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Проверочная работа на тему The Passive Voice

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Проверочная работа для 9 класса по теме The Passive Voice

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«Проверочная работа на тему The Passive Voice»

Проверочная работа на тему The Passive Voice

1.Complete the sentences with by or with.

  1. A new book will be published …………….Express Ltd next May.

  2. The dress was designed ……….Calvin Klein.

  3. The letter was opened……… a knife.

  4. Wood is cut…….. a saw.

  5. The walls are covered ……..posters.

Rewrite the sentences in the passive.

  1. They will open the opera house next week.


  1. The chef is preparing the food.


  1. John Napier designed the costumes for Cats.


  1. You can’t use cameras in the museum.


  1. They have translated the book into 25 languages.


2. Write the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1. stolen! My wallet been has


2. repaired. Our being television is


3. bags made are These by hand.


4. made The one week! film was in


5. not to were They asked do that.


6. decided will be The winners next week.


7. The Hunger were books. Based Games films on a series of


8. Over sold. three million have DVDs of Avatar been


3. Complete the sentences using the passive.

1. The theatre has cancelled the play.

= The play ____________________ by the theatre.

2. Did someone tell the students about the trip?

= Were ____________________ about the trip?

3. They haven't announced the opening date yet.

= The opening date ____________________ yet.

4. A car hit my dog.

= My dog ____________________ by a car.

5. Someone had burgled his house.

= His house ____________________.

6. Students will organise the party themselves.

= The party ____________________ by students themselves.

7. Clare didn't write that note.

= That note ____________________ by Clare.

8. Someone is painting our classroom.

= Our classroom ____________________ painted.

9. People saw a meteorite over the North Pole.

= A meteorite ____________________ over the North Pole.

10. The organisers will divide the prize money between the two winners.

= The prize money ____________________ between the two winners.

4. Translate into English

  1. Мои часы украли вчера.

  2. Посмотри! Новый кинотеатр построили!

  3. Когда Павел вошел в комнату, обсуждали его проект.

  4. Все упражнения сделаны. Мы можем идти в кино.

  5. Когда с ним поговорят?

  6. Текст нужно будет перевести.

  7. Когда папа приехал, вещи были упакованы.

  8. Где статья? Ее переводят. Ее переведут через час.

  9. Джона Леннона знают не только в Англии.

  10. Мне разрешили пойти в кино.


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