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Слова и фразы, необходимые для общения за рубежом

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Тема для подготовки к олимпиаде по английскому языку

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«Слова и фразы, необходимые для общения за рубежом»

One of the main reasons people study foreign languages is that they can travel around the world. What word or phrase do you think is the most important to know when travelling in a foreign country? Why?

If you want to be fluent in English, you need to surround yourself with English.

Immersion is truly one of the best ways to learn a language—many would argue it’s the only way.

Luckily, English is all over the world. You can travel almost anywhere and have a chance to practice your English.

English has the third largest number of native speakers in the world, following Mandarin and Spanish. Though many people speak English as their native language, it is very common as a third language. Since it has become such an important language for media, international politics and business, it is estimated that it is the most widely-spoken language overall.

What does that mean for travel? It means that you, as an English-speaking traveler, have the opportunity to go to many places around the world and practice your English! But, what would you say to the English speakers you meet while travelling?

How are you? / How is it going? This question normally comes after the greetings, and it is used to ask someone how they are feeling. Though a speaker is asking, it’s normally bad etiquette to go into too much detail. Simply saying “good” or “not so good” as a response is generally enough.


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