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Тест для проверочной работы в 6- классе по теме "Жизнь в городе"

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Тест включает упражнения по проверке знаний лексики по теме, правил образования сравнительной и превосходной степеней прилагательных, умений употребления модальных глаголов can/can't/ have to/don't have to/ must/mustn't.

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«Тест для проверочной работы в 6- классе по теме "Жизнь в городе"»

6 класс Test-8 V-I

Ex.1 Fill in the right word.

1.The king was in a c _ _ _ _ _ by the lake.

2. I loved staying in a t _ _ _ when I went camping.

Ex.2 Match the words to form phrases.

1 swimming А appliances

2 electrical B store

3 department C pool

Ex.3 Write the opposites.

1 new ≠ ………..

2 neat ≠ ………..

3 clean ≠ ………

Ex.4 Write the correct comparative.

1 A: This top is too big for me. I need a ………..... (small) one.

B: I’m sorry, this is the ………. (small) size we have.

2 Tom is always smiling. He is the ………… (friendly) person I know.

Ex.5 Circle the correct word.

1.Students can't/ have to/don't have to take the rubbish out. The cleaners will do it.

2. You can't/must/mustn't get permission to invite friends in your room.

3. I rent/rented/rents a flat yesterday.

4. We go/are going/went out last night.

5. You can't/couldn't/don't have parties in your rooms! It’s not allowed.

Ex.6 Complete the exchanges.

1 A: I’m going out. Would you like to come?

B: I’d …….. not.

2 A: How …….. going to the cinema on Tuesday evening?

B: I’m ………. I can’t. I have a French class.

3 A: ……… don’t we visit Ann tomorrow?

B: Sure! Brilliant ………!

6 класс Test-8 V-II

Ex. 1. Fill in the right word.

1.John lives in a block of f _ _ _ _ in the city centre.

2.Students usually stay in University halls of r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

Ex.2 Match the words to form phrases.

1 rubbish A guests

2 overnight B tickets

3 entrance C bin

Ex.3 Write the opposites.

1 quiet ≠ ………

2 neat ≠ ……….

3 safe ≠ ………..

Ex.4 Write the correct comparative.

3 This book is ………… (difficult) than the one we did last year.

4 When the traffic is heavy, it is (easy) to walk to work than drive my car.

Ex.5 Circle the correct word.

1.You must/mustn't/can't eat in the classroom. It’s not allowed!

2. You mustn't/must/can't enter the building after 10 o’clock. The entrance is closed.

3. Look! They are dancing/dance/danced.

4. You can/must/can't sit on the grass! You will destroy the flowers.

5. How much did/do/are you pay per month?

Ex.6 Complete the exchanges.

1 A: …….. don’t we visit Ann tomorrow?

B: Sure! Brilliant ……..!

2 A: I’m going out. Would you ……. to come?

B: I’d ……… not.

3 A: How ……. going to the cinema on Tuesday evening?

B: I’m …….. I can’t. I have a French class.


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