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Тест 5 для контрольной работы в 7 классе Модуль 5 УМК Spotlight

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Тест 5 для контрольной работы в 7 классе Модуль 5 УМК Spotlight

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«Тест 5 для контрольной работы в 7 классе Модуль 5 УМК Spotlight»


1. Read the essay below and choose A, В or C to complete the sentences.

Most people today cannot imagine life without the Internet. I believe it is one of the most important innovations. Thanks to the World Wide Web, our lives are easier and more exciting today.

First of all, the Internet helps us find information easily. For example, we can read the news and find answers to questions 24 hours a day. In addition, we can use the Internet for entertainment. We can send emails to friends and shop online. We can even listen to the latest music without leaving our homes.

However, some people would argue that it has a negative effect on society. If we don't have to leave our houses to shop, to learn, or to work, what will happen to life as we know it?

In my opinion, the Internet has more advantages than disadvantages. Our lives are better with it and it is here to stay.

1) Most people nowadays

A. cannot live without the Internet. В. imagine life without the Internet. C. live without the Internet.

2) Thanks to the World Wide Web, our lives have become

A. difficult and more stressful. В. simpler and more interesting. C.easier and more stressful.

3) The Internet is important mostly because

A. it allows us to find information easily. В. it provides cheap shopping online. C. it plays the latest music hits.

4) We can use the Internet for fun, as we can

A. work on assignments. В. send emails to friends. C. read the news.

5) The biggest disadvantage of the Internet is

A. that you don’t have to go somewhere to work out. В. that you can’t live a normal life. C. that it can change our habits and routines.

6. The Internet has

A. more disadvantages than advantages В. more advantages than disadvantages. C. as many advantages as disadvantages.

3. Fill in the correct word/phrase.

• pocket money • role model • computer simulation • training • button • assignment

1. The students finished their … on time. 2. Press the … to switch the computer on. 3. This singer is a good … for teenagers. 4. You must save your … if you want to buy something special for yourself. 5. This college offers many courses in teacher … 6. … is used a lot in video games.

4. Choose the correct form of the verb.

1. I booked my holiday ages ago. I am going/will go to Spain. 2. Maybe I’ll go/am going to bed early tonight. 3. Look at those black clouds! It’s probably going to/will rain. 4. I promise I am going to/will feed the cat. 5. I will/am going to order a pizza if you like. 6. I want to buy a new video game so I’ll/’m going to save my pocket money.

5. Write the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1. If you get a pet, you (not be) lonely. 2. If you (not study), you may fail the test. 3. I (buy) you a present if I have enough money. 4. When you (run) fast, you get tired. 5. If you go to the party, I’m sure you (have) a good time. 6. If we buy a car, we (not have to) travel by train. 7. If you (cook) dinner, I’ll wash the dishes. 8. If I have a party, I (invite) all my friends. 9. If it (be) sunny tomorrow, we’ll go to the park. 10. Whenever it (rain), I take my umbrella. 11. If you (not sleep) enough, you get tired.

2 вариант

1. Read the essay below and choose A, В or C to complete the sentences.

Most people today cannot imagine their life without a mobile phone. I believe it is one of the most important innovations ever. Thanks to mobile phones, our lives are much easier today.

First of all, if you have a mobile phone you can make phone calls no matter where you are. For example, you can call a friend to let them know that you lost your way or are going to be late. As a result, you feel safer and less stressed.

In addition, we can use mobile phones to send text messages. We can write messages to friends giving them news or sending them birthday wishes. We can even listen to the radio while travelling on a bus or the metro.

However, some people would argue that it has a negative effect on our life. If we use mobile phones all the time, it is bad for our health.

In my opinion, mobile phones have more advantages than disadvantages if we use them correctly. Our lives are better with them and they are here to stay.

  1. Most people nowadays

А cannot live without mobile phones. В. imagine life without mobile phones. C. live without mobile phones.

    1. Thanks to mobile phones, our lives have become

А simpler. В. more exciting. C. more complicated.

    1. One of the advantages of mobile phones is that

А they play music. В. they are cheap. C. they let us call people wherever we are.

4. Mobile phones are also used to

A. send messages. В. send letters. C. send bills.

5. The main disadvantage of mobile phones is that

A. they are expensive. В. they are bad for our health. C. they create stress.

6. Mobile phones have

A. no disadvantages. В. more disadvantages than advantages. C. more advantages than disadvantages.

3. Fill in the correct word/phrase.

• training • computer simulation • pocket money • assignment • button • role model

1. The students finished their … on time. 2. My parents don’t give me … 3. … is used a lot in PC games. 4. Press the … to switch the computer off. 5. Our school gives a lot of courses in student … 6. As a famous actress, she is a … for many teenage girls.

4. Choose the correct form of the verb.

1. She is going to/will go to France. 2. I promise I am going to/will take out the rubbish. 3. Look at those stars in the sky! It’s probably going to/will be a beautiful day tomorrow. 4. I will/am going to order some Chinese food if you want. 5. I want to buy a new DVD so I’ll/'m going tosave my pocket money. 6. Maybe I'll/am going to go to the party tonight.

5. Write the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1. If she gets a cat, she (not be) lonely. 2. If you go to the party, I’m sure you (have) a good time. 3. I (buy) you a new shirt if I have enough time. 4. If you (not study), you may fail the exam. 5. If we buy a car, we (not have to) travel by bus. 6. If you (not sleep), you get tired. 7. Whenever it (rain), I wear my boots. 8. If you (cook) dinner, I’ll make the dessert. 9. If it’s sunny, we (go) to the zoo. 10. When you (run) fast, you get hot. 11. If I have a party, I (invite) all my friends.


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