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The Indefinite Tense-Forms. Грамматический практикум

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The Indefinite Tense-Forms. Грамматический практикум для студентов второго курса всех специальностей.

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«The Indefinite Tense-Forms. Грамматический практикум»

The Indefinite Tense-Forms

Exercise 1.

Choose the correct word.

1. I won’t send the parcel until I ______ from him.

a. will hear b. hear

2. She will visit her parents before she ______ to Montego Bay.

a. will go b. goes

3. I ______ you a postcard when I get to Montserrat.

a. will send b. send

4. I will call you as soon as we ______ the contract.

a. will sign b. sign

5. The moment he ______ I’ll tell him the truth.

a. comes b. will come

6. I will explain everything to Morgan on condition he ______ to me carefully.

a. listens b. will listen

7. My girlfriend ______ 25 next week.

a. is b. will be

8. I expect that you ______ this work in time.

a. do b. will do

9. ______ you lend me this book please?

a. will b. do

10. Margaret does not know when she ______ to the theatre.

a. goes b. will go

11. Whenever his friends ______ , he is glad to see them.

a. call in b. will call in

12. My friend Ian ______ in London for a long time.

a. is b. will be

13. We wonder when we ______ a pay rise.

a. will have b. have

14. Whatever place of interest in London you ______ , you will like it.

a. visit b. will visit

15. The train from Mogadishu ______ at 10 o’clock.

a. will arrive b. arrives

16. Probably, Jessica ______ on Friday morning.

a. comes b. will come

17. Perhaps I ______ recognize Julia Andrews. I haven’t seen her for ages.

a. won’t b. don’t

18. Brenda is not convinced that her friend ______ the exam next Tuesday.

a. passes b. will pass

19. Nancy and David’s wedding ______ place at St. Peter’s Church of San Diego on Sunday.

a. will take b. takes

20. The more you ______ , the better your spelling will be.

a. will read b. read

Exercise 2.

Choose the correct word.

1. Mr. Brown ______ jog every morning, but now he is too old to do it.

a. used to b. didn’t

2. There was an eclipse of the sun yesterday. Unfortunately I didn’t even ______ it.

a. use to see b. see

3. He never ______ to “Club 13”.

a. used to go b. didn’t go

4. An acquaintance of mine ______ to drink a lot, but now he has given up this vicious habit.

a. used b. would

5. The Berlinghettis ______ to make scenes in public.

a. didn’t used b. didn’t use

6. Do you smoke? – I ______ , but I quit.

a. used to do b. used to

7. Ben and Vera ______ at the camp for a week.

a. stayed b. used to stay

8. The Earth ______ round the Sun.

a. goes b. used to go

9. ______ to play computer games when you were a child?

a. did you used b. did you use

10. When they went to the seaside last summer they ______ go for a swim every morning.

a. used to b. would

Review Test 3.

Put in the verbs from the list below. Use the Future Simple or the Present Simple.

Get, come, remind, make, know, post, receive

A: What about my money?

B: I’ll send the cheque to you as soon as I have it.

A: Why can’t you write me a cheque now?

B: The manager writes the cheques. He’s away until Tuesday. I can’t do anything until he ______(1) back. When he ______(2) in on Tuesday morning, I ______(3) him about it. I ______(4) sure that he ______(5) you want the money immediately. If I ______(6) the cheque first class, you ______(7) it on Wednesday.

Exercise 4.

Put the verbs in bracket into the Present Simple or Future Simple.

A teacher is giving some students the details of a forthcoming trip.

The coach leaves (1 – leave) here at 9.00 a.m., and we ______ (2 – arrive) at the field study centre before lunch. When we ______ (3 – get) there, you ______ (4 – be shown) to your rooms and ______ (5 – be given) time to unpack. Lunch ______ (6 – be served) in the dining-room at 12.30 precisely so make sure you (7 – not get) there late. When lunch ______ (8 – finish), it ______ (9 – be) time to get ready for our first activity: a walk down to the beach to look at the rock pools. Nets, magnifying glasses and containers ______ (10 – be provided) by the centre. If the weather ______ (11 – be) fine, we ______ (12 – stay) on the beach for the whole of the afternoon. Otherwise, we ______ (13 – go back) to the centre after an hour or two and watch a video on seashore life. You ______ (14 – be expected) to keep a written record of everything that you ______ (15 – find) and we ______ (16 – look) at all the records when we ______ (17 – get back) to school at the end of the week. Mr. McNeill, the field study supervisor, is very knowledgeable and I’m sure that he ______ (18 – help) you to identify anything that you ______ (19 – not recognize). Supper ______ (20 – be served) at 6.00, and at 8.00 there ______ (21 – be) an evening activity. On the first night, Mr. McNeill ______ (22 – plan) to go on a moonlit walk with us to look for bats. It is important that you ______ (23 – stay) together on this walk. Please don’t wander off. It ______ (24 – not be) easy for us to find you if you ______ (25 – get lost) in the dark. Behave sensibly and I’m sure you ______ (26 – all have) a wonderful time.


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