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Тест по английскому языку по теме "Прямая и косвенная речь" вариант 2

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Тест по английскому языку для 8 класса по теме "Прямая и косвенная речь" . Вариант 2.

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«Тест по английскому языку по теме "Прямая и косвенная речь" вариант 2»

Тест по английскому языку по теме: «Прямая и косвенная речь» для учащихся 8 класса

II вариант

The following sentences are direct speech. Complete each sentence below using reported speech.

  1. She said, “How many hours a day do you watch TV?”

  2. She said, “Don`t write a letter to Ann.”

  3. He asked, “What magazines do you prefer to read?”

  4. She said, “Tom is leaving tomorrow night.”

  5. “Have you had your hair cut?”, my mother asked me.

  6. The chief ordered, “Go to the theatre and book the tickets.”

  7. She said, “Kent has visited many countries in western Europe.”

  8. I said, “Don`t drink coffee at night, you will not sleep.”

  9. He read, “The south of England is warmer than the North.”

  10. “Are you going to pick up the phone?”, Miranda asked him.

  11. He said, “Bring me some water, please.”

  12. She was surprised, “Somebody stole my bag in the shop”

  13. She asked, “Does this film about police and crime?”

  14. “Please don`t tell anybody what happened”, Ann said to me.

  15. He said, “I can` t move the piano alone.”

  16. She said, “Dairy products are useful for little children.”

  17. The teacher said, “What do you do to express yourself?”

  18. She said, “Doctors don`t advise us to eat chips and chocolate.”

  19. I asked my Dad, “Did you take part in the Great Patriotic War?”

  20. The girl said, “All the guys try to look really cool driving up and down in their dad`s car.”

  21. She said,” Limit saturated fats.”

  22. She said, “Do you often take your blood pressure?”

  23. She said, “Eat lots of fruits veggies and grain.”

  24. He said, “Call a doctor if you have a strong pain in the heart.”

  25. He said, “I am going to buy a new car.”

Источники информации:

Michael Swan, Catherine Walter “The Good Grammar book”, Oxford University Press, 2001, section 19, pages 245-252;

Raymond Murphy “English Grammar in use”, a self-study and practice book for intermediate students, second edition, Cambridge University Press, 1994. Unit 46-48, pages 92-97.

Ю. Голицынский. Грамматика. Сборник упражнений для школьников. Издательство КАРО Санкт-Петербург, издание шестое,2010,с.255


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