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Тест по фильму "Первому игроку приготовиться"

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Тест сделан по фильму "Первому игроку приготовиться". Отличная проработка сюжета фильма. 

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«Тест по фильму "Первому игроку приготовиться"»

Test by movie

Ready player one”

1. Who are the first “five”?

a) Aech, Daito, Sho, Nolan, Halliday

b) Z, Aech, Halliday, Morray, Arthemis

c) Aech, Z, Daito, Sho, Arthemis

2. What did Halliday hide ?

a) The Easter egg

b) The Faster egg

c) The Laster egg

3. What is the first contest?

a) Boat racing

b) Car racing

c) Horse racing

4. What is the second contest?

a) To watch film

b) To invite girl for dancing

c) To win “Shining” quest

5. Where is the third contest located?

a) Planet Doom

b) Planet Boom

c) Planet Earth

6. How called people who are looking for the Easter egg?

a) Egg hunters

b) Pie hunters

c) Car hunters

7. What is the motto of egg-hunters?

a) First to the egg – Never give up!

b) First to the key – First everywhere!

c) First to the key! – First to the egg!

8. Who is the main villain in the movie?

a) Ogden Morrow

b) James Halliday

c) Nolan Sorrento

9. What is the main idea for challenge?

a) To win the race

b) To find three keys

c) To make a leap

10. What is the name of girl whom Halliday loved?

a) Kira

b) Samantha

c) Karen Underwood

11. What is a full name of Z?

a) Aech

b) Parzival

c) Samantha

12. Name the characters:

13. Name the character:

14. Name the character:

15. Name the character:

16. Name the character:


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