeat the empress's detachments and capture Robert of Gloucester, who was later exchanged for Stephen. After his release, Stephen was re-crowned, and the synod of the English Church threatened Matilda's supporters with excommunication.

In 1141 , during the Battle of Lincoln, Matilda's army defeated Stephen's army, and the king himself was captured. Matilda assumed the title of ruler of England. At first, people unquestioningly recognized her power, however, when faced with the rudeness of the empress, they again returned to the side of the captive king. Matilda had to take refuge in Oxford, and meanwhile an army of Stephen's supporters was formed in the southeastern counties - they managed to defeat the empress's detachments and capture Robert of Gloucester, who was later exchanged for Stephen. After his release, Stephen was re-crowned, and the synod of the English Church threatened Matilda's supporters with excommunication.

Due to Stephen's illness, military operations against Matilda were suspended for some time, but already in 1142 the royal army took the city of Oxford and locked the empress in Oxford Castle. Three months later, Matilda managed to escape from the fortress, and hostilities in the country virtually ceased, although some of the barons of the western and northern counties enjoyed independence and refused to recognize Stephen as their king – they robbed their neighbors without hindrance, and the position of the ruler of England was too weak to resist them.

Due to Stephen's illness, military operations against Matilda were suspended for some time, but already in 1142 the royal army took the city of Oxford and locked the empress in Oxford Castle. Three months later, Matilda managed to escape from the fortress, and hostilities in the country virtually ceased, although some of the barons of the western and northern counties enjoyed independence and refused to recognize Stephen as their king – they robbed their neighbors without hindrance, and the position of the ruler of England was too weak to resist them.

A year before his death, which followed in 1151, Empress Matilda's husband Geoffrey Plantagenet handed over the administration of Normandy to his son Henry. Since he was a direct descendant of the kings of England and the Dukes of Normandy, he could well count on the English throne. In 1153, Henry landed in England and after a short resistance, Stephen, fearing complete defeat, offered him a truce. The parties signed the peace Treaty of Wallingford, recognizing Henry as the heir to the English throne and leaving Stephen's youngest son possessions in Normandy and England. On October 25, 1154, Stephen died, and on December 19 of the same year, the coronation of Henry II took place, which gave rise to a new Plantagenet dynasty. This was soon followed by the formation of the

A year before his death, which followed in 1151, Empress Matilda's husband Geoffrey Plantagenet handed over the administration of Normandy to his son Henry. Since he was a direct descendant of the kings of England and the Dukes of Normandy, he could well count on the English throne. In 1153, Henry landed in England and after a short resistance, Stephen, fearing complete defeat, offered him a truce. The parties signed the peace Treaty of Wallingford, recognizing Henry as the heir to the English throne and leaving Stephen's youngest son possessions in Normandy and England. On October 25, 1154, Stephen died, and on December 19 of the same year, the coronation of Henry II took place, which gave rise to a new Plantagenet dynasty. This was soon followed by the formation of the "Angevin Empire", which dominated Western Europe during the second half of the XII century.

A year before his death, which followed in 1151, Empress Matilda's husband Geoffrey Plantagenet handed over the administration of Normandy to his son Henry. Since he was a direct descendant of the kings of England and the Dukes of Normandy, he could well count on the English throne. In 1153, Henry landed in England and after a short resistance, Stephen, fearing complete defeat, offered him a truce.

The parties signed the peace Treaty of Wallingford , recognizing Henry as the heir to the English throne and leaving Stephen's youngest son possessions in Normandy and England. On October 25, 1154, Stephen died, and on December 19 of the same year, the coronation of Henry II took place, which gave rise to a new Plantagenet dynasty. This was soon followed by the formation of the

The parties signed the peace Treaty of Wallingford , recognizing Henry as the heir to the English throne and leaving Stephen's youngest son possessions in Normandy and England. On October 25, 1154, Stephen died, and on December 19 of the same year, the coronation of Henry II took place, which gave rise to a new Plantagenet dynasty. This was soon followed by the formation of the "Angevin Empire", which dominated Western Europe during the second half of the XII century.

The Wallingford Treaty eliminated the evils of a long anarchy: castles were to be destroyed, state lands were to be returned to the crown, foreign mercenaries were to be expelled from the country.

Of course, this period also played a very negative role, appearing in the economic situation of the country. At the end of the Civil War, the economy of England was significantly undermined and thrown back several decades.

Of course, this period also played a very negative role, appearing in the economic situation of the country. At the end of the Civil War, the economy of England was significantly undermined and thrown back several decades.


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